Fixed build and regen
diff --git a/catalog/camel-catalog-provider-springboot/src/main/resources/org/apache/camel/springboot/catalog/components/fhir.json b/catalog/camel-catalog-provider-springboot/src/main/resources/org/apache/camel/springboot/catalog/components/fhir.json
index 584bcb3..71206fe 100644
--- a/catalog/camel-catalog-provider-springboot/src/main/resources/org/apache/camel/springboot/catalog/components/fhir.json
+++ b/catalog/camel-catalog-provider-springboot/src/main/resources/org/apache/camel/springboot/catalog/components/fhir.json
@@ -102,17 +102,17 @@
   "apis": {
     "capabilities": { "consumerOnly": false, "producerOnly": false, "description": "API to Fetch the capability statement for the server", "methods": { "ofType": { "description": "Retrieve the conformance statement using the given model type", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseConformance ofType(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseConformance> type, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] } } },
     "create": { "consumerOnly": false, "producerOnly": false, "description": "API for the create operation, which creates a new resource instance on the server", "methods": { "resource": { "description": "Creates a IBaseResource on the server", "signatures": [ " resource(String resourceAsString, String url, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", " resource(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resource, String url, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] } } },
-    "delete": { "consumerOnly": false, "producerOnly": false, "description": "API for the delete operation, which performs a logical delete on a server resource", "methods": { "resource": { "description": "Deletes the given resource", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseOperationOutcome resource(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resource, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "resourceById": { "description": "Deletes the resource by resource type e", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseOperationOutcome resourceById(String type, String stringId, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseOperationOutcome resourceById(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "resourceConditionalByUrl": { "description": "Specifies that the delete should be performed as a conditional delete against a given search URL", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseOperationOutcome resourceConditionalByUrl(String url, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] } } },
+    "delete": { "consumerOnly": false, "producerOnly": false, "description": "API for the delete operation, which performs a logical delete on a server resource", "methods": { "resource": { "description": "Deletes the given resource", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseOperationOutcome resource(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resource, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "resourceById": { "description": "Deletes the resource by resource type e", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseOperationOutcome resourceById(String type, String stringId, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseOperationOutcome resourceById(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "resourceConditionalByUrl": { "description": "Specifies deleting should be performed as a conditional delete against a given search URL", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseOperationOutcome resourceConditionalByUrl(String url, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] } } },
     "history": { "consumerOnly": false, "producerOnly": false, "description": "API for the history method", "methods": { "onInstance": { "description": "Perform the operation across all versions of a specific resource (by ID and type) on the server", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle onInstance(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle> returnType, Integer count, java.util.Date cutoff, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IPrimitiveType<java.util.Date> iCutoff, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "onServer": { "description": "Perform the operation across all versions of all resources of all types on the server", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle onServer(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle> returnType, Integer count, java.util.Date cutoff, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IPrimitiveType<java.util.Date> iCutoff, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "onType": { "description": "Perform the operation across all versions of all resources of the given type on the server", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle onType(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> resourceType, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle> returnType, Integer count, java.util.Date cutoff, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IPrimitiveType<java.util.Date> iCutoff, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] } } },
     "load-page": { "consumerOnly": false, "producerOnly": false, "description": "API that Loads the previous\/next bundle of resources from a paged set, using the link specified in the link type=next tag within the atom bundle", "methods": { "byUrl": { "description": "Load a page of results using the given URL and bundle type and return a DSTU1 Atom bundle", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle byUrl(String url, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle> returnType, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "next": { "description": "Load the next page of results using the link with relation next in the bundle", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle next(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle bundle, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "previous": { "description": "Load the previous page of results using the link with relation prev in the bundle", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle previous(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle bundle, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] } } },
     "meta": { "consumerOnly": false, "producerOnly": false, "description": "API for the meta operations, which can be used to get, add and remove tags and other Meta elements from a resource or across the server", "methods": { "add": { "description": "Add the elements in the given metadata to the already existing set (do not remove any)", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType add(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType meta, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "delete": { "description": "Delete the elements in the given metadata from the given id", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType delete(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType meta, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "getFromResource": { "description": "Fetch the current metadata from a specific resource", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType getFromResource(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType> metaType, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "getFromServer": { "description": "Fetch the current metadata from the whole Server", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType getFromServer(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType> metaType, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "getFromType": { "description": "Fetch the current metadata from a specific type", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType getFromType(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType> metaType, String resourceType, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] } } },
-    "operation": { "consumerOnly": false, "producerOnly": false, "description": "API for extended FHIR operations https:\/\/www", "methods": { "onInstance": { "description": "Perform the operation across all versions of a specific resource (by ID and type) on the server", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource onInstance(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, String name, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters parameters, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters> outputParameterType, boolean useHttpGet, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> returnType, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "onInstanceVersion": { "description": "This operation operates on a specific version of a resource", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource onInstanceVersion(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, String name, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters parameters, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters> outputParameterType, boolean useHttpGet, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> returnType, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "onServer": { "description": "Perform the operation across all versions of all resources of all types on the server", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource onServer(String name, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters parameters, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters> outputParameterType, boolean useHttpGet, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> returnType, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "onType": { "description": "Perform the operation across all versions of all resources of the given type on the server", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource onType(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> resourceType, String name, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters parameters, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters> outputParameterType, boolean useHttpGet, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> returnType, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "processMessage": { "description": "This operation is called $process-message as defined by the FHIR specification", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle processMessage(String respondToUri, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle msgBundle, boolean asynchronous, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle> responseClass, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] } } },
+    "operation": { "consumerOnly": false, "producerOnly": false, "description": "API for extended FHIR operations", "methods": { "onInstance": { "description": "Perform the operation across all versions of a specific resource (by ID and type) on the server", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource onInstance(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, String name, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters parameters, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters> outputParameterType, boolean useHttpGet, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> returnType, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "onInstanceVersion": { "description": "This operation operates on a specific version of a resource", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource onInstanceVersion(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, String name, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters parameters, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters> outputParameterType, boolean useHttpGet, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> returnType, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "onServer": { "description": "Perform the operation across all versions of all resources of all types on the server", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource onServer(String name, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters parameters, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters> outputParameterType, boolean useHttpGet, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> returnType, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "onType": { "description": "Perform the operation across all versions of all resources of the given type on the server", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource onType(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> resourceType, String name, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters parameters, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters> outputParameterType, boolean useHttpGet, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> returnType, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "processMessage": { "description": "This operation is called $process-message as defined by the FHIR specification", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle processMessage(String respondToUri, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle msgBundle, boolean asynchronous, Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle> responseClass, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] } } },
     "patch": { "consumerOnly": false, "producerOnly": false, "description": "API for the patch operation, which performs a logical patch on a server resource", "methods": { "patchById": { "description": "Applies the patch to the given resource ID", "signatures": [ " patchById(String patchBody, String stringId, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", " patchById(String patchBody, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "patchByUrl": { "description": "Specifies that the update should be performed as a conditional create against a given search URL", "signatures": [ " patchByUrl(String patchBody, String url, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] } } },
-    "read": { "consumerOnly": false, "producerOnly": false, "description": "API method for read operations", "methods": { "resourceById": { "description": "", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceById(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> resource, Long longId, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceById(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> resource, String stringId, String version, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceById(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> resource, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceById(String resourceClass, Long longId, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceById(String resourceClass, String stringId, String ifVersionMatches, String version, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceById(String resourceClass, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "resourceByUrl": { "description": "", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceByUrl(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> resource, String url, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceByUrl(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> resource, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType iUrl, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceByUrl(String resourceClass, String url, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceByUrl(String resourceClass, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType iUrl, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] } } },
+    "read": { "consumerOnly": false, "producerOnly": false, "description": "API method for read operations", "methods": { "resourceById": { "description": "Reads a IBaseResource on the server by id", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceById(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> resource, Long longId, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceById(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> resource, String stringId, String version, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceById(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> resource, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceById(String resourceClass, Long longId, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceById(String resourceClass, String stringId, String ifVersionMatches, String version, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceById(String resourceClass, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "resourceByUrl": { "description": "Reads a IBaseResource on the server by url", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceByUrl(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> resource, String url, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceByUrl(Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> resource, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType iUrl, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceByUrl(String resourceClass, String url, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resourceByUrl(String resourceClass, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType iUrl, String ifVersionMatches, Boolean returnNull, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource returnResource, Boolean throwError, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] } } },
     "search": { "consumerOnly": false, "producerOnly": false, "description": "API to search for resources matching a given set of criteria", "methods": { "searchByUrl": { "description": "Perform a search directly by URL", "signatures": [ "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle searchByUrl(String url, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] } } },
     "transaction": { "consumerOnly": false, "producerOnly": false, "description": "API for sending a transaction (collection of resources) to the server to be executed as a single unit", "methods": { "withBundle": { "description": "Use the given raw text (should be a Bundle resource) as the transaction input", "signatures": [ "String withBundle(String stringBundle, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle withBundle(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle bundle, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "withResources": { "description": "Use a list of resources as the transaction input", "signatures": [ "java.util.List<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> withResources(java.util.List<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource> resources, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] } } },
-    "update": { "consumerOnly": false, "producerOnly": false, "description": "API for the update operation, which performs a logical delete on a server resource", "methods": { "resource": { "description": "", "signatures": [ " resource(String resourceAsString, String stringId, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", " resource(String resourceAsString, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", " resource(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resource, String stringId, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", " resource(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resource, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "resourceBySearchUrl": { "description": "", "signatures": [ " resourceBySearchUrl(String resourceAsString, String url, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", " resourceBySearchUrl(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resource, String url, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] } } },
-    "validate": { "consumerOnly": false, "producerOnly": false, "description": "API for validating resources", "methods": { "resource": { "description": "", "signatures": [ " resource(String resourceAsString, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", " resource(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resource, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] } } }
+    "update": { "consumerOnly": false, "producerOnly": false, "description": "API for the update operation, which performs a logical delete on a server resource", "methods": { "resource": { "description": "Updates a IBaseResource on the server by id", "signatures": [ " resource(String resourceAsString, String stringId, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", " resource(String resourceAsString, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", " resource(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resource, String stringId, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", " resource(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resource, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType id, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] }, "resourceBySearchUrl": { "description": "Updates a IBaseResource on the server by search url", "signatures": [ " resourceBySearchUrl(String resourceAsString, String url, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", " resourceBySearchUrl(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resource, String url, preferReturn, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] } } },
+    "validate": { "consumerOnly": false, "producerOnly": false, "description": "API for validating resources", "methods": { "resource": { "description": "Validates the resource", "signatures": [ " resource(String resourceAsString, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)", " resource(org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource resource, java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, Object> extraParameters)" ] } } }
   "apiProperties": {
     "capabilities": { "methods": { "ofType": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "type": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Type", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseConformance>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The model type", "optional": false } } } } },
@@ -123,10 +123,10 @@
     "meta": { "methods": { "add": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "id": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Id", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The id", "optional": false }, "meta": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Meta", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The IBaseMetaType class", "optional": false } } }, "delete": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "id": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Id", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The id", "optional": false }, "meta": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Meta", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The IBaseMetaType class", "optional": false } } }, "getFromResource": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "id": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Id", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The id", "optional": false }, "metaType": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Meta Type", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The IBaseMetaType class", "optional": false } } }, "getFromServer": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "metaType": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Meta Type", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The type of the meta datatype for the given FHIR model version (should be MetaDt.class or MetaType.class)", "optional": false } } }, "getFromType": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "metaType": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Meta Type", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseMetaType>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The IBaseMetaType class", "optional": false }, "resourceType": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Resource Type", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The resource type e.g Patient", "optional": false } } } } },
     "operation": { "methods": { "onInstance": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "id": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Id", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Resource (version will be stripped)", "optional": false }, "name": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Name", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Operation name", "optional": false }, "outputParameterType": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Output Parameter Type", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The type to use for the output parameters (this should be set to Parameters.class drawn from the version of the FHIR structures you are using), may be NULL", "optional": true }, "parameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The parameters to use as input. May also be null if the operation does not require any input parameters.", "optional": true }, "returnType": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Return Type", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "If this operation returns a single resource body as its return type instead of a Parameters resource, use this method to specify that resource type. This is useful for certain operations (e.g. Patient\/NNN\/$everything) which return a bundle instead of a Parameters resource, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "useHttpGet": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Use Http Get", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Use HTTP GET verb", "optional": false } } }, "onInstanceVersion": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "id": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Id", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Resource version", "optional": false }, "name": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Name", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Operation name", "optional": false }, "outputParameterType": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Output Parameter Type", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The type to use for the output parameters (this should be set to Parameters.class drawn from the version of the FHIR structures you are using), may be NULL", "optional": true }, "parameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The parameters to use as input. May also be null if the operation does not require any input parameters.", "optional": true }, "returnType": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Return Type", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "If this operation returns a single resource body as its return type instead of a Parameters resource, use this method to specify that resource type. This is useful for certain operations (e.g. Patient\/NNN\/$everything) which return a bundle instead of a Parameters resource, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "useHttpGet": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Use Http Get", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Use HTTP GET verb", "optional": false } } }, "onServer": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "name": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Name", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Operation name", "optional": false }, "outputParameterType": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Output Parameter Type", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The type to use for the output parameters (this should be set to Parameters.class drawn from the version of the FHIR structures you are using), may be NULL", "optional": true }, "parameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The parameters to use as input. May also be null if the operation does not require any input parameters.", "optional": true }, "returnType": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Return Type", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "If this operation returns a single resource body as its return type instead of a Parameters resource, use this method to specify that resource type. This is useful for certain operations (e.g. Patient\/NNN\/$everything) which return a bundle instead of a Parameters resource, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "useHttpGet": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Use Http Get", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Use HTTP GET verb", "optional": false } } }, "onType": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "name": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Name", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Operation name", "optional": false }, "outputParameterType": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Output Parameter Type", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The type to use for the output parameters (this should be set to Parameters.class drawn from the version of the FHIR structures you are using), may be NULL", "optional": true }, "parameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseParameters", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The parameters to use as input. May also be null if the operation does not require any input parameters.", "optional": true }, "resourceType": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Resource Type", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The resource type to operate on", "optional": false }, "returnType": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Return Type", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "If this operation returns a single resource body as its return type instead of a Parameters resource, use this method to specify that resource type. This is useful for certain operations (e.g. Patient\/NNN\/$everything) which return a bundle instead of a Parameters resource, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "useHttpGet": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Use Http Get", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Use HTTP GET verb", "optional": false } } }, "processMessage": { "properties": { "asynchronous": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Asynchronous", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Whether to process the message asynchronously or synchronously, defaults to synchronous.", "optional": false }, "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "msgBundle": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Msg Bundle", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Set the Message Bundle to POST to the messaging server", "optional": false }, "respondToUri": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Respond To Uri", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "An optional query parameter indicating that responses from the receiving server should be sent to this URI, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "responseClass": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Response Class", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The response class", "optional": false } } } } },
     "patch": { "methods": { "patchById": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "id": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Id", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The resource ID to patch", "optional": false }, "patchBody": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Patch Body", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The body of the patch document serialized in either XML or JSON which conforms to http:\/\/\/ or http:\/\/\/html\/rfc5261", "optional": false }, "preferReturn": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Prefer Return", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "", "enum": [ "REPRESENTATION", "MINIMAL", "OPERATION_OUTCOME" ], "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Add a Prefer header to the request, which requests that the server include or suppress the resource body as a part of the result. If a resource is returned by the server it will be parsed an accessible to the client via MethodOutcome#getResource()", "optional": true }, "stringId": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "String Id", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The resource ID to patch", "optional": false } } }, "patchByUrl": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "patchBody": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Patch Body", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The body of the patch document serialized in either XML or JSON which conforms to http:\/\/\/ or http:\/\/\/html\/rfc5261", "optional": false }, "preferReturn": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Prefer Return", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "", "enum": [ "REPRESENTATION", "MINIMAL", "OPERATION_OUTCOME" ], "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Add a Prefer header to the request, which requests that the server include or suppress the resource body as a part of the result. If a resource is returned by the server it will be parsed an accessible to the client via MethodOutcome#getResource()", "optional": true }, "url": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Url", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The search URL to use. The format of this URL should be of the form ResourceTypeParameters, for example: Patientname=Smith&amp;identifier=", "optional": false } } } } },
-    "read": { "methods": { "resourceById": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": true }, "id": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Id", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": false }, "ifVersionMatches": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "If Version Matches", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": true }, "longId": { "kind": "parameter", 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"autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": true }, "returnResource": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Return Resource", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": true }, "stringId": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "String Id", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": false }, "throwError": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Throw Error", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": true }, "version": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Version", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": true } } }, "resourceByUrl": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": true }, "iUrl": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "IUrl", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": false }, "ifVersionMatches": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "If Version Matches", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": 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+    "read": { "methods": { "resourceById": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "id": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Id", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The IIdType referencing the resource", "optional": false }, "ifVersionMatches": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "If Version Matches", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "A version to match against the newest version on the server", "optional": true }, "longId": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Long Id", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "integer", "javaType": "java.lang.Long", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The resource ID", "optional": false }, "resource": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Resource", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The resource to read (e.g. Patient)", "optional": false }, "resourceClass": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Resource Class", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The 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"parameter", "displayName": "Throw Error", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Throw error if the version matches", "optional": true }, "version": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Version", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The resource version", "optional": true } } }, "resourceByUrl": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "iUrl": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "IUrl", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The IIdType referencing the resource by absolute url", "optional": false }, "ifVersionMatches": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "If Version Matches", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "A version to match against the newest version on the server", "optional": true }, "resource": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Resource", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.Class<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The resource to read (e.g. Patient)", "optional": false }, "resourceClass": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Resource Class", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The resource to read (e.g. Patient.class)", "optional": false }, "returnNull": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Return Null", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Return null if version matches", "optional": true }, "returnResource": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Return Resource", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Return the resource if version matches", "optional": true }, "throwError": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Throw Error", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Throw error if the version matches", "optional": true }, "url": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Url", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Referencing the resource by absolute url", "optional": false } } } } },
     "search": { "methods": { "searchByUrl": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "url": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Url", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The URL to search for. Note that this URL may be complete (e.g. http:\/\/\/base\/Patientname=foo) in which case the client's base URL will be ignored. Or it can be relative (e.g. Patientname=foo) in which case the client's base URL will be used.", "optional": false } } } } },
     "transaction": { "methods": { "withBundle": { "properties": { "bundle": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Bundle", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBundle", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Bundle to use in the transaction", "optional": false }, "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "stringBundle": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "String Bundle", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Bundle to use in the transaction", "optional": false } } }, "withResources": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "resources": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Resources", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "array", "javaType": "java.util.List<org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Resources to use in the transaction", "optional": false } } } } },
-    "update": { "methods": { "resource": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": true }, "id": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Id", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": true }, "preferReturn": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Prefer Return", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "", "enum": [ "REPRESENTATION", "MINIMAL", "OPERATION_OUTCOME" ], "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": true }, "resource": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Resource", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": false }, "resourceAsString": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Resource As String", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": false }, "stringId": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "String Id", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": true } } }, "resourceBySearchUrl": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": true }, "preferReturn": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Prefer Return", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "", "enum": [ "REPRESENTATION", "MINIMAL", "OPERATION_OUTCOME" ], "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": true }, "resource": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Resource", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": false }, "resourceAsString": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Resource As String", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": false }, "url": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Url", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": false } } } } },
-    "validate": { "methods": { "resource": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": true }, "resource": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Resource", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": false }, "resourceAsString": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Resource As String", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "", "optional": false } } } } }
+    "update": { "methods": { "resource": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "id": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Id", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The IIdType referencing the resource", "optional": true }, "preferReturn": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Prefer Return", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "", "enum": [ "REPRESENTATION", "MINIMAL", "OPERATION_OUTCOME" ], "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Whether the server include or suppress the resource body as a part of the result", "optional": true }, "resource": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Resource", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The resource to update (e.g. Patient)", "optional": false }, "resourceAsString": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Resource As String", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The resource body to update", "optional": false }, "stringId": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "String Id", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The ID referencing the resource", "optional": true } } }, "resourceBySearchUrl": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "preferReturn": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Prefer Return", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "", "enum": [ "REPRESENTATION", "MINIMAL", "OPERATION_OUTCOME" ], "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Whether the server include or suppress the resource body as a part of the result", "optional": true }, "resource": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Resource", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The resource to update (e.g. Patient)", "optional": false }, "resourceAsString": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Resource As String", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The resource body to update", "optional": false }, "url": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Url", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Specifies that the update should be performed as a conditional create against a given search URL", "optional": false } } } } },
+    "validate": { "methods": { "resource": { "properties": { "extraParameters": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Extra Parameters", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "java.util.Map<org.apache.camel.component.fhir.api.ExtraParameters, java.lang.Object>", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "See ExtraParameters for a full list of parameters that can be passed, may be NULL", "optional": true }, "resource": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Resource", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "The IBaseResource to validate", "optional": false }, "resourceAsString": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Resource As String", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "Raw resource to validate", "optional": false } } } } }
diff --git a/components-starter/camel-ftp-starter/src/test/java/org/apache/camel/component/file/remote/springboot/ftp/ b/components-starter/camel-ftp-starter/src/test/java/org/apache/camel/component/file/remote/springboot/ftp/
index 8067059..3c76c93 100644
--- a/components-starter/camel-ftp-starter/src/test/java/org/apache/camel/component/file/remote/springboot/ftp/
+++ b/components-starter/camel-ftp-starter/src/test/java/org/apache/camel/component/file/remote/springboot/ftp/
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 import org.apache.ftpserver.usermanager.PropertiesUserManagerFactory;
 import org.apache.ftpserver.usermanager.impl.BaseUser;
 import org.apache.ftpserver.usermanager.impl.WritePermission;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtensionContext;
 import org.slf4j.Logger;
 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
@@ -57,6 +58,8 @@
     protected Path rootDir;
+    private ExtensionContext context;
     public FtpEmbeddedService() {
@@ -190,4 +193,32 @@
         return count;
+    @Override
+    public void registerProperties() {
+        ExtensionContext.Store store = context.getStore(ExtensionContext.Namespace.GLOBAL);
+        registerProperties(store::put);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void beforeAll(ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
+        this.context = extensionContext;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void afterAll(ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
+        this.context = null;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void afterEach(ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
+        shutdown();
+        this.context = null;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void beforeEach(ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
+        this.context = extensionContext;
+        initialize();
+    }
diff --git a/components-starter/camel-ftp-starter/src/test/java/org/apache/camel/component/file/remote/springboot/sftp/ b/components-starter/camel-ftp-starter/src/test/java/org/apache/camel/component/file/remote/springboot/sftp/
index 2f9d3c2..25c28a6 100644
--- a/components-starter/camel-ftp-starter/src/test/java/org/apache/camel/component/file/remote/springboot/sftp/
+++ b/components-starter/camel-ftp-starter/src/test/java/org/apache/camel/component/file/remote/springboot/sftp/
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 import org.apache.sshd.server.SshServer;
 import org.apache.sshd.server.auth.pubkey.PublickeyAuthenticator;
 import org.apache.sshd.sftp.server.SftpSubsystemFactory;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtensionContext;
 import org.slf4j.Logger;
 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@
     private Path rootDir;
     private Path knownHosts;
+    private ExtensionContext context;
     public SftpEmbeddedService() {
@@ -171,4 +173,32 @@
             return false;
+    @Override
+    public void registerProperties() {
+        ExtensionContext.Store store = context.getStore(ExtensionContext.Namespace.GLOBAL);
+        registerProperties(store::put);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void beforeAll(ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
+        this.context = extensionContext;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void afterAll(ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
+        this.context = null;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void afterEach(ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
+        shutdown();
+        this.context = null;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void beforeEach(ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
+        this.context = extensionContext;
+        initialize();
+    }
diff --git a/tooling/camel-spring-boot-dependencies/pom.xml b/tooling/camel-spring-boot-dependencies/pom.xml
index b45a948..4d9d96d 100644
--- a/tooling/camel-spring-boot-dependencies/pom.xml
+++ b/tooling/camel-spring-boot-dependencies/pom.xml
@@ -4639,226 +4639,226 @@
-        <version>8.26.0.Final</version>
+        <version>8.27.0.Final</version>
-        <version>8.26.0.Final</version>
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