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// This file was generated by camel-quarkus-maven-plugin:update-extension-doc-page
= Cron
:page-aliases: extensions/cron.adoc
:cq-artifact-id: camel-quarkus-cron
:cq-native-supported: true
:cq-status: Stable
:cq-status-deprecation: Stable
:cq-description: A generic interface for triggering events at times specified through the Unix cron syntax.
:cq-deprecated: false
:cq-jvm-since: 1.0.0
:cq-native-since: 1.0.0
[.badge-key]##JVM since##[.badge-supported]##1.0.0## [.badge-key]##Native since##[.badge-supported]##1.0.0##
A generic interface for triggering events at times specified through the Unix cron syntax.
== What's inside
* xref:{cq-camel-components}::cron-component.adoc[Cron component], URI syntax: `cron:name`
Please refer to the above link for usage and configuration details.
== Maven coordinates[Create a new project with this extension on, window="_blank"]
Or add the coordinates to your existing project:
Check the xref:user-guide/index.adoc[User guide] for more information about writing Camel Quarkus applications.
== Additional Camel Quarkus configuration
The cron component is a generic interface component, as such Camel Quarkus users will need to use the cron extension together with another extension offering an implementation.
For instance, one can use the xref:reference/extensions/quartz.adoc[Quartz Extension] and cron extension together in its project.