blob: c02846b46156cd0799734f011fc23e051a80e00f [file] [log] [blame]
= timer-log-xml
This is a basic hello world example that uses XML to set-up
a Camel timer that triggers every second and prints to the
To run it:
$ mvn clean compile quarkus:dev -DnoDeps
This compiles the project and starts the Quarkus tooling in the[develpment mode].
Then look at the log output in the console. As we run the example
in Quarkus Dev Mode, you can edit the source code and have live updates.
For example try to change the logging output to be `Bye XML`.
== Native build
To build as native:
$ mvn package -Pnative
This requires having GraalVM and other tools installed.
See the[Quarkus Native Guide] for details.