blob: 4d8c3dd4522ed25261794d019a8d577bfce5a626 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.springboot;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Generated;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.AuthenticationType;
import org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.NotFoundBehaviour;
import org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceComponent;
import org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig;
import org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceHttpClient;
import org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceLoginConfig;
import org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.bulk.ContentType;
import org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.internal.PayloadFormat;
import org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.internal.dto.NotifyForFieldsEnum;
import org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.internal.dto.NotifyForOperationsEnum;
import org.apache.camel.spring.boot.ComponentConfigurationPropertiesCommon;
* Communicate with Salesforce using Java DTOs.
* Generated by camel-package-maven-plugin - do not edit this file!
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "camel.component.salesforce")
public class SalesforceComponentConfiguration
ComponentConfigurationPropertiesCommon {
* Whether to enable auto configuration of the salesforce component. This is
* enabled by default.
private Boolean enabled;
* APEX method name
private String apexMethod;
* Query params for APEX method
private Map<String, Object> apexQueryParams;
* Salesforce API version.
private String apiVersion = "50.0";
* Backoff interval increment for Streaming connection restart attempts for
* failures beyond CometD auto-reconnect. The option is a long type.
private Long backoffIncrement = 1000L;
* Bulk API Batch ID
private String batchId;
* Bulk API content type, one of XML, CSV, ZIP_XML, ZIP_CSV
private ContentType contentType;
* Default replayId setting if no value is found in initialReplayIdMap
private Long defaultReplayId = -1L;
* Payload format to use for Salesforce API calls, either JSON or XML,
* defaults to JSON
private PayloadFormat format;
* Custom Jetty Http Client to use to connect to Salesforce. The option is a
* org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceHttpClient type.
private SalesforceHttpClient httpClient;
* Connection timeout used by the HttpClient when connecting to the
* Salesforce server.
private Long httpClientConnectionTimeout = 60000L;
* Timeout used by the HttpClient when waiting for response from the
* Salesforce server.
private Long httpClientIdleTimeout = 10000L;
* Max content length of an HTTP response.
private Integer httpMaxContentLength;
* HTTP request buffer size. May need to be increased for large SOQL
* queries.
private Integer httpRequestBufferSize = 8192;
* Include details in Salesforce1 Analytics report, defaults to false.
private Boolean includeDetails;
* Replay IDs to start from per channel name.
private Map<String, Long> initialReplayIdMap;
* Salesforce1 Analytics report execution instance ID
private String instanceId;
* Bulk API Job ID
private String jobId;
* Limit on number of returned records. Applicable to some of the API, check
* the Salesforce documentation.
private Integer limit;
* Maximum backoff interval for Streaming connection restart attempts for
* failures beyond CometD auto-reconnect. The option is a long type.
private Long maxBackoff = 30000L;
* Sets the behaviour of 404 not found status received from Salesforce API.
* Should the body be set to NULL NotFoundBehaviour#NULL or should a
* exception be signaled on the exchange NotFoundBehaviour#EXCEPTION - the
* default.
private NotFoundBehaviour notFoundBehaviour = NotFoundBehaviour.EXCEPTION;
* Notify for fields, options are ALL, REFERENCED, SELECT, WHERE
private NotifyForFieldsEnum notifyForFields;
* Notify for create operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0)
private Boolean notifyForOperationCreate;
* Notify for delete operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0)
private Boolean notifyForOperationDelete;
* Notify for operations, options are ALL, CREATE, EXTENDED, UPDATE (API
* version 29.0)
private NotifyForOperationsEnum notifyForOperations;
* Notify for un-delete operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0)
private Boolean notifyForOperationUndelete;
* Notify for update operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0)
private Boolean notifyForOperationUpdate;
* Custom Jackson ObjectMapper to use when serializing/deserializing
* Salesforce objects. The option is a
* com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper type.
private ObjectMapper objectMapper;
* In what packages are the generated DTO classes. Typically the classes
* would be generated using camel-salesforce-maven-plugin. This must be set
* if using the XML format. Also, set it if using the generated DTOs to gain
* the benefit of using short SObject names in parameters/header values.
* Multiple packages can be separated by comma.
private String packages;
* Use PK Chunking. Only for use in original Bulk API. Bulk 2.0 API performs
* PK chunking automatically, if necessary.
private Boolean pkChunking;
* Chunk size for use with PK Chunking. If unspecified, salesforce default
* is 100,000. Maximum size is 250,000.
private Integer pkChunkingChunkSize;
* Specifies the parent object when you're enabling PK chunking for queries
* on sharing objects. The chunks are based on the parent object's records
* rather than the sharing object's records. For example, when querying on
* AccountShare, specify Account as the parent object. PK chunking is
* supported for sharing objects as long as the parent object is supported.
private String pkChunkingParent;
* Specifies the 15-character or 18-character record ID to be used as the
* lower boundary for the first chunk. Use this parameter to specify a
* starting ID when restarting a job that failed between batches.
private String pkChunkingStartRow;
* Query Locator provided by salesforce for use when a query results in more
* records than can be retrieved in a single call. Use this value in a
* subsequent call to retrieve additional records.
private String queryLocator;
* Use raw payload String for request and response (either JSON or XML
* depending on format), instead of DTOs, false by default
private Boolean rawPayload = false;
* Salesforce1 Analytics report Id
private String reportId;
* Salesforce1 Analytics report metadata for filtering. The option is a
* type.
private ReportMetadata reportMetadata;
* Bulk API Result ID
private String resultId;
* SObject blob field name
private String sObjectBlobFieldName;
* Fully qualified SObject class name, usually generated using
* camel-salesforce-maven-plugin
private String sObjectClass;
* SObject fields to retrieve
private String sObjectFields;
* SObject ID if required by API
private String sObjectId;
* SObject external ID field name
private String sObjectIdName;
* SObject external ID field value
private String sObjectIdValue;
* SObject name if required or supported by API
private String sObjectName;
* Salesforce SOQL query string
private String sObjectQuery;
* Salesforce SOSL search string
private String sObjectSearch;
* Whether to update an existing Push Topic when using the Streaming API,
* defaults to false
private Boolean updateTopic = false;
* Global endpoint configuration - use to set values that are common to all
* endpoints. The option is a
* org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig type.
private SalesforceEndpointConfig config;
* Used to set any properties that can be configured on the underlying HTTP
* client. Have a look at properties of SalesforceHttpClient and the Jetty
* HttpClient for all available options.
private Map<String, Object> httpClientProperties;
* Used to set any properties that can be configured on the
* LongPollingTransport used by the BayeuxClient (CometD) used by the
* streaming api
private Map<String, Object> longPollingTransportProperties;
* Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler,
* which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup
* incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and
* handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use
* the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that
* will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored.
private Boolean bridgeErrorHandler = false;
* Composite API option to indicate to rollback all records if any are not
* successful.
private Boolean allOrNone = false;
* APEX method URL
private String apexUrl;
* Composite (raw) method.
private String compositeMethod;
* Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By
* starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to
* startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting
* and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to
* be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages
* via Camel's routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is
* processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time
* and prolong the total processing time of the processing.
private Boolean lazyStartProducer = false;
* Comma separated list of message headers to include as HTTP parameters for
* Raw operation.
private String rawHttpHeaders;
* HTTP method to use for the Raw operation
private String rawMethod;
* The portion of the endpoint URL after the domain name. E.g.,
* '/services/data/v52.0/sobjects/Account/'
private String rawPath;
* Comma separated list of message headers to include as query parameters
* for Raw operation. Do not url-encode values as this will be done
* automatically.
private String rawQueryParameters;
* Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring
* options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the
* registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which
* then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic
* configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients,
* etc.
private Boolean autowiredEnabled = true;
* A list of addresses for which HTTP proxy server should not be used.
private Set<String> httpProxyExcludedAddresses;
* Hostname of the HTTP proxy server to use.
private String httpProxyHost;
* A list of addresses for which HTTP proxy server should be used.
private Set<String> httpProxyIncludedAddresses;
* Port number of the HTTP proxy server to use.
private Integer httpProxyPort;
* If set to true the configures the HTTP proxy to use as a SOCKS4 proxy.
private Boolean httpProxySocks4 = false;
* Explicit authentication method to be used, one of USERNAME_PASSWORD,
* REFRESH_TOKEN or JWT. Salesforce component can auto-determine the
* authentication method to use from the properties set, set this property
* to eliminate any ambiguity.
private AuthenticationType authenticationType;
* OAuth Consumer Key of the connected app configured in the Salesforce
* instance setup. Typically a connected app needs to be configured but one
* can be provided by installing a package.
private String clientId;
* OAuth Consumer Secret of the connected app configured in the Salesforce
* instance setup.
private String clientSecret;
* Used in authentication against the HTTP proxy server, needs to match the
* URI of the proxy server in order for the httpProxyUsername and
* httpProxyPassword to be used for authentication.
private String httpProxyAuthUri;
* Password to use to authenticate against the HTTP proxy server.
private String httpProxyPassword;
* Realm of the proxy server, used in preemptive Basic/Digest authentication
* methods against the HTTP proxy server.
private String httpProxyRealm;
* If set to false disables the use of TLS when accessing the HTTP proxy.
private Boolean httpProxySecure = true;
* If set to true Digest authentication will be used when authenticating to
* the HTTP proxy, otherwise Basic authorization method will be used
private Boolean httpProxyUseDigestAuth = false;
* Username to use to authenticate against the HTTP proxy server.
private String httpProxyUsername;
* URL of the Salesforce instance used after authentication, by default
* received from Salesforce on successful authentication
private String instanceUrl;
* KeyStore parameters to use in OAuth JWT flow. The KeyStore should contain
* only one entry with private key and certificate. Salesforce does not
* verify the certificate chain, so this can easily be a selfsigned
* certificate. Make sure that you upload the certificate to the
* corresponding connected app. The option is a
* type.
private KeyStoreParameters keystore;
* If set to true prevents the component from authenticating to Salesforce
* with the start of the component. You would generally set this to the
* (default) false and authenticate early and be immediately aware of any
* authentication issues.
private Boolean lazyLogin = false;
* All authentication configuration in one nested bean, all properties set
* there can be set directly on the component as well. The option is a
* org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceLoginConfig type.
private SalesforceLoginConfig loginConfig;
* URL of the Salesforce instance used for authentication, by default set to
private String loginUrl = "";
* Password used in OAuth flow to gain access to access token. It's easy to
* get started with password OAuth flow, but in general one should avoid it
* as it is deemed less secure than other flows. Make sure that you append
* security token to the end of the password if using one.
private String password;
* Refresh token already obtained in the refresh token OAuth flow. One needs
* to setup a web application and configure a callback URL to receive the
* refresh token, or configure using the builtin callback at
* or
* and then retrive the
* refresh_token from the URL at the end of the flow. Note that in
* development organizations Salesforce allows hosting the callback web
* application at localhost.
private String refreshToken;
* SSL parameters to use, see SSLContextParameters class for all available
* options. The option is a
* type.
private SSLContextParameters sslContextParameters;
* Enable usage of global SSL context parameters
private Boolean useGlobalSslContextParameters = false;
* Username used in OAuth flow to gain access to access token. It's easy to
* get started with password OAuth flow, but in general one should avoid it
* as it is deemed less secure than other flows.
private String userName;
public String getApexMethod() {
return apexMethod;
public void setApexMethod(String apexMethod) {
this.apexMethod = apexMethod;
public Map<String, Object> getApexQueryParams() {
return apexQueryParams;
public void setApexQueryParams(Map<String, Object> apexQueryParams) {
this.apexQueryParams = apexQueryParams;
public String getApiVersion() {
return apiVersion;
public void setApiVersion(String apiVersion) {
this.apiVersion = apiVersion;
public Long getBackoffIncrement() {
return backoffIncrement;
public void setBackoffIncrement(Long backoffIncrement) {
this.backoffIncrement = backoffIncrement;
public String getBatchId() {
return batchId;
public void setBatchId(String batchId) {
this.batchId = batchId;
public ContentType getContentType() {
return contentType;
public void setContentType(ContentType contentType) {
this.contentType = contentType;
public Long getDefaultReplayId() {
return defaultReplayId;
public void setDefaultReplayId(Long defaultReplayId) {
this.defaultReplayId = defaultReplayId;
public PayloadFormat getFormat() {
return format;
public void setFormat(PayloadFormat format) {
this.format = format;
public SalesforceHttpClient getHttpClient() {
return httpClient;
public void setHttpClient(SalesforceHttpClient httpClient) {
this.httpClient = httpClient;
public Long getHttpClientConnectionTimeout() {
return httpClientConnectionTimeout;
public void setHttpClientConnectionTimeout(Long httpClientConnectionTimeout) {
this.httpClientConnectionTimeout = httpClientConnectionTimeout;
public Long getHttpClientIdleTimeout() {
return httpClientIdleTimeout;
public void setHttpClientIdleTimeout(Long httpClientIdleTimeout) {
this.httpClientIdleTimeout = httpClientIdleTimeout;
public Integer getHttpMaxContentLength() {
return httpMaxContentLength;
public void setHttpMaxContentLength(Integer httpMaxContentLength) {
this.httpMaxContentLength = httpMaxContentLength;
public Integer getHttpRequestBufferSize() {
return httpRequestBufferSize;
public void setHttpRequestBufferSize(Integer httpRequestBufferSize) {
this.httpRequestBufferSize = httpRequestBufferSize;
public Boolean getIncludeDetails() {
return includeDetails;
public void setIncludeDetails(Boolean includeDetails) {
this.includeDetails = includeDetails;
public Map<String, Long> getInitialReplayIdMap() {
return initialReplayIdMap;
public void setInitialReplayIdMap(Map<String, Long> initialReplayIdMap) {
this.initialReplayIdMap = initialReplayIdMap;
public String getInstanceId() {
return instanceId;
public void setInstanceId(String instanceId) {
this.instanceId = instanceId;
public String getJobId() {
return jobId;
public void setJobId(String jobId) {
this.jobId = jobId;
public Integer getLimit() {
return limit;
public void setLimit(Integer limit) {
this.limit = limit;
public Long getMaxBackoff() {
return maxBackoff;
public void setMaxBackoff(Long maxBackoff) {
this.maxBackoff = maxBackoff;
public NotFoundBehaviour getNotFoundBehaviour() {
return notFoundBehaviour;
public void setNotFoundBehaviour(NotFoundBehaviour notFoundBehaviour) {
this.notFoundBehaviour = notFoundBehaviour;
public NotifyForFieldsEnum getNotifyForFields() {
return notifyForFields;
public void setNotifyForFields(NotifyForFieldsEnum notifyForFields) {
this.notifyForFields = notifyForFields;
public Boolean getNotifyForOperationCreate() {
return notifyForOperationCreate;
public void setNotifyForOperationCreate(Boolean notifyForOperationCreate) {
this.notifyForOperationCreate = notifyForOperationCreate;
public Boolean getNotifyForOperationDelete() {
return notifyForOperationDelete;
public void setNotifyForOperationDelete(Boolean notifyForOperationDelete) {
this.notifyForOperationDelete = notifyForOperationDelete;
public NotifyForOperationsEnum getNotifyForOperations() {
return notifyForOperations;
public void setNotifyForOperations(
NotifyForOperationsEnum notifyForOperations) {
this.notifyForOperations = notifyForOperations;
public Boolean getNotifyForOperationUndelete() {
return notifyForOperationUndelete;
public void setNotifyForOperationUndelete(Boolean notifyForOperationUndelete) {
this.notifyForOperationUndelete = notifyForOperationUndelete;
public Boolean getNotifyForOperationUpdate() {
return notifyForOperationUpdate;
public void setNotifyForOperationUpdate(Boolean notifyForOperationUpdate) {
this.notifyForOperationUpdate = notifyForOperationUpdate;
public ObjectMapper getObjectMapper() {
return objectMapper;
public void setObjectMapper(ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
this.objectMapper = objectMapper;
public String getPackages() {
return packages;
public void setPackages(String packages) {
this.packages = packages;
public Boolean getPkChunking() {
return pkChunking;
public void setPkChunking(Boolean pkChunking) {
this.pkChunking = pkChunking;
public Integer getPkChunkingChunkSize() {
return pkChunkingChunkSize;
public void setPkChunkingChunkSize(Integer pkChunkingChunkSize) {
this.pkChunkingChunkSize = pkChunkingChunkSize;
public String getPkChunkingParent() {
return pkChunkingParent;
public void setPkChunkingParent(String pkChunkingParent) {
this.pkChunkingParent = pkChunkingParent;
public String getPkChunkingStartRow() {
return pkChunkingStartRow;
public void setPkChunkingStartRow(String pkChunkingStartRow) {
this.pkChunkingStartRow = pkChunkingStartRow;
public String getQueryLocator() {
return queryLocator;
public void setQueryLocator(String queryLocator) {
this.queryLocator = queryLocator;
public Boolean getRawPayload() {
return rawPayload;
public void setRawPayload(Boolean rawPayload) {
this.rawPayload = rawPayload;
public String getReportId() {
return reportId;
public void setReportId(String reportId) {
this.reportId = reportId;
public ReportMetadata getReportMetadata() {
return reportMetadata;
public void setReportMetadata(ReportMetadata reportMetadata) {
this.reportMetadata = reportMetadata;
public String getResultId() {
return resultId;
public void setResultId(String resultId) {
this.resultId = resultId;
public String getSObjectBlobFieldName() {
return sObjectBlobFieldName;
public void setSObjectBlobFieldName(String sObjectBlobFieldName) {
this.sObjectBlobFieldName = sObjectBlobFieldName;
public String getSObjectClass() {
return sObjectClass;
public void setSObjectClass(String sObjectClass) {
this.sObjectClass = sObjectClass;
public String getSObjectFields() {
return sObjectFields;
public void setSObjectFields(String sObjectFields) {
this.sObjectFields = sObjectFields;
public String getSObjectId() {
return sObjectId;
public void setSObjectId(String sObjectId) {
this.sObjectId = sObjectId;
public String getSObjectIdName() {
return sObjectIdName;
public void setSObjectIdName(String sObjectIdName) {
this.sObjectIdName = sObjectIdName;
public String getSObjectIdValue() {
return sObjectIdValue;
public void setSObjectIdValue(String sObjectIdValue) {
this.sObjectIdValue = sObjectIdValue;
public String getSObjectName() {
return sObjectName;
public void setSObjectName(String sObjectName) {
this.sObjectName = sObjectName;
public String getSObjectQuery() {
return sObjectQuery;
public void setSObjectQuery(String sObjectQuery) {
this.sObjectQuery = sObjectQuery;
public String getSObjectSearch() {
return sObjectSearch;
public void setSObjectSearch(String sObjectSearch) {
this.sObjectSearch = sObjectSearch;
public Boolean getUpdateTopic() {
return updateTopic;
public void setUpdateTopic(Boolean updateTopic) {
this.updateTopic = updateTopic;
public SalesforceEndpointConfig getConfig() {
return config;
public void setConfig(SalesforceEndpointConfig config) {
this.config = config;
public Map<String, Object> getHttpClientProperties() {
return httpClientProperties;
public void setHttpClientProperties(Map<String, Object> httpClientProperties) {
this.httpClientProperties = httpClientProperties;
public Map<String, Object> getLongPollingTransportProperties() {
return longPollingTransportProperties;
public void setLongPollingTransportProperties(
Map<String, Object> longPollingTransportProperties) {
this.longPollingTransportProperties = longPollingTransportProperties;
public Boolean getBridgeErrorHandler() {
return bridgeErrorHandler;
public void setBridgeErrorHandler(Boolean bridgeErrorHandler) {
this.bridgeErrorHandler = bridgeErrorHandler;
public Boolean getAllOrNone() {
return allOrNone;
public void setAllOrNone(Boolean allOrNone) {
this.allOrNone = allOrNone;
public String getApexUrl() {
return apexUrl;
public void setApexUrl(String apexUrl) {
this.apexUrl = apexUrl;
public String getCompositeMethod() {
return compositeMethod;
public void setCompositeMethod(String compositeMethod) {
this.compositeMethod = compositeMethod;
public Boolean getLazyStartProducer() {
return lazyStartProducer;
public void setLazyStartProducer(Boolean lazyStartProducer) {
this.lazyStartProducer = lazyStartProducer;
public String getRawHttpHeaders() {
return rawHttpHeaders;
public void setRawHttpHeaders(String rawHttpHeaders) {
this.rawHttpHeaders = rawHttpHeaders;
public String getRawMethod() {
return rawMethod;
public void setRawMethod(String rawMethod) {
this.rawMethod = rawMethod;
public String getRawPath() {
return rawPath;
public void setRawPath(String rawPath) {
this.rawPath = rawPath;
public String getRawQueryParameters() {
return rawQueryParameters;
public void setRawQueryParameters(String rawQueryParameters) {
this.rawQueryParameters = rawQueryParameters;
public Boolean getAutowiredEnabled() {
return autowiredEnabled;
public void setAutowiredEnabled(Boolean autowiredEnabled) {
this.autowiredEnabled = autowiredEnabled;
public Set<String> getHttpProxyExcludedAddresses() {
return httpProxyExcludedAddresses;
public void setHttpProxyExcludedAddresses(
Set<String> httpProxyExcludedAddresses) {
this.httpProxyExcludedAddresses = httpProxyExcludedAddresses;
public String getHttpProxyHost() {
return httpProxyHost;
public void setHttpProxyHost(String httpProxyHost) {
this.httpProxyHost = httpProxyHost;
public Set<String> getHttpProxyIncludedAddresses() {
return httpProxyIncludedAddresses;
public void setHttpProxyIncludedAddresses(
Set<String> httpProxyIncludedAddresses) {
this.httpProxyIncludedAddresses = httpProxyIncludedAddresses;
public Integer getHttpProxyPort() {
return httpProxyPort;
public void setHttpProxyPort(Integer httpProxyPort) {
this.httpProxyPort = httpProxyPort;
public Boolean getHttpProxySocks4() {
return httpProxySocks4;
public void setHttpProxySocks4(Boolean httpProxySocks4) {
this.httpProxySocks4 = httpProxySocks4;
public AuthenticationType getAuthenticationType() {
return authenticationType;
public void setAuthenticationType(AuthenticationType authenticationType) {
this.authenticationType = authenticationType;
public String getClientId() {
return clientId;
public void setClientId(String clientId) {
this.clientId = clientId;
public String getClientSecret() {
return clientSecret;
public void setClientSecret(String clientSecret) {
this.clientSecret = clientSecret;
public String getHttpProxyAuthUri() {
return httpProxyAuthUri;
public void setHttpProxyAuthUri(String httpProxyAuthUri) {
this.httpProxyAuthUri = httpProxyAuthUri;
public String getHttpProxyPassword() {
return httpProxyPassword;
public void setHttpProxyPassword(String httpProxyPassword) {
this.httpProxyPassword = httpProxyPassword;
public String getHttpProxyRealm() {
return httpProxyRealm;
public void setHttpProxyRealm(String httpProxyRealm) {
this.httpProxyRealm = httpProxyRealm;
public Boolean getHttpProxySecure() {
return httpProxySecure;
public void setHttpProxySecure(Boolean httpProxySecure) {
this.httpProxySecure = httpProxySecure;
public Boolean getHttpProxyUseDigestAuth() {
return httpProxyUseDigestAuth;
public void setHttpProxyUseDigestAuth(Boolean httpProxyUseDigestAuth) {
this.httpProxyUseDigestAuth = httpProxyUseDigestAuth;
public String getHttpProxyUsername() {
return httpProxyUsername;
public void setHttpProxyUsername(String httpProxyUsername) {
this.httpProxyUsername = httpProxyUsername;
public String getInstanceUrl() {
return instanceUrl;
public void setInstanceUrl(String instanceUrl) {
this.instanceUrl = instanceUrl;
public KeyStoreParameters getKeystore() {
return keystore;
public void setKeystore(KeyStoreParameters keystore) {
this.keystore = keystore;
public Boolean getLazyLogin() {
return lazyLogin;
public void setLazyLogin(Boolean lazyLogin) {
this.lazyLogin = lazyLogin;
public SalesforceLoginConfig getLoginConfig() {
return loginConfig;
public void setLoginConfig(SalesforceLoginConfig loginConfig) {
this.loginConfig = loginConfig;
public String getLoginUrl() {
return loginUrl;
public void setLoginUrl(String loginUrl) {
this.loginUrl = loginUrl;
public String getPassword() {
return password;
public void setPassword(String password) {
this.password = password;
public String getRefreshToken() {
return refreshToken;
public void setRefreshToken(String refreshToken) {
this.refreshToken = refreshToken;
public SSLContextParameters getSslContextParameters() {
return sslContextParameters;
public void setSslContextParameters(
SSLContextParameters sslContextParameters) {
this.sslContextParameters = sslContextParameters;
public Boolean getUseGlobalSslContextParameters() {
return useGlobalSslContextParameters;
public void setUseGlobalSslContextParameters(
Boolean useGlobalSslContextParameters) {
this.useGlobalSslContextParameters = useGlobalSslContextParameters;
public String getUserName() {
return userName;
public void setUserName(String userName) {
this.userName = userName;