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== Camel Example with Elytron
=== Introduction
This example demonstrates how you can use Camel-Elytron Starter component. The example is simple. One route exposes url endpoint with restriction to role 'user'.
Second route periodically sends requests to restricted url with proper bearer token.
=== Camel routes
Both Camel routes are located in the `SampleCamelRouter` class. The first route exposes
restricted endpoint, accessible only for role 'user'. Second route starts from a timer,
that triggers periodically and creates a request authorized as user with role 'user'.
The first route puts into body message 'Hello ${principal}' and second route logs it.
=== Using Camel components
Apache Camel provides 200+ components which you can use to integrate and route messages between many systems
and data formats. To use any of these Camel components, add the component as a dependency to your project.
=== How to run
You can run this example using
mvn spring-boot:run
=== To get info about the routes
To show a summary of all the routes
curl -XGET -s http://localhost:8080/camel/routes
To show detailed information for a specific route
curl -XGET -s http://localhost:8080/camel/routes/{id}/info
=== Help and contributions
If you hit any problem using Camel or have some feedback, then please[let us know].
We also love contributors, so[get involved] :-)
The Camel riders!