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= Apache Camel Quarkus release process
:page-aliases: release-guide.adoc
The process is _mutatis mutandis_ the same as for the main Apache Camel repository - see the
xref:latest@manual::release-guide.adoc[Release guide] page of the Camel documentation.
Here, just a sketch of the repeating part, after you have performed the initial setup following the
xref:latest@manual::release-guide.adoc[Camel Release guide].
== Pre release tasks
* Check for an updated release of the[Quarkus Qpid JMS Extension] that aligns with the Quarkus version that Camel Quarkus is using. If one is available, update the `quarkus-qpid-jms.version` property in the project root `pom.xml`.
* Close the GitHub release[milestone] and assign any remaining issues that aren't covered by the release to the next milestone
== Create a release branch
$ export VERSION=... # the version you are releasing, e.g. 0.1.0
$ export NEXT_VERSION=... # the next development iteration, e.g. 0.1.1-SNAPSHOT
$ git fetch upstream # upstream is
$ git checkout master # master is the branch from which you want to release
$ git reset --hard upstream/master # make sure you are in sync with upstream
$ git checkout -b release/$VERSION
== `release:prepare` and `release:perform`
With Camel Quarkus, adding `-Prelease` to `release:prepare` and `release:perform` is not necessary,
because all necessary profiles are set in the configuration of the `maven-release-plugin`.
The Maven command to release is as follows:
$ mvn clean release:clean release:prepare -DreleaseVersion=$VERSION -DdevelopmentVersion=$NEXT_VERSION -B release:perform
In case `release:prepare` is successful but an issue occurs during `release:perform`, it could be worth trying to resume from the failing artifact.
For instance, would an issue occurs while performing the release of `camel-quarkus-openapi-java`, a resume attempt could be triggered as below:
$ mvn -DskipTests -Denforcer.skip -Dformatter.skip -Dimpsort.skip deploy -Papache-release -rf :camel-quarkus-openapi-java
== Next version in Camel Quarkus master branch
If there are no substantial commits in the release branch, which need to get merged/cherry-picked to `master`, you can
perform this step right after creating the release branch. Otherwise, e.g. if there is a Camel upgrade in the release
branch which is not available on Maven Central yet, it is better to perform this step after the new Camel release is
available on the Central and after all relevant commits were merged/cherry-picked to `master`.
While in the release branch we set the `$NEXT_VERSION` to the next micro SNAPSHOT (e.g. when releasing `0.1.0`,
`$NEXT_VERSION` would be `0.1.1-SNAPSHOT`), in `master`, we typically set the next version to the next minor
SNAPSHOT (the next minor SNAPSHOT of `0.1.0` is `0.2.0-SNAPSHOT`).
$ NEXT_RELEASE=... # e.g. 0.2.0
$ git checkout "master"
$ git reset upstream/master
$ mvn release:update-versions -DautoVersionSubmodules=true -DdevelopmentVersion=$NEXT_SNAPSHOT -B
$ sed -i "s|<camel.quarkus.jvmSince>[^<]*</camel.quarkus.jvmSince>|<camel.quarkus.jvmSince>$NEXT_RELEASE</camel.quarkus.jvmSince>|" tooling/create-extension-templates/runtime-pom.xml
$ sed -i "s|<camel.quarkus.nativeSince>[^<]*</camel.quarkus.nativeSince>|<camel.quarkus.nativeSince>$NEXT_RELEASE</camel.quarkus.nativeSince>|" tooling/create-extension-templates/runtime-pom.xml
$ (cd extensions/qute && mvn clean install -Dquickly) # to regen the Qute Camel component metadata
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "Next is $NEXT_RELEASE"
# Send a pull request
== Update the Apache Camel Quarkus distribution subversion repository
Once the staging repository has been released, the Apache Camel Quarkus distribution subversion repository should be updated as sketched below.
If you are doing this for the first time you need to checkout the Apache Camel Quarkus distribution subversion repository:
$ svn checkout '' camel-releases-dist
In case you have performed the above step during some release in the past, you need to update your working copy:
$ svn update '' camel-releases-dist
Make sure your public key is present in the `KEYS` file. Add it, if it is not there yet.
Assemble the Apache Camel Quarkus distribution:
$ mkdir -p "camel-quarkus/$VERSION"
$ cd "camel-quarkus/$VERSION"
$ export URL=''
$ wget -O "apache-camel-quarkus-$" "$URL/$VERSION/camel-quarkus-$"
$ wget -O "apache-camel-quarkus-$" "$URL/$VERSION/camel-quarkus-$"
$ sha512sum "apache-camel-quarkus-$" > "apache-camel-quarkus-$"
Ensure that only the latest release from each maintained branches is present.
Typically, when releasing e.g. 1.4.0, you may need to delete e.g. 1.3.0:
$ cd .. && ls
$ rm -fr 1.3.0
Review the changes:
$ svn diff
Commit the changes:
$ cd camel-releases-dist
$ svn add --force .
$ svn commit -m "Apache Camel Quarkus $VERSION released artifacts"
== Further steps
In addition to the above, the following is needed:
* When writing the release announcement blog post, do not forget to add the release note section in
*[Create a ticket] asking a[PMC member] to update the[Apache Committee Report Helper]. The ticket title could be as follow.
Release: The Apache Committee Report Helper should be updated by a PMC member as camel-quarkus-X.Y.Z has been released on YYYY-MM-DD.
* Check the state of `camel-quarkus-master` branch in the[Examples repository]. If the version properties are in sync with
new Camel Quarkus release and if the tests are passing, merge `camel-quarkus-master` to `master`.