blob: 0af3a62a5bc1c37ebc7348e633efceb54e166fab [file] [log] [blame]
= Spring Support
This extension provides common support for Camel components that depend on `org.springframework` libraries:
* spring-beans
* spring-context
* spring-core
== Repackaging of core Spring libraries
The Quarkus Spring extensions offers a limited set of supported packages for the Spring framework. This is achieved by shading the desired packages into a new quarkus-spring-*-api dependency. These can be found at the[quarkus-spring-api] project.
A side effect of this is that the Quarkus Spring extensions enforce the exclusion of the original Spring artifacts from the build via the `quarkus-extension-maven-plugin`. For example:
Therefore, in order to circumvent the artifact exclusion, the excluded Spring artifacts are shaded and repackaged with relevant packages required by various Camel extensions.
| Original Spring Artifact Name | Repackaged Artifact Name
| `spring-beans`
| `camel-quarkus-support-spring-beans`
| `spring-context`
| `camel-quarkus-support-spring-context`
| `spring-core`
| `camel-quarkus-support-spring-core`
== Native support
This extension contains the relevant Quarkus `BuildStep`s and GraalVM substitutions that enable the Spring core libraries to work properly in native mode.