blob: 39d494832da928ce091895905fad544a3ed9ff55 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import {
CamelElement, Beans, Dependency,
} from "../model/IntegrationDefinition";
import {CamelDefinitionApi} from "./CamelDefinitionApi";
import {KameletDefinition, NamedBeanDefinition, ToDefinition} from "../model/CamelDefinition";
import {KameletApi} from "./KameletApi";
import {KameletModel, Property} from "../model/KameletModels";
import {ComponentProperty} from "../model/ComponentModels";
import {ComponentApi} from "./ComponentApi";
import {CamelMetadataApi} from "../model/CamelMetadata";
import {CamelDefinitionApiExt} from "./CamelDefinitionApiExt";
export class CamelUtil {
static cloneIntegration = (integration: Integration): Integration => {
const clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(integration));
const int: Integration = new Integration({...clone});
const flows: any[] = [];
int.spec.dependencies = int.spec.dependencies?.map(d => this.cloneDependency(d));
int.spec.flows?.filter((e: any) => e.dslName !== 'Beans')
.forEach(f => flows.push(CamelDefinitionApi.createStep(f.dslName, f)));
int.spec.flows?.filter((e: any) => e.dslName === 'Beans')
.forEach(beans => {
const newBeans = new Beans();
(beans as Beans).beans.forEach(b => newBeans.beans.push(CamelUtil.cloneBean(b)));
int.spec.flows = flows;
return int;
static cloneStep = (step: CamelElement): CamelElement => {
const clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(step));
return CamelDefinitionApi.createStep(step.dslName, clone, true);
static cloneDependency = (dependency: Dependency): Dependency => {
const clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(dependency));
const newDependency = new Dependency(clone);
newDependency.uuid = dependency.uuid;
return newDependency;
static cloneBean = (bean: NamedBeanDefinition): NamedBeanDefinition => {
const clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(bean));
const newBean = new NamedBeanDefinition(clone);
newBean.uuid = bean.uuid;
return newBean;
static capitalizeName = (name: string) => {
try {
return name[0].toUpperCase() + name.substring(1);
} catch (e) {
return name;
static camelizeName = (
name: string,
separator: string,
firstSmall: boolean
) => {
const res = name
.map((value) => CamelUtil.capitalizeName(value))
return firstSmall ? res[0].toLowerCase() + res.substring(1) : res;
static camelizeBody = (name: string, body: any, clone: boolean): any => {
if (body && Object.keys(body).length > 0){
const oldKey = Object.keys(body)[0];
const key = CamelUtil.camelizeName(oldKey, '-', true);
return !clone && key === name ? {[key]: body[oldKey]} : body;
} else {
return {};
static camelizeObject = (body: any): any => {
if (Array.isArray(body)){
const result: any [] = [];
(body as []).forEach(value => {
if (typeof value == 'object'){
} else {
return result;
} else {
const result: any = {};
if (body && Object.keys(body).length > 0) {
Object.keys(body).forEach(key => {
const newKey = CamelUtil.camelizeName(key, "-", true);
if (typeof body[key] == 'object' || Array.isArray(body[key])){
result[newKey] = CamelUtil.camelizeObject(body[key]);
} else {
result[newKey] = body[key];
return result;
static isKameletComponent = (element: CamelElement | undefined): boolean => {
if (element?.dslName === 'KameletDefinition') {
return true;
} else if (element && ["FromDefinition", "ToDefinition"].includes(element.dslName)) {
const uri: string = (element as any).uri;
return uri !== undefined && uri.startsWith("kamelet:");
} else {
return false;
static getKamelet = (element: CamelElement): KameletModel | undefined => {
if (element.dslName === 'KameletDefinition') {
return KameletApi.findKameletByName((element as KameletDefinition).name || '');
} else if (element.dslName === 'ToDefinition' && (element as ToDefinition).uri?.startsWith("kamelet:")) {
const kameletName = (element as ToDefinition).uri?.replace("kamelet:", "");
return KameletApi.findKameletByName(kameletName);
} else if (["FromDefinition", "FromDefinition", "ToDefinition"].includes(element.dslName)) {
const uri: string = (element as any).uri;
const k =
uri !== undefined ? KameletApi.findKameletByUri(uri) : undefined;
return k;
} else {
return undefined;
static getKameletProperties = (element: any): Property[] => {
const kamelet = this.getKamelet(element)
return kamelet
? KameletApi.getKameletProperties(kamelet?
: [];
static getComponentProperties = (element: any): ComponentProperty[] => {
const dslName: string = (element as any).dslName;
if (dslName === 'ToDynamicDefinition'){
const component = ComponentApi.findByName(dslName);
return component ? ComponentApi.getComponentProperties(component?,'producer') : [];
} else {
const uri: string = (element as any).uri;
const name = ComponentApi.getComponentNameFromUri(uri);
if (name){
const component = ComponentApi.findByName(name);
return component ? ComponentApi.getComponentProperties(component?, element.dslName === 'FromDefinition' ? 'consumer' : 'producer') : [];
} else {
return [];
static checkRequired = (element: CamelElement): [boolean, string []] => {
const result: [boolean, string []] = [true, []];
const className = element.dslName;
let elementMeta = CamelMetadataApi.getCamelModelMetadataByClassName(className);
if (elementMeta === undefined && className.endsWith("Expression")) elementMeta = CamelMetadataApi.getCamelLanguageMetadataByClassName(className);
elementMeta?.properties.filter(p => p.required).forEach(p => {
const value = (element as any)[];
if (p.type === 'string' && (value === undefined || value.trim().length === 0)){
result[0] = false;
result[1].push("Property " + p.displayName + " is required");
} else if (p.type === 'ExpressionDefinition'){
const expressionMeta = CamelMetadataApi.getCamelModelMetadataByClassName('ExpressionDefinition');
let expressionCheck = false;
expressionMeta?.properties.forEach(ep => {
const expValue = value[];
if (expValue){
const checkedExpression = this.checkRequired(expValue);
if (checkedExpression[0]) expressionCheck = true;
result[0] = expressionCheck;
if (!expressionCheck) result[1].push("Expression is not defined");
if (['FromDefinition', 'ToDefinition'].includes(className)){
const isKamelet = this.isKameletComponent(element);
if (!isKamelet){
this.getComponentProperties(element).filter(p => p.required).forEach(p => {
const value = CamelDefinitionApiExt.getParametersValue(element,, p.kind === 'path');
if (value === undefined || value.trim().length === 0){
result[0] = false;
result[1].push("Property " + p.displayName + " is required");
return result;
static findPlaceholdersInObject = (item: any, result: Set<string> = new Set<string>()): Set<string> => {
if (typeof item === 'object'){
Object.keys(item).forEach(key => {
const value = (item as any)[key];
if (Array.isArray(value)){
this.findPlaceholdersInArray(value, result);
} else if (typeof value === 'object'){
this.findPlaceholdersInObject(value, result);
} else {
const r = this.findPlaceholder(value.toString());
if (r[0] && r[1]) result.add(r[1]);
} else {
const r = this.findPlaceholder(item.toString());
if (r[0] && r[1]) result.add(r[1]);
return result;
static findPlaceholdersInArray = (items: any[] | undefined, result: Set<string> = new Set<string>()): Set<string> => {
if (items !== undefined) {
items.forEach(item => {
if (typeof item === 'object'){
this.findPlaceholdersInObject(item, result);
} else {
const r = this.findPlaceholder(item.toString());
if (r[0] && r[1]) result.add(r[1]);
return result;
static findPlaceholder = (value: string): [boolean, string?] => {
let result = false;
let placeholder = undefined;
if (value !== undefined) {
const val = value.trim();
result = val.includes("{{") && val.includes("}}");
const start ="{{") + 2;
const end ="}}");
placeholder = val.substring(start, end).trim();
return [result, placeholder];