blob: 46260030db4b89950f0c0fda0ae5fe586147a559 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Camel Quarkus</name>
<description>Apache Camel extensions for Quarkus</description>
<!-- Compile dependency versions (keep sorted alphabetically) -->
<antlr3.version>3.5.2</antlr3.version><!-- Spark, Stringtemplate and probably others -->
<bouncycastle.version>${bouncycastle-version}</bouncycastle.version><!-- keep in sync with Camel -->
<camel.major.minor>3.9</camel.major.minor> <!-- run after each change: cd docs && mvndev validate -->
<>${camel.major.minor}.x@components</><!-- the version in Camel's docs/components/antora.yml -->
<>camel-${camel.major.minor}.x</><!-- The stable branch on which our Antora docs depends -->
<cassandra-java-driver.version>4.11.0</cassandra-java-driver.version><!-- keep in sync with Cassandra quarkus client -->
<commons-beanutils.version>${commons-beanutils-version}</commons-beanutils.version><!-- keep in sync with Camel -->
<commons-cli.version>1.4</commons-cli.version><!-- keep in sync with Quarkus, via quarkus-bootstrap-core -->
<commons-collections.version>3.2.2</commons-collections.version><!-- used by hbase, should be pretty stable as commons-collections are not developed actively anymore -->
<commons-lang.version>2.6</commons-lang.version><!-- used by hbase, should be pretty stable as commons-lang is not developed actively anymore -->
<commons-math3.version>3.6.1</commons-math3.version><!-- Mess in the transitive dependencies of Spark and hbase-testing-util -->
<curator.version>4.3.0</curator.version><!-- Mess in the transitive dependencies of Spark, Zookeeper and other hadoop related components -->
<derby.version></derby.version><!-- Spark -->
<freemarker.version>2.3.31</freemarker.version><!-- keep in sync with quarkiverse.freemarker.version -->
<fommil.netlib.core.version>1.1.2</fommil.netlib.core.version><!-- Mess in Weka transitive deps -->
<jodatime.version>2.10.6</jodatime.version><!-- Mess in transitive dependencies of Spark and Splunk -->
<google-api-common.version>1.10.1</google-api-common.version> <!-- Mess in google-cloud-bom -->
<google-http-client-jackson2.version>1.38.0</google-http-client-jackson2.version> <!-- Mess in google-cloud-bom -->
<google-auth-library-oauth2-http.version>0.22.0</google-auth-library-oauth2-http.version> <!-- Mess in google-cloud-bom -->
<graaljs.version>${graaljs-version}</graaljs.version> <!-- keep in sync with quarkus ? -->
<gson.version>2.8.6</gson.version><!-- JSONata -->
<hadoop2.version>${hadoop2-version}</hadoop2.version><!-- Spark -->
<hazelcast.version>4.0.3</hazelcast.version><!-- keep in sync with quarkus-hazelcast-client -->
<hbase.version>${hbase-version}</hbase.version><!-- Keep in sync with Camel -->
<htrace.version>4.2.0-incubating</htrace.version><!-- Mess in hbase transitive deps -->
<jackson-asl.version>1.9.13</jackson-asl.version><!-- Mess in the transitive dependencies of spark and hbase-testing-util -->
<jcodings.version>1.0.55</jcodings.version><!-- used by hbase -->
<joni.version>2.1.31</joni.version><!-- used by json-validator -->
<jsoup.version>1.12.1</jsoup.version><!-- used by oaipmh -->
<javassist.version>3.22.0-CR2</javassist.version><!-- debezium -->
<jersey-sun.version>1.19.4</jersey-sun.version><!-- Spark -->
<jnr-ffi.version>2.1.2</jnr-ffi.version><!-- Mess in web3j transitive deps -->
<kudu.version>${kudu-version}</kudu.version><!-- keep in sync with Camel -->
<kotlin.version>1.4.31</kotlin.version><!-- keep in sync with Quarkus -->
<netty3.version>${netty3-version}</netty3.version><!-- Spark -->
<mvel2.version>${mvel-version}</mvel2.version><!-- keep in sync with Camel and Optaplanner -->
<nimbus-jose-jwt.version>4.41.1</nimbus-jose-jwt.version><!-- Mess in hdfs transitive deps -->
<okhttp.version>${squareup-okhttp-version}</okhttp.version><!-- keep in sync with okio -->
<okio.version>${squareup-okio-version}</okio.version><!-- keep in sync with okhttp -->
<scala-2.11.version>2.11.12</scala-2.11.version><!-- Spark -->
<smallrye.reactive.messaging.camel.version>2.9.0</smallrye.reactive.messaging.camel.version> <!-- keep in sync with Quarkus SmallRye Reactive Messaging -->
<soap-api.version>1.4.0</soap-api.version><!-- keep in sync with Camel -->
<!-- Keep spring.version aligned with the version used by Camel -->
<snappy.version></snappy.version><!-- Spark -->
<xmlgraphics-commons.version>2.3</xmlgraphics-commons.version><!-- mess in FOP transitive deps -->
<web3j.version>${web3j-version}</web3j.version><!-- keep in sync with Camel -->
<web3j.quorum.version>${web3j-quorum-version}</web3j.quorum.version><!-- keep in sync with Camel -->
<woodstox-core.version>${woodstox-core-version}</woodstox-core.version><!-- keep in sync with Camel -->
<zxing.version>3.3.3</zxing.version><!-- Mess in IOTA transitive deps -->
<!-- Test dependency versions (keep sorted alphabetically) -->
<commons-logging.version>1.2</commons-logging.version><!-- Mess in the transitive dependencies of hbase-testing-util -->
<slf4j-log4j12.version>1.7.30</slf4j-log4j12.version><!-- Mess in the transitive dependencies of hbase-testing-util -->
<!-- Maven plugin versions (keep sorted alphabetically) -->
<!-- NOTE: We pin to this version due to -->
<!-- Plugin configuration through properties -->
<!-- maven-resources-plugin -->
<!-- maven-compiler-plugin -->
<!-- maven-enforcer-plugin -->
<!-- maven-release-plugin -->
<name>The Apache Camel Team</name>
<organization>Apache Software Foundation</organization>
<name>Development List</name>
<name>User List</name>
<name>Commits List</name>
<name>Apache Snapshot Repo</name>
<!-- Only plugins relevant to both end user applications and Camel Quarkus extensions -->
<!-- release:prepare config -->
<preparationGoals>clean package</preparationGoals>
<!-- release:perform config -->
<!-- Both release:prepare and release:perform config -->
<arguments>-DskipTests -Denforcer.skip -Dformatter.skip -Dimpsort.skip</arguments>
<!-- include camel-catalog on classpath -->
<!-- groovy-testng depends on testng 7.2.0 wich is not on maven central -->
<!-- license-maven-plugin is not necessarily relevant for user applications.
It is managed here so that we can have its config defined on a single place.
It is executed from profiles only -->
<!-- Settings for stubbing new extensions. E.g. to add a new extension to support an imaginary
Camel Foo ABC component, you would run
mvn cq:create -N -Dcq.artifactIdBase=foo-abc
<!-- enforce-maven-version is defined in org.apache:apache -->
<!-- we skip for the whole Camel Quarkus tree because we have -->
<!-- an analogous check in camel-quarkus-enforcer-rules -->
<phase /><!-- unbound here to speedup -Dquickly build; bound to a phase in camel-quarkus-build-parent-it -->
<phase /><!-- skip to save time -->
<!-- Pass '-Dquickly' to skip enforcer and some further sanity checks -->
<dependencyConvergence />
<phase /><!-- Speedup the check-format profile by skipping the enforcer -->
<phase /><!-- fix -->
<!-- We want to deploy the artifact to a staging location for perusal -->
<!-- We want to sign the artifact, the POM, and all attached artifacts -->
<name>Apache Snapshot Repo</name>