blob: 711520594134e246fe6cfc7c16ba71e8330ea1f7 [file] [log] [blame]
== Azure isolated integration tests
=== Azurite
By default the integration tests are run against the Azurite test container,
or skipped, if the given service is not supported by Azurite.
Unsupported by Azurite:
* `azure-eventhubs`
=== Real Azure API
* A[general-purpose v2 Azure storage account] and[create a container]
* The[change feed] is enabled on your storage account
* View the[account keys] and set the following environment variables:
* An[Azure Event Hub]
* An[Event Hubs connection string]
To create all of the above, you can use `` script as follows. Ensure that you have installed the[Azure CLI] beforehand:
$ ./ create
The script outputs a set of export commands that you may want to paste to your shell,
or to your `.bashrc`.
Here are the environment variables you need to set:
export AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME=<your-azure-storage-account-name>
export AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY=<your-azure-storage-account-key>
# the container has to exist before you run the test
export AZURE_EVENT_HUBS_BLOB_CONTAINER_NAME=<your-container-name>
export AZURE_EVENT_HUBS_CONNECTION_STRING="Endpoint=sb://<your-namespace>;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=<your-key>;EntityPath=<your-hub-name>"
To clean up, run
$ ./ delete
You may want to `export CAMEL_QUARKUS_START_MOCK_BACKEND=false` to avoid starting the local Azurite container and make sure that you test against the real remote Azure API.