blob: 69fb1d71a6f69eb6c008e4be6882100330e55dc0 [file] [log] [blame]
== Camel Quarkus Salesforce Integration Tests
To run the `camel-quarkus-salesforce` integration tests against the real API, you must first create a Salesforce developer account
Next create a new 'Connected App' from the app manager page. You may need to adjust the OAuth policy settings for
`Permitted Users` and also `IP Relaxation` rules, depending on your needs. Also enable Change Data Capture for the 'Account' entity by visiting the Integrations -> Change Data Capture page.
You can find the app OAuth settings by choosing the 'view' option from the app manager page. Then set the following environment variables.
export SALESFORCE_CLIENTID=your-salesforce-client-id
export SALESFORCE_CLIENTSECRET=your-salesforce-client-secret
export SALESFORCE_USERNAME=your-salesforce-username
export SALESFORCE_PASSWORD=your-salesforce-password
To regenerate the Salesforce DTO classes, run `mvn clean generate-sources -Pgenerate-salesforce-dtos`.