blob: 7e957c7f73a07b2a2dbb61c2b4085b3562d95378 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.camel.component.aws2.sns.springboot;
import javax.annotation.Generated;
import org.apache.camel.component.aws2.sns.Sns2Component;
import org.apache.camel.component.aws2.sns.Sns2Configuration;
import org.apache.camel.spring.boot.ComponentConfigurationPropertiesCommon;
* Send messages to an AWS Simple Notification Topic using AWS SDK version 2.x.
* Generated by camel-package-maven-plugin - do not edit this file!
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "camel.component.aws2-sns")
public class Sns2ComponentConfiguration
ComponentConfigurationPropertiesCommon {
* Whether to enable auto configuration of the aws2-sns component. This is
* enabled by default.
private Boolean enabled;
* To use the AmazonSNS as the client. The option is a
* type.
private SnsClient amazonSNSClient;
* Setting the autocreation of the topic
private Boolean autoCreateTopic = false;
* Component configuration. The option is a
* org.apache.camel.component.aws2.sns.Sns2Configuration type.
private Sns2Configuration configuration;
* The ID of an AWS-managed customer master key (CMK) for Amazon SNS or a
* custom CMK.
private String kmsMasterKeyId;
* Whether the producer should be started lazy (on the first message). By
* starting lazy you can use this to allow CamelContext and routes to
* startup in situations where a producer may otherwise fail during starting
* and cause the route to fail being started. By deferring this startup to
* be lazy then the startup failure can be handled during routing messages
* via Camel's routing error handlers. Beware that when the first message is
* processed then creating and starting the producer may take a little time
* and prolong the total processing time of the processing.
private Boolean lazyStartProducer = false;
* Only for FIFO Topic. Strategy for setting the messageDeduplicationId on
* the message. Can be one of the following options: useExchangeId,
* useContentBasedDeduplication. For the useContentBasedDeduplication
* option, no messageDeduplicationId will be set on the message.
private String messageDeduplicationIdStrategy = "useExchangeId";
* Only for FIFO Topic. Strategy for setting the messageGroupId on the
* message. Can be one of the following options: useConstant, useExchangeId,
* usePropertyValue. For the usePropertyValue option, the value of property
* CamelAwsMessageGroupId will be used.
private String messageGroupIdStrategy;
* The message structure to use such as json
private String messageStructure;
* Set the need for overidding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in
* combination with uriEndpointOverride option
private Boolean overrideEndpoint = false;
* The policy for this topic. Is loaded by default from classpath, but you
* can prefix with classpath:, file:, or http: to load the resource from
* different systems.
private String policy;
* To define a proxy host when instantiating the SNS client
private String proxyHost;
* To define a proxy port when instantiating the SNS client
private Integer proxyPort;
* To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the SNS client
private Protocol proxyProtocol = Protocol.HTTPS;
* The queueUrl to subscribe to
private String queueUrl;
* The region in which SNS client needs to work. When using this parameter,
* the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for
* example ap-east-1) You'll need to use the name
private String region;
* Define if Server Side Encryption is enabled or not on the topic
private Boolean serverSideEncryptionEnabled = false;
* The subject which is used if the message header 'CamelAwsSnsSubject' is
* not present.
private String subject;
* Define if the subscription between SNS Topic and SQS must be done or not
private Boolean subscribeSNStoSQS = false;
* If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint
private Boolean trustAllCertificates = false;
* Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in
* combination with overrideEndpoint option
private String uriEndpointOverride;
* Set whether the SNS client should expect to load credentials on an AWS
* infra instance or to expect static credentials to be passed in.
private Boolean useDefaultCredentialsProvider = false;
* Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring
* options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the
* registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which
* then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic
* configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients,
* etc.
private Boolean autowiredEnabled = true;
* Amazon AWS Access Key
private String accessKey;
* Amazon AWS Secret Key
private String secretKey;
public SnsClient getAmazonSNSClient() {
return amazonSNSClient;
public void setAmazonSNSClient(SnsClient amazonSNSClient) {
this.amazonSNSClient = amazonSNSClient;
public Boolean getAutoCreateTopic() {
return autoCreateTopic;
public void setAutoCreateTopic(Boolean autoCreateTopic) {
this.autoCreateTopic = autoCreateTopic;
public Sns2Configuration getConfiguration() {
return configuration;
public void setConfiguration(Sns2Configuration configuration) {
this.configuration = configuration;
public String getKmsMasterKeyId() {
return kmsMasterKeyId;
public void setKmsMasterKeyId(String kmsMasterKeyId) {
this.kmsMasterKeyId = kmsMasterKeyId;
public Boolean getLazyStartProducer() {
return lazyStartProducer;
public void setLazyStartProducer(Boolean lazyStartProducer) {
this.lazyStartProducer = lazyStartProducer;
public String getMessageDeduplicationIdStrategy() {
return messageDeduplicationIdStrategy;
public void setMessageDeduplicationIdStrategy(
String messageDeduplicationIdStrategy) {
this.messageDeduplicationIdStrategy = messageDeduplicationIdStrategy;
public String getMessageGroupIdStrategy() {
return messageGroupIdStrategy;
public void setMessageGroupIdStrategy(String messageGroupIdStrategy) {
this.messageGroupIdStrategy = messageGroupIdStrategy;
public String getMessageStructure() {
return messageStructure;
public void setMessageStructure(String messageStructure) {
this.messageStructure = messageStructure;
public Boolean getOverrideEndpoint() {
return overrideEndpoint;
public void setOverrideEndpoint(Boolean overrideEndpoint) {
this.overrideEndpoint = overrideEndpoint;
public String getPolicy() {
return policy;
public void setPolicy(String policy) {
this.policy = policy;
public String getProxyHost() {
return proxyHost;
public void setProxyHost(String proxyHost) {
this.proxyHost = proxyHost;
public Integer getProxyPort() {
return proxyPort;
public void setProxyPort(Integer proxyPort) {
this.proxyPort = proxyPort;
public Protocol getProxyProtocol() {
return proxyProtocol;
public void setProxyProtocol(Protocol proxyProtocol) {
this.proxyProtocol = proxyProtocol;
public String getQueueUrl() {
return queueUrl;
public void setQueueUrl(String queueUrl) {
this.queueUrl = queueUrl;
public String getRegion() {
return region;
public void setRegion(String region) {
this.region = region;
public Boolean getServerSideEncryptionEnabled() {
return serverSideEncryptionEnabled;
public void setServerSideEncryptionEnabled(
Boolean serverSideEncryptionEnabled) {
this.serverSideEncryptionEnabled = serverSideEncryptionEnabled;
public String getSubject() {
return subject;
public void setSubject(String subject) {
this.subject = subject;
public Boolean getSubscribeSNStoSQS() {
return subscribeSNStoSQS;
public void setSubscribeSNStoSQS(Boolean subscribeSNStoSQS) {
this.subscribeSNStoSQS = subscribeSNStoSQS;
public Boolean getTrustAllCertificates() {
return trustAllCertificates;
public void setTrustAllCertificates(Boolean trustAllCertificates) {
this.trustAllCertificates = trustAllCertificates;
public String getUriEndpointOverride() {
return uriEndpointOverride;
public void setUriEndpointOverride(String uriEndpointOverride) {
this.uriEndpointOverride = uriEndpointOverride;
public Boolean getUseDefaultCredentialsProvider() {
return useDefaultCredentialsProvider;
public void setUseDefaultCredentialsProvider(
Boolean useDefaultCredentialsProvider) {
this.useDefaultCredentialsProvider = useDefaultCredentialsProvider;
public Boolean getAutowiredEnabled() {
return autowiredEnabled;
public void setAutowiredEnabled(Boolean autowiredEnabled) {
this.autowiredEnabled = autowiredEnabled;
public String getAccessKey() {
return accessKey;
public void setAccessKey(String accessKey) {
this.accessKey = accessKey;
public String getSecretKey() {
return secretKey;
public void setSecretKey(String secretKey) {
this.secretKey = secretKey;