blob: b4c4b24f61668a74ce2fa415720391c51ce9538f [file] [log] [blame]
= MicroProfile Metrics Extension
*Since Camel Quarkus 0.2.0*
The MicroProfile Metrics extension produces metrics and statistics related to the Camel Context, routes and message exchanges.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their `pom.xml` for this extension.
== Usage
The[microprofile-metrics] component automatically exposes a set of Camel application metrics. Some of these include:
=== Camel Context metrics
|Metric Name | Type
The status of the Camel Context represented by the `ServiceStatus` enum ordinal
| Gauge
The Camel Context uptime in milliseconds
| Gauge
The total number of completed exchanges
| Counter
The total number of failed exchanges
| Counter
The total number of inflight exchanges
| Gauge
The total number of all exchanges
| Counter
The total number of all external redeliveries
| Counter
The total number of all failures handled
| Counter
=== Camel Route metrics
|Metric Name | Type
The number of routes
| Gauge
The number of running routes
| Gauge
The total number of completed exchanges for the route
| Counter
The total number of failed exchanges for the route
| Counter
The total number of inflight exchanges for the route
| Gauge
The total number of all exchanges for the route
| Counter
The total number of all external redeliveries for the route
| Counter
The total number of all failures handled for the route
| Counter
All metrics are tagged with the name of the Camel Context and the id of the route where applicable.
You can also produce your own customized metrics in your Camel routes. For more information, refer to the[microprofile-metrics] component documentation.
Metrics are exposed to Quarkus as application metrics and they can be browsed at http://localhost:8080/metrics/application.
=== Configuration
The Camel MicroProfile Metrics extension exposes the following configuration properties.
|Configuration property |Type |Default
Set whether to enable the `MicroProfileMetricsRoutePolicyFactory` for capturing metrics on route processing times
Set whether to enable the `MicroProfileMetricsMessageHistoryFactory` for capturing metrics on individual route node processing times.
Depending on the number of configured route nodes, there is the potential to create a large volume of metrics. Therefore, this option is disabled by default.
Set whether to enable the `MicroProfileMetricsExchangeEventNotifier` for capturing metrics on exchange processing times.
Set whether to enable the `MicroProfileMetricsRouteEventNotifier` for capturing metrics on the total number of routes and total number of routes running.
Set whether to enable the `MicroProfileMetricsCamelContextEventNotifier` for capturing metrics about the CamelContext, such as status and uptime.