Added a Kafka Azure Storage Queue module
diff --git a/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/.camel-jbang/ b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/.camel-jbang/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69f5843
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/.camel-jbang/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
diff --git a/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/.mvn/wrapper/ b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/.mvn/wrapper/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b901097
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/.mvn/wrapper/
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ * Copyright 2007-present the original author or authors.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import java.nio.channels.*;
+import java.util.Properties;
+public class MavenWrapperDownloader {
+    private static final String WRAPPER_VERSION = "0.5.6";
+    /**
+     * Default URL to download the maven-wrapper.jar from, if no 'downloadUrl' is provided.
+     */
+    private static final String DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_URL = ""
+        + WRAPPER_VERSION + "/maven-wrapper-" + WRAPPER_VERSION + ".jar";
+    /**
+     * Path to the file, which might contain a downloadUrl property to
+     * use instead of the default one.
+     */
+    private static final String MAVEN_WRAPPER_PROPERTIES_PATH =
+            ".mvn/wrapper/";
+    /**
+     * Path where the maven-wrapper.jar will be saved to.
+     */
+    private static final String MAVEN_WRAPPER_JAR_PATH =
+            ".mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar";
+    /**
+     * Name of the property which should be used to override the default download url for the wrapper.
+     */
+    private static final String PROPERTY_NAME_WRAPPER_URL = "wrapperUrl";
+    public static void main(String args[]) {
+        System.out.println("- Downloader started");
+        File baseDirectory = new File(args[0]);
+        System.out.println("- Using base directory: " + baseDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
+        // If the exists, read it and check if it contains a custom
+        // wrapperUrl parameter.
+        File mavenWrapperPropertyFile = new File(baseDirectory, MAVEN_WRAPPER_PROPERTIES_PATH);
+        String url = DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_URL;
+        if(mavenWrapperPropertyFile.exists()) {
+            FileInputStream mavenWrapperPropertyFileInputStream = null;
+            try {
+                mavenWrapperPropertyFileInputStream = new FileInputStream(mavenWrapperPropertyFile);
+                Properties mavenWrapperProperties = new Properties();
+                mavenWrapperProperties.load(mavenWrapperPropertyFileInputStream);
+                url = mavenWrapperProperties.getProperty(PROPERTY_NAME_WRAPPER_URL, url);
+            } catch (IOException e) {
+                System.out.println("- ERROR loading '" + MAVEN_WRAPPER_PROPERTIES_PATH + "'");
+            } finally {
+                try {
+                    if(mavenWrapperPropertyFileInputStream != null) {
+                        mavenWrapperPropertyFileInputStream.close();
+                    }
+                } catch (IOException e) {
+                    // Ignore ...
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        System.out.println("- Downloading from: " + url);
+        File outputFile = new File(baseDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), MAVEN_WRAPPER_JAR_PATH);
+        if(!outputFile.getParentFile().exists()) {
+            if(!outputFile.getParentFile().mkdirs()) {
+                System.out.println(
+                        "- ERROR creating output directory '" + outputFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() + "'");
+            }
+        }
+        System.out.println("- Downloading to: " + outputFile.getAbsolutePath());
+        try {
+            downloadFileFromURL(url, outputFile);
+            System.out.println("Done");
+            System.exit(0);
+        } catch (Throwable e) {
+            System.out.println("- Error downloading");
+            e.printStackTrace();
+            System.exit(1);
+        }
+    }
+    private static void downloadFileFromURL(String urlString, File destination) throws Exception {
+        if (System.getenv("MVNW_USERNAME") != null && System.getenv("MVNW_PASSWORD") != null) {
+            String username = System.getenv("MVNW_USERNAME");
+            char[] password = System.getenv("MVNW_PASSWORD").toCharArray();
+            Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator() {
+                @Override
+                protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
+                    return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password);
+                }
+            });
+        }
+        URL website = new URL(urlString);
+        ReadableByteChannel rbc;
+        rbc = Channels.newChannel(website.openStream());
+        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destination);
+        fos.getChannel().transferFrom(rbc, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
+        fos.close();
+        rbc.close();
+    }
diff --git a/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/.mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/.mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cc7d4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/.mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar
Binary files differ
diff --git a/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/.mvn/wrapper/ b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/.mvn/wrapper/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..642d572
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/.mvn/wrapper/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/ b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb63d91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# Kafka to Azure Storage Queue
+In the file, set correctly the Azure credentials for storage queue.
+Also you'll need to run a Kafka cluster to point to. In this case you could use an ansible role like
+And set up a file deploy.yaml with the following content:
+- name: role kafka
+  hosts: localhost
+  remote_user: user
+  roles:
+    - role: kafka-ansible-role
+      kafka_version: 2.8.0
+      path_dir: /home/user/
+      unarchive_dest_dir: /home/user/kafka/demo/
+      start_kafka: true
+and then run
+```shell script
+ansible-playbook -v deploy.yaml
+This should start a Kafka instance for you, on your local machine.
+```shell script
+./mvnw package
+```shell script
+docker run --rm -ti \
+    -v $PWD/data:/etc/camel:Z \
+    -e CAMEL_K_CONF=/etc/camel/ \
+    --network="host" \
+You'll need a running Kafka broker locally on your host.
+## Enabling JFR 
+```shell script
+docker run --rm -ti \
+    -v $PWD/data:/etc/camel:Z \
+    -v $PWD/jfr:/work/jfr:Z \
+    -e CAMEL_K_CONF=/etc/camel/ \
+    --network="host" \
+You'll need a running Kafka broker locally on your host.
+Now you can start JFR with the following command
+docker exec -it <container_id> jcmd 1 JFR.start name=Test settings=jfr/settings_for_heap.jfc duration=5m filename=jfr/output.jfr
+and check the status
+docker exec -it <container_id> jcmd 1 JFR.check
+## Enabling Async Profiler while running application
+```shell script
+docker run --rm -ti \
+    -v $PWD/data:/etc/camel:Z \
+    -v async_profiler_path:/work/async-profiler:Z \
+    -e CAMEL_K_CONF=/etc/camel/ \
+    --network="host" \
+Where async profiler path is the path of your async profiler on your host machine.
+Now you can start Async Profiler with the following command
+docker exec -it <container_id> /work/async-profiler/ -e alloc -d 30 -f /work/async-profiler/alloc_profile.html 1
+This command while create an allocation flamegraph for the duration of 30 second of the running application.
+The privileged option for running the docker container is the fastest way to have perf events syscall enabled.
+If you don't want to use privileged approach, you can have a look at the basic configuration of async profiler (
+## Tuning Container
+You could also modify the resources of your container with memory and cpu defined while running it
+```shell script
+docker run --rm -ti \
+    -v $PWD/data:/etc/camel:Z \
+    -v $PWD/jfr:/work/jfr:Z \ 
+    -e CAMEL_K_CONF=/etc/camel/ \ 
+    --network="host" \ 
+    -m 128m \ 
+    --cpu-quota="25000" \ 
+In this case we are allocating 128 Mb Memory to the container and 0.25% cpus.
+## Running this profiling example with Camel-Jbang
+You could also leveraging the camel-jbang module.
+What you need to do is simply running this commands:
+```shell script
+jbang  -Dcamel.jbang.version=3.20.0-SNAPSHOT  camel@apache/camel run --jfr-profile=profile data/sources/camel-jbang-route.yaml
+You'll get a jfr recording file once the application will be stopped in your working directory.
+## Send messages to Kafka
+You'll need also kafkacat to be able to inject the filename header and use the burst script
+```shell script
+export KAFKACAT_PATH=<path_to_your_kafkacat>
+And now run the burst script.
+This command for example will send 1000 messages with payload "payload" to the topic "testtopic"
+```shell script
+cd script/
+> ./ -b localhost:9092 -n 1000 -t testtopic -p "payload"
+You could also tests this approach with multiple producers, through the multiburst script
+```shell script
+cd script/
+> ./ -s 5 -b localhost:9092 -n 1000 -t testtopic -p "payload"
+This command will run 5 burst script with 1000 messages each one with payload "payload" to the Kafka instance running on localhost:9092 and the topic "testtopic"
+### Monitoring with Grafana
+After running this performance test an output.jfr recording is generated in jfr folder, it is possible to plot jfr metrics to grafana following these steps:
+Start jfr-datasource and grafana with preconfigured datasource and dashboard
+cd ../monitoring
+docker-compose up
+Post recording to jfr-datasource
+curl -F "file=@./jfr/output.jfr" "localhost:8080/load"
+Now wait 20s so that grafana will poll metrics from jfr-datsource
+And then go to grafana `http://localhost:3000` dashboard camel-jfr to observe results (default login is admin/admin)
diff --git a/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/data/ b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/data/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f725784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/data/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+## contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+## this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+## The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+## (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+## the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+## limitations under the License.
+## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# camel - main
+# = camel-k-runtime-examples-yaml = true = ${}/camel-q
+# camel-k - sources (routes)
+camel.k.sources[0].location = file:/etc/camel/sources/routes.yaml
+camel.k.sources[0].type     = source
diff --git a/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/data/sources/camel-jbang-route.yaml b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/data/sources/camel-jbang-route.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a6fe3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/data/sources/camel-jbang-route.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+- route:
+    from: 
+      uri: "kamelet:kafka-not-secured-source"
+      parameters:
+        bootstrapServers: "localhost:9092"
+        topic: "testtopic"
+      steps:
+        - to: 
+            uri: "kamelet:azure-storage-queue-sink"
+            parameters:
+              accessKey: "accessKey"
+              accountName: "accountName"
+              queueName: "containerName"
diff --git a/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/data/sources/routes.yaml b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/data/sources/routes.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a6fe3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/data/sources/routes.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+- route:
+    from: 
+      uri: "kamelet:kafka-not-secured-source"
+      parameters:
+        bootstrapServers: "localhost:9092"
+        topic: "testtopic"
+      steps:
+        - to: 
+            uri: "kamelet:azure-storage-queue-sink"
+            parameters:
+              accessKey: "accessKey"
+              accountName: "accountName"
+              queueName: "containerName"
diff --git a/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/jfr/settings_for_heap.jfc b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/jfr/settings_for_heap.jfc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fff6f0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/jfr/settings_for_heap.jfc
@@ -0,0 +1,965 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<configuration version="2.0" label="Settings for &apos;My Recording&apos;" description="none" provider="Oracle">
+  <control>
+    <selection name="gc-level" default="detailed" label="Garbage Collector">
+      <option label="Off" name="off">off</option>
+      <option label="Normal" name="detailed">normal</option>
+      <option label="All" name="all">all</option>
+    </selection>
+    <condition name="gc-enabled-normal" true="true" false="false">
+      <or>
+        <test name="gc-level" operator="equal" value="normal"/>
+        <test name="gc-level" operator="equal" value="all"/>
+      </or>
+    </condition>
+    <condition name="gc-enabled-all" true="true" false="false">
+      <test name="gc-level" operator="equal" value="all"/>
+    </condition>
+    <selection name="memory-profiling" default="medium" label="Memory Profiling">
+      <option label="Off" name="off">off</option>
+      <option label="Object Allocation and Promotion" name="medium">medium</option>
+      <option label="All, including Heap Statistics (May cause long full GCs)" name="all">all</option>
+    </selection>
+    <condition name="memory-profiling-enabled-medium" true="true" false="false">
+      <or>
+        <test name="memory-profiling" operator="equal" value="medium"/>
+        <test name="memory-profiling" operator="equal" value="all"/>
+      </or>
+    </condition>
+    <condition name="memory-profiling-enabled-all" true="true" false="false">
+      <test name="memory-profiling" operator="equal" value="all"/>
+    </condition>
+    <selection name="compiler-level" default="detailed" label="Compiler">
+      <option label="Off" name="off">off</option>
+      <option label="Normal" name="normal">normal</option>
+      <option label="Detailed" name="detailed">detailed</option>
+      <option label="All" name="all">all</option>
+    </selection>
+    <condition name="compiler-enabled" true="false" false="true">
+      <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="off"/>
+    </condition>
+    <condition name="compiler-enabled-failure" true="true" false="false">
+      <or>
+        <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="detailed"/>
+        <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="all"/>
+      </or>
+    </condition>
+    <condition name="compiler-sweeper-threshold" true="0 ms" false="100 ms">
+      <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="all"/>
+    </condition>
+    <condition name="compiler-compilation-threshold" true="1000 ms">
+      <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="normal"/>
+    </condition>
+    <condition name="compiler-compilation-threshold" true="100 ms">
+      <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="detailed"/>
+    </condition>
+    <condition name="compiler-compilation-threshold" true="0 ms">
+      <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="all"/>
+    </condition>
+    <condition name="compiler-phase-threshold" true="60 s">
+      <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="normal"/>
+    </condition>
+    <condition name="compiler-phase-threshold" true="10 s">
+      <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="detailed"/>
+    </condition>
+    <condition name="compiler-phase-threshold" true="0 s">
+      <test name="compiler-level" operator="equal" value="all"/>
+    </condition>
+    <selection name="method-sampling-interval" default="normal" label="Method Sampling">
+      <option label="Off" name="off">off</option>
+      <option label="Normal" name="normal">normal</option>
+      <option label="High" name="high">high</option>
+      <option label="Ludicrous (High Overhead)" name="ludicrous">ludicrous</option>
+    </selection>
+    <condition name="method-sampling-java-interval" true="999 d">
+      <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="off"/>
+    </condition>
+    <condition name="method-sampling-java-interval" true="20 ms">
+      <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="normal"/>
+    </condition>
+    <condition name="method-sampling-java-interval" true="10 ms">
+      <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="high"/>
+    </condition>
+    <condition name="method-sampling-java-interval" true="1 ms">
+      <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="ludicrous"/>
+    </condition>
+    <condition name="method-sampling-native-interval" true="999 d">
+      <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="off"/>
+    </condition>
+    <condition name="method-sampling-native-interval" true="20 ms">
+      <or>
+        <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="normal"/>
+        <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="high"/>
+        <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="ludicrous"/>
+      </or>
+    </condition>
+    <condition name="method-sampling-enabled" true="false" false="true">
+      <test name="method-sampling-interval" operator="equal" value="off"/>
+    </condition>
+    <selection name="thread-dump-interval" default="everyMinute" label="Thread Dump">
+      <option label="Off" name="off">999 d</option>
+      <option label="At least Once" name="normal">everyChunk</option>
+      <option label="Every 60 s" name="everyMinute">60 s</option>
+      <option label="Every 10 s" name="everyTenSecond">10 s</option>
+      <option label="Every 1 s" name="everySecond">1 s</option>
+    </selection>
+    <condition name="thread-dump-enabled" true="false" false="true">
+      <test name="thread-dump-interval" operator="equal" value="999 d"/>
+    </condition>
+    <selection name="exception-level" default="errors" label="Exceptions">
+      <option label="Off" name="off">off</option>
+      <option label="Errors Only" name="errors">errors</option>
+      <option label="All Exceptions, including Errors" name="all">all</option>
+    </selection>
+    <condition name="enable-errors" true="true" false="false">
+      <or>
+        <test name="exception-level" operator="equal" value="errors"/>
+        <test name="exception-level" operator="equal" value="all"/>
+      </or>
+    </condition>
+    <condition name="enable-exceptions" true="true" false="false">
+      <test name="exception-level" operator="equal" value="all"/>
+    </condition>
+    <selection name="memory-leak-detection" default="medium" label="Memory Leak Detection">
+      <option label="Off" name="off">off</option>
+      <option label="Object Types" name="minimal">minimal</option>
+      <option label="Object Types + Allocation Stack Traces" name="medium">medium</option>
+      <option label="Object Types + Allocation Stack Traces + Path to GC Root" name="full">full</option>
+    </selection>
+    <condition name="memory-leak-detection-enabled" true="false" false="true">
+      <test name="memory-leak-detection" operator="equal" value="off"/>
+    </condition>
+    <condition name="memory-leak-detection-stack-trace" true="true" false="false">
+      <or>
+        <test name="memory-leak-detection" operator="equal" value="medium"/>
+        <test name="memory-leak-detection" operator="equal" value="full"/>
+      </or>
+    </condition>
+    <condition name="memory-leak-detection-cutoff" true="1 h" false="0 ns">
+      <test name="memory-leak-detection" operator="equal" value="full"/>
+    </condition>
+    <text name="synchronization-threshold" label="Synchronization Threshold" contentType="timespan" minimum="0 s">10 ms</text>
+    <text name="file-io-threshold" label="File I/O Threshold" contentType="timespan" minimum="0 s">10 ms</text>
+    <text name="socket-io-threshold" label="Socket I/O Threshold" contentType="timespan" minimum="0 s">10 ms</text>
+    <flag name="class-loading-enabled" label="Class Loading">false</flag>
+  </control>
+  <category label="Java Virtual Machine">
+    <category label="GC">
+      <category label="Detailed">
+        <event name="jdk.ObjectCountAfterGC" label="Object Count after GC">
+          <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.G1HeapRegionTypeChange" label="G1 Heap Region Type Change" description="Information about a G1 heap region type change">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-all" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.AllocationRequiringGC" label="Allocation Requiring GC">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-all" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+          <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.EvacuationInformation" label="Evacuation Information">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.G1BasicIHOP" label="G1 Basic IHOP Statistics" description="Basic statistics related to current IHOP calculation">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.ZStatisticsSampler" label="Z Statistics Sampler">
+          <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+          <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">10 ms</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.ZStatisticsCounter" label="Z Statistics Counter">
+          <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">10 ms</setting>
+          <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.ZPageAllocation" label="ZPage Allocation" description="Allocation of a ZPage">
+          <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+          <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">10 ms</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.ObjectCount" label="Object Count">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="memory-profiling-enabled-all" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+          <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">everyChunk</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.G1EvacuationOldStatistics" label="G1 Evacuation Memory Statistics for Old" description="Memory related evacuation statistics during GC for the old generation">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.ConcurrentModeFailure" label="Concurrent Mode Failure" description="Concurrent Mode failed">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.ZThreadPhase" label="ZGC Thread Phase">
+          <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+          <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ms</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.PromoteObjectInNewPLAB" label="Promotion in new PLAB" description="Object survived scavenge and was copied to a new Promotion Local Allocation Buffer (PLAB). Supported GCs are Parallel Scavange, G1 and CMS with Parallel New. Due to promotion being done in parallel an object might be reported multiple times as the GC threads race to copy all objects.">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="memory-profiling-enabled-medium" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.G1HeapRegionInformation" label="G1 Heap Region Information" description="Information about a specific heap region in the G1 GC">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-all" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+          <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">everyChunk</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.PromoteObjectOutsidePLAB" label="Promotion outside PLAB" description="Object survived scavenge and was copied directly to the heap. Supported GCs are Parallel Scavange, G1 and CMS with Parallel New. Due to promotion being done in parallel an object might be reported multiple times as the GC threads race to copy all objects.">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="memory-profiling-enabled-medium" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.PromotionFailed" label="Promotion Failed" description="Promotion of an object failed">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.G1AdaptiveIHOP" label="G1 Adaptive IHOP Statistics" description="Statistics related to current adaptive IHOP calculation">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.G1EvacuationYoungStatistics" label="G1 Evacuation Statistics for Young" description="Memory related evacuation statistics during GC for the young generation">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.TenuringDistribution" label="Tenuring Distribution">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.G1MMU" label="G1 MMU Information">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.EvacuationFailed" label="Evacuation Failed" description="Evacuation of an object failed">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+      </category>
+      <category label="Collector">
+        <event name="jdk.GarbageCollection" label="Garbage Collection" description="Garbage collection performed by the JVM">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+          <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ms</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.G1GarbageCollection" label="G1 Garbage Collection" description="Extra information specific to G1 Garbage Collections">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+          <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ms</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.OldGarbageCollection" label="Old Garbage Collection" description="Extra information specific to Old Garbage Collections">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+          <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ms</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.YoungGarbageCollection" label="Young Garbage Collection" description="Extra information specific to Young Garbage Collections">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+          <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ms</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.ParallelOldGarbageCollection" label="Parallel Old Garbage Collection" description="Extra information specific to Parallel Old Garbage Collections">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+          <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ms</setting>
+        </event>
+      </category>
+      <category label="Heap">
+        <event name="jdk.GCHeapSummary" label="Heap Summary">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.G1HeapSummary" label="G1 Heap Summary">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.MetaspaceSummary" label="Metaspace Summary">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.PSHeapSummary" label="Parallel Scavenge Heap Summary">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+      </category>
+      <category label="Configuration">
+        <event name="jdk.YoungGenerationConfiguration" label="Young Generation Configuration" description="The configuration of the young generation of the garbage collected heap">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+          <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">beginChunk</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.GCSurvivorConfiguration" label="GC Survivor Configuration" description="The configuration of the survivors of garbage collection">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+          <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">beginChunk</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.GCHeapConfiguration" label="GC Heap Configuration" description="The configuration of the garbage collected heap">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+          <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">beginChunk</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.GCTLABConfiguration" label="TLAB Configuration" description="The configuration of the Thread Local Allocation Buffers (TLABs)">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+          <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">beginChunk</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.GCConfiguration" label="GC Configuration" description="The configuration of the garbage collector">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+          <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">everyChunk</setting>
+        </event>
+      </category>
+      <category label="Metaspace">
+        <event name="jdk.MetaspaceOOM" label="Metaspace Out of Memory">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+          <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.MetaspaceAllocationFailure" label="Metaspace Allocation Failure">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+          <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.MetaspaceChunkFreeListSummary" label="Metaspace Chunk Free List Summary">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.MetaspaceGCThreshold" label="Metaspace GC Threshold">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+      </category>
+      <category label="Phases">
+        <event name="jdk.GCPhasePause" label="GC Phase Pause">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+          <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ms</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.GCPhaseConcurrent" label="GC Phase Concurrent">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-all" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+          <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ms</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel4" label="GC Phase Pause Level 4">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-all" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+          <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ms</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel1" label="GC Phase Pause Level 1">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+          <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ms</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel3" label="GC Phase Pause Level 3">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-all" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+          <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ms</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.GCPhasePauseLevel2" label="GC Phase Pause Level 2">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+          <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ms</setting>
+        </event>
+      </category>
+      <category label="Reference">
+        <event name="jdk.GCReferenceStatistics" label="GC Reference Statistics" description="Total count of processed references during GC">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="gc-enabled-normal" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+      </category>
+    </category>
+    <category label="Flag">
+      <event name="jdk.DoubleFlag" label="Double Flag">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">beginChunk</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.IntFlag" label="Int Flag">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">beginChunk</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.LongFlag" label="Long Flag">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">beginChunk</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.BooleanFlagChanged" label="Boolean Flag Changed">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.DoubleFlagChanged" label="Double Flag Changed">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.StringFlagChanged" label="String Flag Changed">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.UnsignedIntFlagChanged" label="Unsigned Int Flag Changed">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.BooleanFlag" label="Boolean Flag">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">beginChunk</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.UnsignedLongFlagChanged" label="Unsigned Long Flag Changed">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.UnsignedIntFlag" label="Unsigned Int Flag">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">beginChunk</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.StringFlag" label="String Flag">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">beginChunk</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.LongFlagChanged" label="Long Flag Changed">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.UnsignedLongFlag" label="Unsigned Long Flag">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">beginChunk</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.IntFlagChanged" label="Int Flag Changed">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      </event>
+    </category>
+    <category label="Code Cache">
+      <event name="jdk.CodeCacheConfiguration" label="Code Cache Configuration">
+        <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">beginChunk</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.CodeCacheFull" label="Code Cache Full">
+        <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.CodeCacheStatistics" label="Code Cache Statistics">
+        <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">everyChunk</setting>
+      </event>
+    </category>
+    <category label="Runtime">
+      <category label="Safepoint">
+        <event name="jdk.SafepointBegin" label="Safepoint Begin" description="Safepointing begin">
+          <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+          <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ms</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.SafepointStateSynchronization" label="Safepoint State Synchronization" description="Synchronize run state of threads">
+          <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+          <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ms</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.SafepointEnd" label="Safepoint End" description="Safepointing end">
+          <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+          <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ms</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.SafepointCleanup" label="Safepoint Cleanup" description="Safepointing begin running cleanup tasks">
+          <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+          <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ms</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.SafepointWaitBlocked" label="Safepoint Wait Blocked" description="Safepointing begin waiting on running threads to block">
+          <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+          <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ms</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.SafepointCleanupTask" label="Safepoint Cleanup Task" description="Safepointing begin running cleanup tasks">
+          <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+          <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ms</setting>
+        </event>
+      </category>
+      <event name="jdk.ThreadDump" label="Thread Dump">
+        <setting name="enabled" control="thread-dump-enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" control="thread-dump-interval" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">60 s</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.BiasedLockClassRevocation" label="Biased Lock Class Revocation" description="Revoked biases for all instances of a class">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ms</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.ReservedStackActivation" label="Reserved Stack Activation" description="Activation of Reserved Stack Area caused by stack overflow with ReservedStackAccess annotated method in call stack">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.NativeLibrary" label="Native Library">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">everyChunk</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.ExecuteVMOperation" label="VM Operation" description="Execution of a VM Operation">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ms</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.BiasedLockRevocation" label="Biased Lock Revocation" description="Revoked bias of object">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ms</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.BiasedLockSelfRevocation" label="Biased Lock Self Revocation" description="Revoked bias of object biased towards own thread">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ms</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.Shutdown" label="JVM Shutdown" description="JVM shutting down">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      </event>
+      <category label="Modules">
+        <event name="jdk.ModuleRequire" label="Module Require" description="A directed edge representing a dependency">
+          <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">everyChunk</setting>
+          <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+        </event>
+        <event name="jdk.ModuleExport" label="Module Export">
+          <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+          <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">everyChunk</setting>
+        </event>
+      </category>
+    </category>
+    <category label="Code Sweeper">
+      <event name="jdk.CodeSweeperConfiguration" label="Code Sweeper Configuration">
+        <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">beginChunk</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.CodeSweeperStatistics" label="Code Sweeper Statistics">
+        <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">everyChunk</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.SweepCodeCache" label="Sweep Code Cache">
+        <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="threshold" control="compiler-sweeper-threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">100 ms</setting>
+      </event>
+    </category>
+    <category label="Class Loading">
+      <event name="jdk.ClassLoad" label="Class Load">
+        <setting name="enabled" control="class-loading-enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+        <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ms</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.ClassDefine" label="Class Define">
+        <setting name="enabled" control="class-loading-enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+        <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.ClassUnload" label="Class Unload">
+        <setting name="enabled" control="class-loading-enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+      </event>
+    </category>
+    <category label="Compiler">
+      <event name="jdk.Compilation" label="Compilation">
+        <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="threshold" control="compiler-compilation-threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">100 ms</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.CompilerStatistics" label="Compiler Statistics">
+        <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">1000 ms</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.CompilationFailure" label="Compilation Failure">
+        <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled-failure" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      </event>
+      <category label="Optimization">
+        <event name="jdk.CompilerInlining" label="Method Inlining">
+          <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled-failure" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        </event>
+      </category>
+      <event name="jdk.CompilerPhase" label="Compiler Phase">
+        <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="threshold" control="compiler-phase-threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">10 s</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.CompilerConfiguration" label="Compiler Configuration">
+        <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">beginChunk</setting>
+      </event>
+    </category>
+    <category label="Profiling">
+      <event name="jdk.OldObjectSample" label="Old Object Sample" description="A potential memory leak">
+        <setting name="enabled" control="memory-leak-detection-enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="stackTrace" control="memory-leak-detection-stack-trace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="cutoff" control="memory-leak-detection-cutoff" label="Cutoff" description="Limit running time of event">0 ns</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.ExecutionSample" label="Method Profiling Sample" description="Snapshot of a threads state">
+        <setting name="enabled" control="method-sampling-enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" control="method-sampling-java-interval" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">20 ms</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.NativeMethodSample" label="Method Profiling Sample Native" description="Snapshot of a threads state when in native">
+        <setting name="enabled" control="method-sampling-enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" control="method-sampling-native-interval" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">20 ms</setting>
+      </event>
+    </category>
+    <event name="jdk.JVMInformation" label="JVM Information" description="Description of JVM and the Java application">
+      <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">beginChunk</setting>
+    </event>
+    <event name="jdk.InitialSystemProperty" label="Initial System Property" description="System Property at JVM start">
+      <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">beginChunk</setting>
+    </event>
+  </category>
+  <category label="Java Application">
+    <event name="jdk.JavaMonitorEnter" label="Java Monitor Blocked">
+      <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="threshold" control="synchronization-threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">10 ms</setting>
+    </event>
+    <event name="jdk.JavaExceptionThrow" label="Java Exception" description="An object derived from java.lang.Exception has been created">
+      <setting name="enabled" control="enable-exceptions" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+      <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ns</setting>
+    </event>
+    <category label="Statistics">
+      <event name="jdk.ClassLoadingStatistics" label="Class Loading Statistics">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">1000 ms</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.JavaThreadStatistics" label="Java Thread Statistics">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">1000 ms</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.ClassLoaderStatistics" label="Class Loader Statistics">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">everyChunk</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.ThreadAllocationStatistics" label="Thread Allocation Statistics">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">everyChunk</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.ExceptionStatistics" label="Exception Statistics" description="Number of objects derived from java.lang.Throwable that have been created">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">1000 ms</setting>
+      </event>
+    </category>
+    <event name="jdk.ThreadPark" label="Java Thread Park">
+      <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="threshold" control="synchronization-threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">10 ms</setting>
+    </event>
+    <event name="jdk.ThreadStart" label="Java Thread Start">
+      <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+    </event>
+    <event name="jdk.SocketRead" label="Socket Read" description="Reading data from a socket">
+      <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="threshold" control="socket-io-threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">10 ms</setting>
+    </event>
+    <event name="jdk.FileForce" label="File Force" description="Force updates to be written to file">
+      <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="threshold" control="file-io-threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">10 ms</setting>
+    </event>
+    <event name="jdk.SocketWrite" label="Socket Write" description="Writing data to a socket">
+      <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="threshold" control="socket-io-threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">10 ms</setting>
+    </event>
+    <event name="jdk.JavaErrorThrow" label="Java Error" description="An object derived from java.lang.Error has been created. OutOfMemoryErrors are ignored">
+      <setting name="enabled" control="enable-errors" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ns</setting>
+    </event>
+    <event name="jdk.JavaMonitorInflate" label="Java Monitor Inflated">
+      <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="threshold" control="synchronization-threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">10 ms</setting>
+    </event>
+    <event name="jdk.ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB" label="Allocation outside TLAB" description="Allocation outside Thread Local Allocation Buffers">
+      <setting name="enabled" control="memory-profiling-enabled-medium" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+    </event>
+    <event name="jdk.FileWrite" label="File Write" description="Writing data to a file">
+      <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="threshold" control="file-io-threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">10 ms</setting>
+    </event>
+    <event name="jdk.JavaMonitorWait" label="Java Monitor Wait" description="Waiting on a Java monitor">
+      <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="threshold" control="synchronization-threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">10 ms</setting>
+    </event>
+    <event name="jdk.ObjectAllocationInNewTLAB" label="Allocation in new TLAB" description="Allocation in new Thread Local Allocation Buffer">
+      <setting name="enabled" control="memory-profiling-enabled-medium" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+    </event>
+    <event name="jdk.FileRead" label="File Read" description="Reading data from a file">
+      <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="threshold" control="file-io-threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">10 ms</setting>
+    </event>
+    <event name="jdk.ThreadSleep" label="Java Thread Sleep">
+      <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="threshold" control="synchronization-threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">10 ms</setting>
+    </event>
+    <event name="jdk.ThreadEnd" label="Java Thread End">
+      <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+    </event>
+  </category>
+  <category label="Operating System">
+    <category label="Processor">
+      <event name="jdk.CPULoad" label="CPU Load" description="OS CPU Load">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">1000 ms</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.ThreadCPULoad" label="Thread CPU Load">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">10 s</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.CPUInformation" label="CPU Information">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">beginChunk</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.ThreadContextSwitchRate" label="Thread Context Switch Rate">
+        <setting name="enabled" control="compiler-enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">10 s</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.CPUTimeStampCounter" label="CPU Time Stamp Counter">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">beginChunk</setting>
+      </event>
+    </category>
+    <event name="jdk.OSInformation" label="OS Information">
+      <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">beginChunk</setting>
+    </event>
+    <category label="Memory">
+      <event name="jdk.PhysicalMemory" label="Physical Memory" description="OS Physical Memory">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">everyChunk</setting>
+      </event>
+    </category>
+    <event name="jdk.SystemProcess" label="System Process">
+      <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">endChunk</setting>
+    </event>
+    <event name="jdk.InitialEnvironmentVariable" label="Initial Environment Variable">
+      <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">beginChunk</setting>
+    </event>
+    <category label="Network">
+      <event name="jdk.NetworkUtilization" label="Network Utilization">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+        <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">5 s</setting>
+      </event>
+    </category>
+    <event name="jdk.VirtualizationInformation" label="Virtualization Information">
+      <setting name="period" label="Period" description="Record event at interval" contentType="jdk.jfr.Period">endChunk</setting>
+      <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+    </event>
+  </category>
+  <category label="Flight Recorder">
+    <event name="jdk.ActiveSetting" label="Recording Setting">
+      <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+      <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ns</setting>
+    </event>
+    <event name="jdk.ActiveRecording" label="Flight Recording">
+      <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+      <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+      <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ns</setting>
+    </event>
+    <event name="jdk.DumpReason" label="Recording Reason" description="Who requested the recording and why">
+      <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+    </event>
+    <event name="jdk.DataLoss" label="Data Loss" description="Data could not be copied out from a buffer, typically because of contention">
+      <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">true</setting>
+    </event>
+  </category>
+  <category label="Java Development Kit">
+    <category label="Security">
+      <event name="jdk.SecurityPropertyModification" label="Security Property Modification" description="Modification of Security property">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+        <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+        <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ns</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.X509Validation" label="X509 Validation" description="Serial numbers from X.509 Certificates forming chain of trust">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+        <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+        <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ns</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.X509Certificate" label="X509 Certificate" description="Details of X.509 Certificate parsed by JDK">
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+        <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+        <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ns</setting>
+      </event>
+      <event name="jdk.TLSHandshake" label="TLS Handshake" description="Parameters used in TLS Handshake">
+        <setting name="threshold" label="Threshold" description="Record event with duration above or equal to threshold" contentType="jdk.jfr.Timespan">0 ns</setting>
+        <setting name="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace" description="Record stack traces" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+        <setting name="enabled" label="Enabled" description="Record event" contentType="jdk.jfr.Flag">false</setting>
+      </event>
+    </category>
+  </category>
diff --git a/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/mvnw b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/mvnw
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..41c0f0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/mvnw
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Maven Start Up Batch script
+# Required ENV vars:
+# ------------------
+#   JAVA_HOME - location of a JDK home dir
+# Optional ENV vars
+# -----------------
+#   M2_HOME - location of maven2's installed home dir
+#   MAVEN_OPTS - parameters passed to the Java VM when running Maven
+#     e.g. to debug Maven itself, use
+#       set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000
+#   MAVEN_SKIP_RC - flag to disable loading of mavenrc files
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+if [ -z "$MAVEN_SKIP_RC" ] ; then
+  if [ -f /etc/mavenrc ] ; then
+    . /etc/mavenrc
+  fi
+  if [ -f "$HOME/.mavenrc" ] ; then
+    . "$HOME/.mavenrc"
+  fi
+# OS specific support.  $var _must_ be set to either true or false.
+case "`uname`" in
+  CYGWIN*) cygwin=true ;;
+  MINGW*) mingw=true;;
+  Darwin*) darwin=true
+    # Use /usr/libexec/java_home if available, otherwise fall back to /Library/Java/Home
+    # See
+    if [ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ]; then
+      if [ -x "/usr/libexec/java_home" ]; then
+        export JAVA_HOME="`/usr/libexec/java_home`"
+      else
+        export JAVA_HOME="/Library/Java/Home"
+      fi
+    fi
+    ;;
+if [ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ] ; then
+  if [ -r /etc/gentoo-release ] ; then
+    JAVA_HOME=`java-config --jre-home`
+  fi
+if [ -z "$M2_HOME" ] ; then
+  ## resolve links - $0 may be a link to maven's home
+  PRG="$0"
+  # need this for relative symlinks
+  while [ -h "$PRG" ] ; do
+    ls=`ls -ld "$PRG"`
+    link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'`
+    if expr "$link" : '/.*' > /dev/null; then
+      PRG="$link"
+    else
+      PRG="`dirname "$PRG"`/$link"
+    fi
+  done
+  saveddir=`pwd`
+  M2_HOME=`dirname "$PRG"`/..
+  # make it fully qualified
+  M2_HOME=`cd "$M2_HOME" && pwd`
+  cd "$saveddir"
+  # echo Using m2 at $M2_HOME
+# For Cygwin, ensure paths are in UNIX format before anything is touched
+if $cygwin ; then
+  [ -n "$M2_HOME" ] &&
+    M2_HOME=`cygpath --unix "$M2_HOME"`
+  [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] &&
+    JAVA_HOME=`cygpath --unix "$JAVA_HOME"`
+  [ -n "$CLASSPATH" ] &&
+    CLASSPATH=`cygpath --path --unix "$CLASSPATH"`
+# For Mingw, ensure paths are in UNIX format before anything is touched
+if $mingw ; then
+  [ -n "$M2_HOME" ] &&
+    M2_HOME="`(cd "$M2_HOME"; pwd)`"
+  [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] &&
+    JAVA_HOME="`(cd "$JAVA_HOME"; pwd)`"
+if [ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ]; then
+  javaExecutable="`which javac`"
+  if [ -n "$javaExecutable" ] && ! [ "`expr \"$javaExecutable\" : '\([^ ]*\)'`" = "no" ]; then
+    # readlink(1) is not available as standard on Solaris 10.
+    readLink=`which readlink`
+    if [ ! `expr "$readLink" : '\([^ ]*\)'` = "no" ]; then
+      if $darwin ; then
+        javaHome="`dirname \"$javaExecutable\"`"
+        javaExecutable="`cd \"$javaHome\" && pwd -P`/javac"
+      else
+        javaExecutable="`readlink -f \"$javaExecutable\"`"
+      fi
+      javaHome="`dirname \"$javaExecutable\"`"
+      javaHome=`expr "$javaHome" : '\(.*\)/bin'`
+      JAVA_HOME="$javaHome"
+      export JAVA_HOME
+    fi
+  fi
+if [ -z "$JAVACMD" ] ; then
+  if [ -n "$JAVA_HOME"  ] ; then
+    if [ -x "$JAVA_HOME/jre/sh/java" ] ; then
+      # IBM's JDK on AIX uses strange locations for the executables
+      JAVACMD="$JAVA_HOME/jre/sh/java"
+    else
+      JAVACMD="$JAVA_HOME/bin/java"
+    fi
+  else
+    JAVACMD="`which java`"
+  fi
+if [ ! -x "$JAVACMD" ] ; then
+  echo "Error: JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly." >&2
+  echo "  We cannot execute $JAVACMD" >&2
+  exit 1
+if [ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ] ; then
+  echo "Warning: JAVA_HOME environment variable is not set."
+# traverses directory structure from process work directory to filesystem root
+# first directory with .mvn subdirectory is considered project base directory
+find_maven_basedir() {
+  if [ -z "$1" ]
+  then
+    echo "Path not specified to find_maven_basedir"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  basedir="$1"
+  wdir="$1"
+  while [ "$wdir" != '/' ] ; do
+    if [ -d "$wdir"/.mvn ] ; then
+      basedir=$wdir
+      break
+    fi
+    # workaround for JBEAP-8937 (on Solaris 10/Sparc)
+    if [ -d "${wdir}" ]; then
+      wdir=`cd "$wdir/.."; pwd`
+    fi
+    # end of workaround
+  done
+  echo "${basedir}"
+# concatenates all lines of a file
+concat_lines() {
+  if [ -f "$1" ]; then
+    echo "$(tr -s '\n' ' ' < "$1")"
+  fi
+BASE_DIR=`find_maven_basedir "$(pwd)"`
+if [ -z "$BASE_DIR" ]; then
+  exit 1;
+# Extension to allow automatically downloading the maven-wrapper.jar from Maven-central
+# This allows using the maven wrapper in projects that prohibit checking in binary data.
+if [ -r "$BASE_DIR/.mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar" ]; then
+    if [ "$MVNW_VERBOSE" = true ]; then
+      echo "Found .mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar"
+    fi
+    if [ "$MVNW_VERBOSE" = true ]; then
+      echo "Couldn't find .mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar, downloading it ..."
+    fi
+    if [ -n "$MVNW_REPOURL" ]; then
+      jarUrl="$MVNW_REPOURL/io/takari/maven-wrapper/0.5.6/maven-wrapper-0.5.6.jar"
+    else
+      jarUrl=""
+    fi
+    while IFS="=" read key value; do
+      case "$key" in (wrapperUrl) jarUrl="$value"; break ;;
+      esac
+    done < "$BASE_DIR/.mvn/wrapper/"
+    if [ "$MVNW_VERBOSE" = true ]; then
+      echo "Downloading from: $jarUrl"
+    fi
+    wrapperJarPath="$BASE_DIR/.mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar"
+    if $cygwin; then
+      wrapperJarPath=`cygpath --path --windows "$wrapperJarPath"`
+    fi
+    if command -v wget > /dev/null; then
+        if [ "$MVNW_VERBOSE" = true ]; then
+          echo "Found wget ... using wget"
+        fi
+        if [ -z "$MVNW_USERNAME" ] || [ -z "$MVNW_PASSWORD" ]; then
+            wget "$jarUrl" -O "$wrapperJarPath"
+        else
+            wget --http-user=$MVNW_USERNAME --http-password=$MVNW_PASSWORD "$jarUrl" -O "$wrapperJarPath"
+        fi
+    elif command -v curl > /dev/null; then
+        if [ "$MVNW_VERBOSE" = true ]; then
+          echo "Found curl ... using curl"
+        fi
+        if [ -z "$MVNW_USERNAME" ] || [ -z "$MVNW_PASSWORD" ]; then
+            curl -o "$wrapperJarPath" "$jarUrl" -f
+        else
+            curl --user $MVNW_USERNAME:$MVNW_PASSWORD -o "$wrapperJarPath" "$jarUrl" -f
+        fi
+    else
+        if [ "$MVNW_VERBOSE" = true ]; then
+          echo "Falling back to using Java to download"
+        fi
+        javaClass="$BASE_DIR/.mvn/wrapper/"
+        # For Cygwin, switch paths to Windows format before running javac
+        if $cygwin; then
+          javaClass=`cygpath --path --windows "$javaClass"`
+        fi
+        if [ -e "$javaClass" ]; then
+            if [ ! -e "$BASE_DIR/.mvn/wrapper/MavenWrapperDownloader.class" ]; then
+                if [ "$MVNW_VERBOSE" = true ]; then
+                  echo " - Compiling ..."
+                fi
+                # Compiling the Java class
+                ("$JAVA_HOME/bin/javac" "$javaClass")
+            fi
+            if [ -e "$BASE_DIR/.mvn/wrapper/MavenWrapperDownloader.class" ]; then
+                # Running the downloader
+                if [ "$MVNW_VERBOSE" = true ]; then
+                  echo " - Running ..."
+                fi
+                ("$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" -cp .mvn/wrapper MavenWrapperDownloader "$MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR")
+            fi
+        fi
+    fi
+# End of extension
+if [ "$MVNW_VERBOSE" = true ]; then
+MAVEN_OPTS="$(concat_lines "$MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR/.mvn/jvm.config") $MAVEN_OPTS"
+# For Cygwin, switch paths to Windows format before running java
+if $cygwin; then
+  [ -n "$M2_HOME" ] &&
+    M2_HOME=`cygpath --path --windows "$M2_HOME"`
+  [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] &&
+    JAVA_HOME=`cygpath --path --windows "$JAVA_HOME"`
+  [ -n "$CLASSPATH" ] &&
+    CLASSPATH=`cygpath --path --windows "$CLASSPATH"`
+    MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR=`cygpath --path --windows "$MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR"`
+# Provide a "standardized" way to retrieve the CLI args that will
+# work with both Windows and non-Windows executions.
+exec "$JAVACMD" \
+  -classpath "$MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR/.mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar" \
+  "-Dmaven.home=${M2_HOME}" "-Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory=${MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR}" \
diff --git a/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/mvnw.cmd b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/mvnw.cmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8611571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/mvnw.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+@REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@REM Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+@REM or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+@REM distributed with this work for additional information
+@REM regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+@REM to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+@REM "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+@REM with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+@REM Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+@REM software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+@REM KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+@REM specific language governing permissions and limitations
+@REM under the License.
+@REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@REM Maven Start Up Batch script
+@REM Required ENV vars:
+@REM JAVA_HOME - location of a JDK home dir
+@REM Optional ENV vars
+@REM M2_HOME - location of maven2's installed home dir
+@REM MAVEN_BATCH_ECHO - set to 'on' to enable the echoing of the batch commands
+@REM MAVEN_BATCH_PAUSE - set to 'on' to wait for a keystroke before ending
+@REM MAVEN_OPTS - parameters passed to the Java VM when running Maven
+@REM     e.g. to debug Maven itself, use
+@REM set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000
+@REM MAVEN_SKIP_RC - flag to disable loading of mavenrc files
+@REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@REM Begin all REM lines with '@' in case MAVEN_BATCH_ECHO is 'on'
+@echo off
+@REM set title of command window
+title %0
+@REM enable echoing by setting MAVEN_BATCH_ECHO to 'on'
+@if "%MAVEN_BATCH_ECHO%" == "on"  echo %MAVEN_BATCH_ECHO%
+@REM set %HOME% to equivalent of $HOME
+if "%HOME%" == "" (set "HOME=%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%")
+@REM Execute a user defined script before this one
+if not "%MAVEN_SKIP_RC%" == "" goto skipRcPre
+@REM check for pre script, once with legacy .bat ending and once with .cmd ending
+if exist "%HOME%\mavenrc_pre.bat" call "%HOME%\mavenrc_pre.bat"
+if exist "%HOME%\mavenrc_pre.cmd" call "%HOME%\mavenrc_pre.cmd"
+@REM To isolate internal variables from possible post scripts, we use another setlocal
+if not "%JAVA_HOME%" == "" goto OkJHome
+echo Error: JAVA_HOME not found in your environment. >&2
+echo Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the >&2
+echo location of your Java installation. >&2
+goto error
+if exist "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" goto init
+echo Error: JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory. >&2
+echo JAVA_HOME = "%JAVA_HOME%" >&2
+echo Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the >&2
+echo location of your Java installation. >&2
+goto error
+@REM Find the project base dir, i.e. the directory that contains the folder ".mvn".
+@REM Fallback to current working directory if not found.
+IF NOT "%MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR%"=="" goto endDetectBaseDir
+set EXEC_DIR=%CD%
+IF EXIST "%WDIR%"\.mvn goto baseDirFound
+cd ..
+IF "%WDIR%"=="%CD%" goto baseDirNotFound
+set WDIR=%CD%
+goto findBaseDir
+cd "%EXEC_DIR%"
+goto endDetectBaseDir
+cd "%EXEC_DIR%"
+IF NOT EXIST "%MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR%\.mvn\jvm.config" goto endReadAdditionalConfig
+@setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
+for /F "usebackq delims=" %%a in ("%MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR%\.mvn\jvm.config") do set JVM_CONFIG_MAVEN_PROPS=!JVM_CONFIG_MAVEN_PROPS! %%a
+SET MAVEN_JAVA_EXE="%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe"
+set WRAPPER_JAR="%MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR%\.mvn\wrapper\maven-wrapper.jar"
+set WRAPPER_LAUNCHER=org.apache.maven.wrapper.MavenWrapperMain
+FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%A IN ("%MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR%\.mvn\wrapper\") DO (
+    IF "%%A"=="wrapperUrl" SET DOWNLOAD_URL=%%B
+@REM Extension to allow automatically downloading the maven-wrapper.jar from Maven-central
+@REM This allows using the maven wrapper in projects that prohibit checking in binary data.
+if exist %WRAPPER_JAR% (
+    if "%MVNW_VERBOSE%" == "true" (
+        echo Found %WRAPPER_JAR%
+    )
+) else (
+    if not "%MVNW_REPOURL%" == "" (
+        SET DOWNLOAD_URL="%MVNW_REPOURL%/io/takari/maven-wrapper/0.5.6/maven-wrapper-0.5.6.jar"
+    )
+    if "%MVNW_VERBOSE%" == "true" (
+        echo Couldn't find %WRAPPER_JAR%, downloading it ...
+        echo Downloading from: %DOWNLOAD_URL%
+    )
+    powershell -Command "&{"^
+		"$webclient = new-object System.Net.WebClient;"^
+		"if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty('%MVNW_USERNAME%') -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty('%MVNW_PASSWORD%'))) {"^
+		"$webclient.Credentials = new-object System.Net.NetworkCredential('%MVNW_USERNAME%', '%MVNW_PASSWORD%');"^
+		"}"^
+		"[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; $webclient.DownloadFile('%DOWNLOAD_URL%', '%WRAPPER_JAR%')"^
+		"}"
+    if "%MVNW_VERBOSE%" == "true" (
+        echo Finished downloading %WRAPPER_JAR%
+    )
+@REM End of extension
+@REM Provide a "standardized" way to retrieve the CLI args that will
+@REM work with both Windows and non-Windows executions.
+if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto error
+goto end
+@endlocal & set ERROR_CODE=%ERROR_CODE%
+if not "%MAVEN_SKIP_RC%" == "" goto skipRcPost
+@REM check for post script, once with legacy .bat ending and once with .cmd ending
+if exist "%HOME%\mavenrc_post.bat" call "%HOME%\mavenrc_post.bat"
+if exist "%HOME%\mavenrc_post.cmd" call "%HOME%\mavenrc_post.cmd"
+@REM pause the script if MAVEN_BATCH_PAUSE is set to 'on'
+if "%MAVEN_BATCH_PAUSE%" == "on" pause
+if "%MAVEN_TERMINATE_CMD%" == "on" exit %ERROR_CODE%
+exit /B %ERROR_CODE%
diff --git a/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/pom.xml b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/pom.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cb7be2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/pom.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+    contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+    this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+    The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+    (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+    the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+    limitations under the License.
+<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
+    <parent>
+        <groupId>org.apache.camel.tests</groupId>
+        <artifactId>profiling-kafka-parent</artifactId>
+        <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+        <relativePath>../pom.xml</relativePath>
+    </parent>
+    <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
+    <artifactId>kafka-azure-storage-queue</artifactId>
+    <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+    <packaging>jar</packaging>
+    <name>Camel Performance :: Profiling :: Kafka Azure Storage Queue</name>
+    <description>A Kafka to Azure Storage Queue containeraized application to show profiling practices</description>
+    <properties>
+       <tcnative.version>2.0.43.Final</tcnative.version>
+    </properties>
+    <dependencies>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>io.quarkus</groupId>
+            <artifactId>quarkus-container-image-jib</artifactId>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>org.apache.camel.k</groupId>
+            <artifactId>camel-k-runtime</artifactId>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>org.apache.camel.quarkus</groupId>
+            <artifactId>camel-quarkus-kafka</artifactId>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>org.apache.camel.quarkus</groupId>
+            <artifactId>camel-quarkus-kamelet</artifactId>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>org.apache.camel.quarkus</groupId>
+            <artifactId>camel-quarkus-azure-storage-blob</artifactId>
+        </dependency>
+       <dependency>
+            <groupId>org.apache.camel.quarkus</groupId>
+            <artifactId>camel-quarkus-yaml-dsl</artifactId>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>org.apache.camel.kamelets</groupId>
+            <artifactId>camel-kamelets-catalog</artifactId>
+            <version>${camel-kamelets-catalog.version}</version>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>io.netty</groupId>
+            <artifactId>netty-tcnative-boringssl-static</artifactId>
+            <version>${tcnative.version}</version>
+        </dependency>
+    </dependencies>
+    <profiles>
+        <profile>
+            <id>jvm</id>
+            <activation>
+                <property>
+                    <name>!native</name>
+                </property>
+            </activation>
+            <properties>
+                <quarkus.jib.base-jvm-image>adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:ubi-minimal</quarkus.jib.base-jvm-image>
+                <quarkus.jib.jvm-entrypoint>java,-XX:+UseShenandoahGC,-Xlog:gc,-jar,/work/quarkus-run.jar</quarkus.jib.jvm-entrypoint>
+                <quarkus.container-image.tag>${project.version}-jvm</quarkus.container-image.tag>
+            </properties>
+        </profile>
+        <profile>
+            <id>jfr</id>
+            <properties>
+                <quarkus.jib.base-jvm-image>adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:ubi-minimal</quarkus.jib.base-jvm-image>
+                <quarkus.jib.jvm-entrypoint>java,-XX:+UseShenandoahGC,-Xlog:gc,-XX:StartFlightRecording=name=Test\,settings=/work/jfr/settings_for_heap.jfc\,filename=/work/jfr/output.jfr,-Xmx256m,-jar,/work/quarkus-run.jar</quarkus.jib.jvm-entrypoint>
+                <quarkus.container-image.tag>${project.version}-jvm</quarkus.container-image.tag>
+            </properties>
+        </profile>
+    </profiles>
diff --git a/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/script/ b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/script/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f02d174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/script/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
+  key="$1"
+  case $key in
+    -n|--number)
+      NUMBER="$2"
+      shift # past argument
+      shift # past value
+      ;;
+    -t|--topic)
+      TOPIC="$2"
+      shift # past argument
+      shift # past value
+      ;;
+    -p|--payload)
+      PAYLOAD="$2"
+      shift # past argument
+      shift # past value
+      ;;
+    -b|--broker)
+      BROKER="$2"
+      shift # past argument
+      shift # past value
+      ;;
+    --default)
+      shift # past argument
+      ;;
+    *)    # unknown option
+      POSITIONAL+=("$1") # save it in an array for later
+      shift # past argument
+      ;;
+  esac
+set -- "${POSITIONAL[@]}" # restore positional parameters
+for i in $(seq 1 $NUMBER)
+   echo $PAYLOAD | $KAFKACAT_PATH -b $BROKER -t $TOPIC -H "file=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '[:alpha:]' | fold -w ${1:-20} | head -n 1)" 
diff --git a/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/script/ b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/script/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0179833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiling/kafka/kafka-azure-storage-queue/script/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
+  key="$1"
+  case $key in
+    -n|--number)
+      NUMBER="$2"
+      shift # past argument
+      shift # past value
+      ;;
+    -t|--topic)
+      TOPIC="$2"
+      shift # past argument
+      shift # past value
+      ;;
+    -p|--payload)
+      PAYLOAD="$2"
+      shift # past argument
+      shift # past value
+      ;;
+    -b|--broker)
+      BROKER="$2"
+      shift # past argument
+      shift # past value
+      ;;
+    -s|--script)
+      SCRIPTS="$2"
+      shift # past argument
+      shift # past value
+      ;;
+    --default)
+      shift # past argument
+      ;;
+    *)    # unknown option
+      POSITIONAL+=("$1") # save it in an array for later
+      shift # past argument
+      ;;
+  esac
+set -- "${POSITIONAL[@]}" # restore positional parameters
+for i in $(seq 1 $SCRIPTS)
+   sh ./ -b $BROKER -t $TOPIC -n $NUMBER -p $PAYLOAD &