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= LevelDB
:cq-artifact-id: camel-quarkus-leveldb
:cq-native-supported: true
:cq-status: Stable
:cq-status-deprecation: Stable
:cq-description: Using LevelDB as persistent EIP store
:cq-deprecated: false
:cq-jvm-since: 1.2.0
:cq-native-since: 1.2.0
[.badge-key]##JVM since##[.badge-supported]##1.2.0## [.badge-key]##Native since##[.badge-supported]##1.2.0##
Using LevelDB as persistent EIP store
== What's inside
* xref:{cq-camel-components}:others:leveldb.adoc[LevelDB]
Please refer to the above link for usage and configuration details.
== Maven coordinates[Create a new project with this extension on, window="_blank"]
Or add the coordinates to your existing project:
Check the xref:user-guide/index.adoc[User guide] for more information about writing Camel Quarkus applications.
== Camel Quarkus limitations
In native mode the extension uses a port of LevelDB written in Java ([documentation]),
which is within 10% of the performance of the C++ original. Please upvote[this issue]
if you do not like the present state.
Serialization is[not supported] on GraalVM. Extension has to use serializationization based
on Jackson. Aggregation repository in native has to be constructed in one of the following ways:
* Use class `QuarkusLevelDBAggregationRepository` instead of `LevelDBAggregationRepository`.
* Configure jackson serializer on `LevelDBAggregationRepository` by calling `repo.setSerializer(new JacksonLevelDBSerializer());`
Jackson serializer has limitation towards binary content. If payload object contains binary data (does not concern payloads which are completely binary), Jackson serialization and deserialization won't work correctly.
To avoid this, define your own jackson serializer/deserealizer via `Module` and provide it to the aggragation repository
(you can use for example the constructor of `QuarkusLevelDBAggregationRepository`).