Kafka Minio Exchange Pooling: Added instruction for plotting JFR data in Grafana
diff --git a/profiling/kafka/kafka-minio-exchange-pooling/README.md b/profiling/kafka/kafka-minio-exchange-pooling/README.md
index 27105f0..71dad2d 100644
--- a/profiling/kafka/kafka-minio-exchange-pooling/README.md
+++ b/profiling/kafka/kafka-minio-exchange-pooling/README.md
@@ -150,5 +150,24 @@
 This command will run 5 burst script with 1000 messages each one with payload "payload" to the Kafka instance running on localhost:9092 and the topic "testtopic"
+### Monitoring with Grafana
+After running this performance test an output.jfr recording is generated in jfr folder, it is possible to plot jfr metrics to grafana following these steps:
+Start jfr-datasource and grafana with preconfigured datasource and dashboard
+cd ../monitoring
+docker-compose up
+Post recording to jfr-datasource
+curl -F "file=@./jfr/output.jfr" "localhost:8080/load"
+Now wait 20s so that grafana will poll metrics from jfr-datsource
+And then go to grafana `http://localhost:3000` dashboard camel-jfr to observe results (default login is admin/admin)