blob: 7987441e2cc69161484b641cb599e5f44f5c0431 [file] [log] [blame]
== AWS 2 grouped integration tests
This module allows executing all tests from `integration-test-groups/aws2/*` grouped together.
While grouping brings the benefit of faster native compilation
(compared to the sum of compilation times of all modules under `integration-test-groups/aws2/*`)
it is methodologically not as clean as running those tests in isolation.
Hence, this module is intended to be run instead of the tests under `integration-test-groups/aws2/*`
if, in the given situation, the speed matters more than isolation.
=== How the grouping works
* The grouped module dynamically pulls all sources from the individual AWS test modules to its
* `target/[test-]classes` directories.
* `` files and service descriptors are concatenated using a Groovy script.
* The dependencies in the grouped `pom.xml` can be updated via `mvn process-resources -Pformat -N`.
=== Mock backend vs. real service
Please refer to link:../../integration-test-groups/aws2/README.adoc[integration-test-groups/aws2/README.adoc] for more details.