blob: 79dd3197caa299636ad3ed4801c5dc23ca1a497a [file] [log] [blame]
= Extensions
Apache Camel Quarkus supports the following Camel artifacts as Quarkus Extensions
== Camel Components
// components: START
Number of Camel components: 51 in 43 JAR artifacts (0 deprecated)
| Component | Since | Description
| link:[AWS ECS] (camel-quarkus-aws-ecs) +
`aws-ecs:label` | 1.0.0-M1 | The aws-ecs is used for managing Amazon ECS
| link:[AWS EKS] (camel-quarkus-aws-eks) +
`aws-eks:label` | 0.2.0 | The aws-eks is used for managing Amazon EKS
| link:[AWS IAM] (camel-quarkus-aws-iam) +
`aws-iam:label` | 1.1.0 | The aws-iam is used for managing Amazon IAM
| link:[AWS KMS] (camel-quarkus-aws-kms) +
`aws-kms:label` | 1.0.0-M1 | The aws-kms is used for managing Amazon KMS
| link:[AWS S3 Storage Service] (camel-quarkus-aws-s3) +
`aws-s3://bucketNameOrArn` | 0.2.0 | The aws-s3 component is used for storing and retrieving object from Amazon S3 Storage Service.
| link:[AWS Simple Notification System] (camel-quarkus-aws-sns) +
`aws-sns:topicNameOrArn` | 0.2.0 | The aws-sns component is used for sending messages to an Amazon Simple Notification Topic.
| link:[AWS Simple Queue Service] (camel-quarkus-aws-sqs) +
`aws-sqs:queueNameOrArn` | 0.2.0 | The aws-sqs component is used for sending and receiving messages to Amazon's SQS service.
| link:[Bean] (camel-quarkus-bean) +
`bean:beanName` | 0.2.0 | The bean component is for invoking Java beans from Camel.
| link:[Bean Validator] (camel-quarkus-bean-validator) +
`bean-validator:label` | 1.0.0-M1 | The Validator component performs bean validation of the message body using the Java Bean Validation API.
| link:[Class] (camel-quarkus-bean) +
`class:beanName` | 0.2.0 | The class component is for invoking Java classes (Java beans) from Camel.
| link:[Control Bus] (camel-quarkus-controlbus) +
`controlbus:command:language` | 0.4.0 | The controlbus component provides easy management of Camel applications based on the Control Bus EIP pattern.
| link:[Data Format] (camel-quarkus-dataformat) +
`dataformat:name:operation` | 0.4.0 | The dataformat component is used for working with Data Formats as if it was a regular Component supporting Endpoints and URIs.
| link:[Direct] (camel-quarkus-direct) +
`direct:name` | 0.2.0 | The direct component provides direct, synchronous call to another endpoint from the same CamelContext.
| xref:extensions/dozer.adoc[Dozer] (camel-quarkus-dozer) +
`dozer:name` | 1.0.0-M1 | The dozer component provides the ability to map between Java beans using the Dozer mapping library.
| link:[Exec] (camel-quarkus-exec) +
`exec:executable` | 0.4.0 | The exec component can be used to execute OS system commands.
| xref:extensions/fhir.adoc[FHIR] (camel-quarkus-fhir) +
`fhir:apiName/methodName` | 0.3.0 | The fhir component is used for working with the FHIR protocol (health care).
| link:[File] (camel-quarkus-file) +
`file:directoryName` | 0.4.0 | The file component is used for reading or writing files.
| link:[FTP] (camel-quarkus-ftp) +
`ftp:host:port/directoryName` | 1.0.0-M1 | The \ftp component is used for uploading or downloading files from FTP servers.
| link:[FTPS] (camel-quarkus-ftp) +
`ftps:host:port/directoryName` | 1.0.0-M1 | The \ftps (FTP secure SSL/TLS) component is used for uploading or downloading files from FTP servers.
| link:[Infinispan] (camel-quarkus-infinispan) +
`infinispan:cacheName` | 0.2.0 | For reading/writing from/to Infinispan distributed key/value store and data grid.
| link:[JDBC] (camel-quarkus-jdbc) +
`jdbc:dataSourceName` | 0.2.0 | The jdbc component enables you to access databases through JDBC, where SQL queries are sent in the message body.
| link:[Kafka] (camel-quarkus-kafka) +
`kafka:topic` | 1.0.0-M1 | The kafka component allows messages to be sent to (or consumed from) Apache Kafka brokers.
| link:[Log] (camel-quarkus-log) +
`log:loggerName` | 0.2.0 | The log component logs message exchanges to the underlying logging mechanism.
| link:[Mail] (camel-quarkus-mail) +
`imap:host:port` | 0.2.0 | To send or receive emails using imap/pop3 or smtp protocols.
| xref:extensions/microprofile-metrics.adoc[MicroProfile Metrics] (camel-quarkus-microprofile-metrics) +
`microprofile-metrics:metricType:metricName` | 0.2.0 | Camel metrics exposed with Eclipse MicroProfile Metrics
| xref:extensions/mongodb.adoc[MongoDB] (camel-quarkus-mongodb) +
`mongodb:connectionBean` | 1.0.0-M1 | Component for working with documents stored in MongoDB database.
| xref:extensions/netty.adoc[Netty] (camel-quarkus-netty) +
`netty:protocol:host:port` | 0.4.0 | Socket level networking using TCP or UDP with the Netty 4.x library.
| xref:extensions/netty-http.adoc[Netty HTTP] (camel-quarkus-netty-http) +
`netty-http:protocol:host:port/path` | 0.2.0 | Netty HTTP server and client using the Netty 4.x library.
| link:[Paho] (camel-quarkus-paho) +
`paho:topic` | 0.2.0 | Component for communicating with MQTT message brokers using Eclipse Paho MQTT Client.
| link:[PDF] (camel-quarkus-pdf) +
`pdf:operation` | 0.3.1 | The pdf components provides the ability to create, modify or extract content from PDF documents.
| xref:extensions/platform-http.adoc[Platform HTTP] (camel-quarkus-platform-http) +
`platform-http:path` | 0.3.0 | HTTP service leveraging existing runtime platform HTTP server
| link:[REST] (camel-quarkus-rest) +
`rest:method:path:uriTemplate` | 0.2.0 | The rest component is used for either hosting REST services (consumer) or calling external REST services (producer).
| link:[REST API] (camel-quarkus-rest) +
`rest-api:path/contextIdPattern` | 0.2.0 | The rest-api component is used for providing Swagger API of the REST services which has been defined using the rest-dsl in Camel.
| link:[Salesforce] (camel-quarkus-salesforce) +
`salesforce:operationName:topicName` | 0.2.0 | The salesforce component is used for integrating Camel with the massive Salesforce API.
| link:[Scheduler] (camel-quarkus-scheduler) +
`scheduler:name` | 0.4.0 | The scheduler component is used for generating message exchanges when a scheduler fires.
| link:[SEDA] (camel-quarkus-seda) +
`seda:name` | 1.0.0-M1 | The seda component provides asynchronous call to another endpoint from any CamelContext in the same JVM.
| link:[Servlet] (camel-quarkus-servlet) +
`servlet:contextPath` | 0.2.0 | To use a HTTP Servlet as entry for Camel routes when running in a servlet container.
| link:[SFTP] (camel-quarkus-ftp) +
`sftp:host:port/directoryName` | 1.0.0-M1 | The \sftp (FTP over SSH) component is used for uploading or downloading files from SFTP servers.
| link:[Simple JMS] (camel-quarkus-sjms) +
`sjms:destinationType:destinationName` | 1.0.0-M1 | The sjms component (simple jms) allows messages to be sent to (or consumed from) a JMS Queue or Topic (uses JMS 1.x API).
| link:[Simple JMS Batch] (camel-quarkus-sjms) +
`sjms-batch:destinationName` | 1.0.0-M1 | The sjms-batch component is a specialized for highly performant, transactional batch consumption from a JMS queue.
| link:[Simple JMS2] (camel-quarkus-sjms2) +
`sjms2:destinationType:destinationName` | 1.0.0-M1 | The sjms2 component (simple jms) allows messages to be sent to (or consumed from) a JMS Queue or Topic (uses JMS 2.x API).
| link:[Slack] (camel-quarkus-slack) +
`slack:channel` | 0.3.0 | The slack component allows you to send messages to Slack.
| xref:extensions/sql.adoc[SQL] (camel-quarkus-sql) +
`sql:query` | 1.0.0-M2 | The sql component allows you to work with databases using JDBC SQL queries.
| xref:extensions/sql.adoc[SQL Stored Procedure] (camel-quarkus-sql) +
`sql-stored:template` | 1.0.0-M2 | The sql component allows you to work with databases using JDBC Stored Procedure queries.
| link:[Timer] (camel-quarkus-timer) +
`timer:timerName` | 0.2.0 | The timer component is used for generating message exchanges when a timer fires.
| link:[Twitter Direct Message] (camel-quarkus-twitter) +
`twitter-directmessage:user` | 0.2.0 | The Twitter Direct Message Component consumes/produces user's direct messages.
| link:[Twitter Search] (camel-quarkus-twitter) +
`twitter-search:keywords` | 0.2.0 | The Twitter Search component consumes search results.
| link:[Twitter Timeline] (camel-quarkus-twitter) +
`twitter-timeline:timelineType` | 0.2.0 | The Twitter Timeline component consumes twitter timeline or update the status of specific user.
| link:[Validator] (camel-quarkus-validator) +
`validator:resourceUri` | 0.4.0 | Validates the payload of a message using XML Schema and JAXP Validation.
| link:[VM] (camel-quarkus-vm) +
`vm:name` | 0.3.0 | The vm component provides asynchronous call to another endpoint from the same CamelContext.
| xref:extensions/xslt.adoc[XSLT] (camel-quarkus-xslt) +
`xslt:resourceUri` | 0.4.0 | Transforms the message using a XSLT template.
// components: END
== Camel Data Formats
// dataformats: START
Number of Camel data formats: 10 in 9 JAR artifacts (0 deprecated)
| Data Format | Since | Description
| link:[Base64] (camel-quarkus-base64) | 1.0.0-M1 | The Base64 data format is used for base64 encoding and decoding.
| link:[CSV] (camel-quarkus-csv) | 0.2.0 | The CSV data format is used for handling CSV payloads.
| xref:extensions/fhir.adoc[FHIR JSon] (camel-quarkus-fhir) | 0.3.0 | The FHIR JSon data format is used to marshall/unmarshall to/from FHIR objects to/from JSON.
| xref:extensions/fhir.adoc[FHIR XML] (camel-quarkus-fhir) | 0.3.0 | The FHIR XML data format is used to marshall/unmarshall from/to FHIR objects to/from XML.
| link:[JSon Jackson] (camel-quarkus-jackson) | 0.3.0 | JSon data format is used for unmarshal a JSon payload to POJO or to marshal POJO back to JSon payload.
| link:[MIME Multipart] (camel-quarkus-mail) | 0.2.0 | The MIME Multipart data format is used for marshalling Camel messages with attachments into MIME-Multipart message, and vise-versa.
| link:[Tar File] (camel-quarkus-tarfile) | 0.3.0 | The Tar File data format is a message compression and de-compression format of tar files.
| link:[TidyMarkup] (camel-quarkus-tagsoup) | 1.0.0-M1 | TidyMarkup data format is used for parsing HTML and return it as pretty well-formed HTML.
| link:[YAML SnakeYAML] (camel-quarkus-snakeyaml) | 0.4.0 | YAML is a data format to marshal and unmarshal Java objects to and from YAML.
| link:[Zip File] (camel-quarkus-zipfile) | 0.2.0 | The Zip File data format is a message compression and de-compression format of zip files.
// dataformats: END
== Camel Languages
// languages: START
Number of Camel languages: 8 in 2 JAR artifacts (0 deprecated)
| Language | Since | Description
| link:[Bean method] (camel-quarkus-bean) | 0.2.0 | To use a Java bean (aka method call) in Camel expressions or predicates.
| link:[Constant] (camel-quarkus-core) | 0.2.0 | To use a constant value in Camel expressions or predicates.
| link:[ExchangeProperty] (camel-quarkus-core) | 0.2.0 | To use a Camel Exchange property in expressions or predicates.
| link:[File] (camel-quarkus-core) | 0.2.0 | For expressions and predicates using the file/simple language.
| link:[Header] (camel-quarkus-core) | 0.2.0 | To use a Camel Message header in expressions or predicates.
| link:[Ref] (camel-quarkus-core) | 0.2.0 | Reference to an existing Camel expression or predicate, which is looked up from the Camel registry.
| link:[Simple] (camel-quarkus-core) | 0.2.0 | To use Camels built-in Simple language in Camel expressions or predicates.
| link:[Tokenize] (camel-quarkus-core) | 0.2.0 | To use Camel message body or header with a tokenizer in Camel expressions or predicates.
// languages: END
== Miscellaneous Extensions
// others: START
Number of miscellaneous extensions: 9 in 9 JAR artifacts (0 deprecated)
| Extension | Since | Description
| (camel-quarkus-attachments) | 0.3.0 | Java Attachments support for Camel Message
| (camel-quarkus-core-cloud) | 0.2.0 | The Camel Quarkus core cloud module
| (camel-quarkus-core-xml) | 0.3.0 | Includes implementations of Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) and Java API for XML Processing (JAXP)
| (camel-quarkus-endpointdsl) | 1.0.0 | camel-quarkus-endpointdsl
| (camel-quarkus-hystrix) | 1.0.0-M1 | Circuit Breaker EIP using Netflix Hystrix
| (camel-quarkus-kotlin) | 1.0.0 | camel-quarkus-kotlin
| xref:extensions/microprofile-health.adoc[camel-quarkus-microprofile-health] | 0.3.0 | Bridging Eclipse MicroProfile Health with Camel health checks
| xref:extensions/opentracing.adoc[camel-quarkus-opentracing] | 0.3.0 | Distributed tracing using OpenTracing
| (camel-quarkus-reactive-executor) | 0.3.0 | Reactive Executor for camel-core using Vert.x
// others: END