blob: 5a2ed1e0b353fc39ad8d89ae50abb07546961d94 [file] [log] [blame]
== OpenTelemetry example
== Introduction
This example shows how to use Camel with OpenTelemetry standard:
The environment is the following:
* Demo apps:
** link:TripBooking[Trip booking app]
** link:FlightBooking[Flight booking app]
** link:HotelBooking[Hotel booking app]
** link:CarBooking[Car booking app]
* OpenTelemetry Collector
* Jaeger
* Prometheus
* Apache Kafka _(for async communication between apps cases)_
=== Build
You will need to compile this example first:
mvn compile
All the following docker-compose commands should be run from this directory.
=== Run the example
You may want to remove any old containers to start cleaning:
docker rm -f kafka zookeeper prometheus jaeger otel-collector
We suggest using multiple terminal windows to start the following components:
* Infrastructure components
* Demo apps
** TripBooking
** FlightBooking
** HotelBooking
** CarBooking
* Testing for sending HTTP requests
==== Startup infrastructure components
docker-compose -f containers/docker-compose.yml up
==== Startup demo apps
Please use four different shells for each application:
===== CarBooking
mvn clean spring-boot:run -f CarBooking/pom.xml
===== HotelBooking
mvn clean spring-boot:run -f HotelBooking/pom.xml
===== FlightBooking
mvn clean spring-boot:run -f FlightBooking/pom.xml
===== TripBooking
mvn clean spring-boot:run -f TripBooking/pom.xml
==== Testing
You can use any HTTP client (web browser, curl, httpie, postman etc.) for testing purposes.
===== cURL
Sync communication (over HTTP):
Async communication (over Kafka):
==== Links
* Prometheus UI: http://localhost:9090/graph
* Jaeger UI: http://localhost:16686
=== Outcome
==== Tracing
===== Sync case
You should get a trace view similar to this one:
DAG is the following:
===== Async case
You should get a trace view similar to this one:
DAG is the following:
==== Metrics
You will get Camel-related metrics similar to these:
==== Logging
MDC Logging is enabled, and tracing information printing into the logs to be able to find corresponding trace logs entries. For example:
11:52:18.923 INFO [d02a363f16e88d9f012a36563b5464f5,9a328d33319645ab] bookTrip-http - New book trip request with trace=00-d02a363f16e88d9f012a36563b5464f5-9570717e10d38afa-01
11:52:18.931 INFO [d02a363f16e88d9f012a36563b5464f5,9a328d33319645ab] bookTrip-http - Response: [{"bookingId":82,"car":"Volkswagen Jetta","startDate":"12-11-2018","endDate":"15-11-2018","price":152}, {"bookingId":907,"flight":"China Eastern Airlines 2782","startDate":"12-11-2018","endDate":"15-11-2018","price":133}, {"bookingId":926,"hotel":"Sheraton","startDate":"12-11-2018","endDate":"15-11-2018","price":200}]
=== Help and contributions
If you hit any problem using Camel or have some feedback, then please[let us know].
We also love contributors, so[get involved] :-)
The Camel riders!