blob: 2d4d8b1cc9276155ac1e0c0e09a0d04d37f1e50d [file] [log] [blame]
= Contributor guide
== Prerequisites
* `git`
* GraalVM with `native-image` command installed and `GRAALVM_HOME` environment variable set, see[Building a native executable] section of the Quarkus
* If your are on Linux, `docker` is sufficient for the native mode too. Use `-Pnative,docker` instead of `-Pnative`
if you choose this option.
* Java 8
* Maven 3.5.3+ (unless you use the Maven Wrapper, a.k.a. `mvnw` available in the source tree).
== How to build
Checkout the code
$ git clone
$ cd camel-quarkus
A fast build without tests:
$ mvn clean install -DskipTests
A build with integration tests in the JVM mode only:
$ mvn clean install
A build with integration tests in both the JVM mode and the native mode:
$ mvn clean install -Pnative
== Create a new extension
1. You should know link:#how-to-build[how to build].
2. Go through the[Quarkus extension author's guide] to get an idea
what is expecting you.
3. Make sure that nobody else works on the same extension already by searching through the[GitHub issues].
4. Let others know that you work on the given extension by either creating a[new issue] or asking to assign an existing one to you.
5. Scaffold the necessary Maven modules using `quarkus-maven-plugin`. As an example let's add a new extension for
supporting an imaginary Camel component `foo-abc`:
$ cd camel-quarkus
$ cd extensions
$ mvn quarkus:create-extension -N \
-Dquarkus.artifactIdBase=foo-abc \
-Dquarkus.nameBase="Foo ABC"
* `foo-abc` is the unique part of the new extension's `artifactId` without the `camel-quarkus-` prefix
* `Foo ABC` is the unique part of the artifact name without the `Camel Quarkus :: ` prefix
The `artifactId` and artifact `name` prefixes and suffixes are added automatically by the plugin.
The above sequence of commands does the following:
* It creates three new Maven modules under the `extensions` directory: `camel-quarkus-foo-abc-parent`, `camel-quarkus-foo-abc`
(a.k.a. the runtime module) and `camel-quarkus-foo-abc-deployment`.
* These three modules are linked where necessary:
** `camel-quarkus-foo-abc-parent` is added to the `<modules>` of `camel-quarkus-extensions`
** `camel-quarkus-foo-abc` is added to the `<dependencyManagement>` of the runtime BOM (Bill of Materials) `poms/bom/pom.xml`
** `camel-quarkus-foo-abc-deployment` is added to the `<dependencyManagement>` of the deployment BOM (Bill of Materials) `poms/bom-deployment/pom.xml`
* It creates a basic `FooAbcProcessor` class in the deployment module.
* It also creates a stub of an integration test module under `integration-tests/foo-abc`.
A compilation performed immediately after generating the modules should pass flawlessly but running the tests will fail
because the test project needs to get finished. You need to build `poms/bom` and `poms/bom-deployment` one time first.
TIP: The `nameBase` parameter of the mojo is optional. If you do not specify it on the command line, the plugin will
derive it from `artifactIdBase` by replacing dashes with spaces and capitalizing the first letter of each token. So you
may consider omitting explicit `nameBase` in some cases.
6. Create `extensions/foo-abc/runtime/src/main/resources/META-INF/quarkus-extension.yaml`. Consult other existing
extensions for the content of the file.
7. Complete the extension by adding dependencies to the runtime module. You probably want to add a dependency on
on the given Camel component - in our case `org.apache.camel:camel-foo-abc`.
8. Complete the integration test module under `integration-tests/foo-abc`. Make sure you test both the consumer and the
producer of the component (if the component supports both). Make sure the tests are passing both in the JVM mode
(`mvn test`) and in the native mode (`mvn verify -Pnative`).
9. In case of problems, consult the[Quarkus extension author's guide],
ask for help in the given GitHub issue or via[Camel Quarkus chat].
10. If the usage of your new extension differs from the usage of the given Camel component, please add an AsciiDoc page
under `docs/modules/ROOT/pages/extensions` and document the differences and Quarkus specific configuration options
there. For our imaginary Camel component `foo-abc` the complete path of the page would be
`docs/modules/ROOT/pages/extensions/foo-abc.adoc`. After completing the page, run `mvn clean install -DskipTests`
from the root of the source tree to add your extension to the autogenerated list of extensions.
11. Before sending a pull request, please make sure you have run the following Maven command:
$ mvn process-resources -Pformat
The above command will perform the following tasks:
* Add license headers to the new files
* Re-generate the list of extensions and the Camel Quarkus Catalog
* Sort elements in various POM files properly
Review the result visually.
Please squash your commits before sending a pull request.
Good luck!