blob: 1794f8d486ab03944574232b586a6e25b0f0c9b7 [file] [log] [blame]
= Apache Camel extensions for Quarkus
This version ({page-component-display-version}) of {page-component-title} depends on:
* xref:{camel-docs-version}@components::index.adoc[Camel] at version {camel-version}
*[Quarkus] at version {quarkus-version}
ifdef::lts[This long term service release will be supported until {lts}.]
ifdef::prerelease[This is the development version of {page-component-title}. It should not be used in production.]
ifndef::prerelease[This release will not be updated, but rather replaced by a new release.]
This project aims to bring the awesome integration capabilities of xref:manual::index.adoc[Apache Camel]
and its vast xref:{cq-camel-components}::index.adoc[component library] to the[Quarkus runtime].
This enables users to take advantage of the performance benefits,[developer joy]
and the[container first ethos] that Quarkus provides.
Camel Quarkus provides xref:reference/index.adoc[Quarkus extensions] for many of the Camel components.
Camel Quarkus also takes advantage of the many performance improvements made in Camel 3, which results in a lower memory footprint, less reliance on reflection (which is good for native application support) and faster startup times.
You can xref:user-guide/defining-camel-routes.adoc[define Camel routes] using the Java DSL, XML, Kotlin, Groovy, YAML or JavaScript.
== Where to go next?
* xref:user-guide/index.adoc[User guide]
* xref:contributor-guide/index.adoc[Contributor guide]
* xref:reference/index.adoc[Extensions reference]
== Compatibility Matrix
.Compatibility between {page-component-title} and dependencies
|{page-component-title} Version
|Camel Version
|Quarkus Version
|GraalVM Version
|LTS Until
//cannot use top level index.adoc as the page with the query is always omitted.
indexTable::[version="*",relative="reference/index.adoc",cellformats="util.camelQuarkusRef(pageComponentDisplayVersion, pageComponentVersion)|util.camelRef(camelVersion, camelDocsVersion)|util.quarkusRef(quarkusVersion)|util.graalvmRef(graalvmVersion, graalvmDocsVersion)|lts|quarkus.branch(pageComponentVersion)", requires={requires},transform=util.sortCompatibilityItems]