blob: 9c1adfd3b169cccbe280f02123c9c6480fd57b72 [file] [log] [blame]
== Spring Boot Widget Gadget Example
=== Introduction
This example demonstrates the widget and gadget example from EIP book, running on Spring Boot.
The example with a similar setup (e.g. without rabbitmq) can be found in this illustration[here]:
=== Configuration
Before the application can run, rabbitmq must be started. This can be done with docker, executing the following command:
$ docker run -d -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 --name my-rabbit rabbitmq:3-management
The port can be configured as desired, but do not forget to match the configured port number in your ``-file!
=== Build
After that, you can build this example using:
$ cd spring-boot-widget-gadget
$ mvn package
=== Run
You can run this example with Maven using:
$ mvn spring-boot:run
=== Help and contributions
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The Camel riders!