blob: 2b93eddc756eb9b31d01cca7213f31edfe0e2e8c [file] [log] [blame]
== SQL integration tests
=== Default database type
When the tests are executed without any special configuration, dev-service `H2` database is used (more details will follow).
=== Dev-service databases
As is described in the[documentation], several database types could be started in dev-service mode.
Running the tests against a database in dev-service mode could be achieved by addition of build property `cq.sqlJdbcKind`. Example of usage:
`mvn clean test -f integration-tests/sql/ -Dcq.sqlJdbcKind=postgresql`
Following databases could be started in the dev-service mode:
- Postgresql (container) - add `-Dcq.sqlJdbcKind=postgresql`
- MySQL (container) - add `-Dcq.sqlJdbcKind=mysql`
- MariaDB (container) - add `-Dcq.sqlJdbcKind=mariadb`
- H2 (in-process) used by default
- Apache Derby (in-process) - add `-Dcq.sqlJdbcKind=derby`
- DB2 (container) (requires license acceptance) - add `-Dcq.sqlJdbcKind=db2`
- MSSQL (container) (requires license acceptance) - add `-Dcq.sqlJdbcKind=mssql`
For more information about dev-service mode, see[documentation].
=== External databases
To execute the tests against external database, configure database type by providing a build property in the same way as with dev-service mode (see previous chapter).
Provide the rest of database's connection information by setting environment variables
export SQL_JDBC_URL=#jdbc_url
export SQL_JDBC_USERNAME=#username
export SQL_JDBC_PASSWORD=#password
or for windows:
$Env:SQL_JDBC_URL = "#jdbc_url"
Oracle database could be used as external db. In that case use parameter `-Dcq.sqlJdbcKind=oracle`.