blob: 80dd2491945d574fa518fe9c32344ec0979f5f8e [file] [log] [blame]
== Google Pubsub integration tests
=== Local container
Google emulator differs a little bit from the real account. For example there is a test which passes on local emulator but fails on real account (see an[issue] in Camel project).
Tests are executed with local container, unless both `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` and `GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID` properties are set.
=== Real Google Pubsub
To run the Google Pubsub client library, you must first set up authentication by creating a service account key.
You can find more info in the[documentation].
Required permissions are to create/read/write the topics and subscriptions.
There are several roles which contain all required permissions (for example `Pub/sub editor`).
When you have the **service account key** you can provide authentication credentials and project id by setting both environment variables:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/home/user/Downloads/my-key.json"
export GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID="#your_project"