Update DEV.md (#1150)

I've updated the path correctly. Previously, I was working with Karavan version 4.3.0 and following the instructions from the development guide of version 4.3.1, which led to the mistake. I apologize for the error.
diff --git a/docs/DEV.md b/docs/DEV.md
index f022f10..c092ffa 100644
--- a/docs/DEV.md
+++ b/docs/DEV.md
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@
 1. Make the following change in package.json line 5-12 (needed only for Windows)
   "scripts": {
-    "copy-designer": "xcopy ..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\karavan-designer\\src\\designer src\\designer /E/H/Y",
-    "copy-knowledgebase": "xcopy ..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\karavan-designer\\src\\knowledgebase src\\knowledgebase /E/H/Y",
-    "copy-topology": "xcopy ..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\karavan-designer\\src\\topology src\\topology /E/H/Y",
+    "copy-designer": "xcopy ..\\..\\..\\..\\karavan-designer\\src\\designer src\\designer /E/H/Y",
+    "copy-knowledgebase": "xcopy ..\\..\\..\\..\\karavan-designer\\src\\knowledgebase src\\knowledgebase /E/H/Y",
+    "copy-topology": "xcopy ..\\..\\..\\..\\karavan-designer\\src\\topology src\\topology /E/H/Y",
     "copy-code": " npm run copy-designer &&  npm run copy-knowledgebase &&  npm run copy-topology",
     "start": "set PORT=3003 && npm run copy-code && react-scripts start",
     "build": "npm run copy-code && DISABLE_ESLINT_PLUGIN=true react-scripts build"