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= Bean
:page-aliases: extensions/bean.adoc
:cq-artifact-id: camel-quarkus-bean
:cq-native-supported: true
:cq-status: Stable
:cq-status-deprecation: Stable
:cq-description: Invoke methods of Java beans
:cq-deprecated: false
:cq-jvm-since: 0.1.0
:cq-native-since: 0.1.0
[.badge-key]##JVM since##[.badge-supported]##0.1.0## [.badge-key]##Native since##[.badge-supported]##0.1.0##
Invoke methods of Java beans
== What's inside
* xref:{cq-camel-components}::bean-component.adoc[Bean component], URI syntax: `bean:beanName`
* xref:{cq-camel-components}:languages:bean-language.adoc[Bean Method language]
* xref:{cq-camel-components}::class-component.adoc[Class component], URI syntax: `class:beanName`
Please refer to the above links for usage and configuration details.
== Maven coordinates[Create a new project with this extension on, window="_blank"]
Or add the coordinates to your existing project:
Check the xref:user-guide/index.adoc[User guide] for more information about writing Camel Quarkus applications.
== Usage
Except for invoking methods of beans available in Camel registry,
Bean component and Bean method language can also invoke Quarkus CDI beans.
For more details, please refer to the xref:user-guide/cdi.adoc#_cdi_and_the_camel_bean_component[CDI and the Camel Bean component] section of the User guide.