blob: 0b477e72b9366a62c04a8e3f1ed1fe02c031c0a5 [file] [log] [blame]
== WireMock test support
This module provides test support for[WireMock]. This enables the HTTP interactions between Camel & third party services to be
stubbed, recorded & replayed.
=== Usage
Add the following test scoped dependency into the extension integration test pom.xml:
Next create a class that extends the abstract `WireMockTestResourceLifecycleManager`. You'll need to implement abstract methods:
* `getRecordTargetBaseUrl` - To specify the base URL of the service interactions to be recorded
* `isMockingEnabled` - To determine whether the test should start the mock server or invoke the real service
You can also override the `start` method to perform custom initialization logic and return additional configuration properties that Camel components may need.
`WireMockTestResourceLifecycleManager` sets a system property named `wiremock.url`, which is the base URL to the running WireMock server.
In playback mode, you'll need to configure the Camel component under test to direct its API calls to this URL.
==== Recording HTTP interactions
The fundamentals of WireMock record and playback are documented[here]. Setup of the `WireMockServer` is already handled by
`WireMockTestResourceLifecycleManager`. All you need to do is ensure directory `src/test/resources/mappings` exists and to trigger recording by either:
System property `-Dwiremock.record=true`
Environment variable `WIREMOCK_RECORD=true`
When all tests complete, the recorded HTTP interactions will show up in the 'mappings' directory. The recorded stub file names are quite complex, feel free
to update them to something more human friendly.
By default, stub mapping files are not saved when requests return an unsuccessful response code. You can alter this behaviour by overriding method `isDeleteRecordedMappingsOnError`.
It's important to inspect the recorded files for the presence of any real API keys, secrets or passwords and replace them with made up values.
WireMock generates new stub files on each recording, so it's a good idea to remove the existing contents from the 'mappings' directory
before a recording run.