blob: 85f5d7ebe195d2aca71187468248961635565c42 [file] [log] [blame]
= Apache Camel extensions for Quarkus
image:["Maven Central", link=""]
image:["Licensed under Apache License version 2.0", link=""]
image:["Chat on Zulip", link=""]
==== CI Branch Status
|master | image:["Master Branch Build", link=""]
|camel-master | image:["Camel Master Branch Build", link=""]
|quarkus-master| image:["Quarkus Master Branch Build", link=""]
== What is this
This project hosts the efforts to port and package the 300+ Camel components as Quarkus extensions.[Apache Camel] is the Swiss knife of integrating heterogeneous systems with more than a decade
of history and a lively community of users and developers.[Quarkus] is a Java platform offering fast boot times and low memory footprint. It targets both stock
JVMs (OpenJDK in the first place) and[GraalVM].[Quarkus extensions] are units of Quarkus distribution. They configure, boot and integrate
a technology (in our case Camel components) into your Quarkus application. You will typically use them as dependencies
in your project.
== How to build
See the contributor guide xref:docs/modules/ROOT/pages/contributor-guide/index.adoc[in the source tree] or on the[Apache Camel website].
== Licensing
This software is licensed under the terms you may find in the file named `LICENSE.txt` in this directory.