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= Kamelet
:cq-artifact-id: camel-quarkus-kamelet
:cq-native-supported: true
:cq-status: Stable
:cq-status-deprecation: Stable
:cq-description: Materialize route templates
:cq-deprecated: false
:cq-jvm-since: 1.7.0
:cq-native-since: 1.7.0
[.badge-key]##JVM since##[.badge-supported]##1.7.0## [.badge-key]##Native since##[.badge-supported]##1.7.0##
Materialize route templates
== What's inside
* xref:{cq-camel-components}::kamelet-component.adoc[Kamelet component], URI syntax: `kamelet:templateId/routeId`
Please refer to the above link for usage and configuration details.
== Maven coordinates[Create a new project with this extension on, window="_blank"]
Or add the coordinates to your existing project:
Check the xref:user-guide/index.adoc[User guide] for more information about writing Camel Quarkus applications.
== Usage
=== Pre-load Kamelets at build-time
This extension allows to pre-load a set of Kamelets at build time using the `quarkus.camel.kamelet.identifiers` property.
=== Using the Kamelet Catalog
A set of pre-made Kamelets can be found on the /camel-kamelets/latest[Kamelet Catalog].
To use the Kamelet from the catalog you need to copy their yaml definition (that you can find[in the camel-kamelet repo]) on your project in the classpath. Alternatively you can add the `camel-kamelets-catalog` artifact to your `pom.xml`:
This artifact add all the kamelets available in the catalog to your Camel Quarkus application for build time processing. If you include it with the scope `provided` the artifact should not be part of the runtime classpath, but at build time, all the kamelets listed via `quarkus.camel.kamelet.identifiers` property should be preloaded.
== Additional Camel Quarkus configuration
| Configuration property | Type | Default
|icon:lock[title=Fixed at build time] [[quarkus.camel.kamelet.identifiers]]`link:#quarkus.camel.kamelet.identifiers[quarkus.camel.kamelet.identifiers]`
List of kamelets identifiers to pre-load at build time.
Each individual identifier is used to set the related `org.apache.camel.model.RouteTemplateDefinition` id.
| `string`
icon:lock[title=Fixed at build time] Configuration property fixed at build time. All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime.