diff --git a/catalog/camel-catalog-provider-karaf/src/main/resources/org/apache/camel/catalog/karaf/components/salesforce.json b/catalog/camel-catalog-provider-karaf/src/main/resources/org/apache/camel/catalog/karaf/components/salesforce.json
index 341fc85..30fa3a6 100644
--- a/catalog/camel-catalog-provider-karaf/src/main/resources/org/apache/camel/catalog/karaf/components/salesforce.json
+++ b/catalog/camel-catalog-provider-karaf/src/main/resources/org/apache/camel/catalog/karaf/components/salesforce.json
@@ -47,11 +47,11 @@
     "maxRecords": { "kind": "property", "displayName": "Max Records", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "integer", "javaType": "java.lang.Integer", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "config", "description": "The maximum number of records to retrieve per set of results for a Bulk 2.0 Query. The request is still subject to the size limits. If you are working with a very large number of query results, you may experience a timeout before receiving all the data from Salesforce. To prevent a timeout, specify the maximum number of records your client is expecting to receive in the maxRecords parameter. This splits the results into smaller sets with this value as the maximum size." },
     "notFoundBehaviour": { "kind": "property", "displayName": "Not Found Behaviour", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.NotFoundBehaviour", "enum": [ "EXCEPTION", "NULL" ], "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "defaultValue": "EXCEPTION", "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "config", "description": "Sets the behaviour of 404 not found status received from Salesforce API. Should the body be set to NULL NotFoundBehaviour#NULL or should a exception be signaled on the exchange NotFoundBehaviour#EXCEPTION - the default." },
     "notifyForFields": { "kind": "property", "displayName": "Notify For Fields", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.internal.dto.NotifyForFieldsEnum", "enum": [ "ALL", "REFERENCED", "SELECT", "WHERE" ], "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "config", "description": "Notify for fields, options are ALL, REFERENCED, SELECT, WHERE" },
-    "notifyForOperationCreate": { "kind": "property", "displayName": "Notify For Operation Create", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "config", "description": "Notify for create operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0)" },
-    "notifyForOperationDelete": { "kind": "property", "displayName": "Notify For Operation Delete", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "config", "description": "Notify for delete operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0)" },
-    "notifyForOperations": { "kind": "property", "displayName": "Notify For Operations", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.internal.dto.NotifyForOperationsEnum", "enum": [ "ALL", "CREATE", "EXTENDED", "UPDATE" ], "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "config", "description": "Notify for operations, options are ALL, CREATE, EXTENDED, UPDATE (API version 29.0)" },
-    "notifyForOperationUndelete": { "kind": "property", "displayName": "Notify For Operation Undelete", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "config", "description": "Notify for un-delete operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0)" },
-    "notifyForOperationUpdate": { "kind": "property", "displayName": "Notify For Operation Update", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "config", "description": "Notify for update operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0)" },
+    "notifyForOperationCreate": { "kind": "property", "displayName": "Notify For Operation Create", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "config", "description": "Notify for create operation, defaults to false (API version >= 29.0)" },
+    "notifyForOperationDelete": { "kind": "property", "displayName": "Notify For Operation Delete", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "config", "description": "Notify for delete operation, defaults to false (API version >= 29.0)" },
+    "notifyForOperations": { "kind": "property", "displayName": "Notify For Operations", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.internal.dto.NotifyForOperationsEnum", "enum": [ "ALL", "CREATE", "EXTENDED", "UPDATE" ], "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "config", "description": "Notify for operations, options are ALL, CREATE, EXTENDED, UPDATE (API version < 29.0)" },
+    "notifyForOperationUndelete": { "kind": "property", "displayName": "Notify For Operation Undelete", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "config", "description": "Notify for un-delete operation, defaults to false (API version >= 29.0)" },
+    "notifyForOperationUpdate": { "kind": "property", "displayName": "Notify For Operation Update", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "config", "description": "Notify for update operation, defaults to false (API version >= 29.0)" },
     "objectMapper": { "kind": "property", "displayName": "Object Mapper", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "config", "description": "Custom Jackson ObjectMapper to use when serializing\/deserializing Salesforce objects." },
     "packages": { "kind": "property", "displayName": "Packages", "group": "common", "label": "common", "required": false, "type": "string", "javaType": "java.lang.String", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "description": "In what packages are the generated DTO classes. Typically the classes would be generated using camel-salesforce-maven-plugin. Set it if using the generated DTOs to gain the benefit of using short SObject names in parameters\/header values. Multiple packages can be separated by comma." },
     "pkChunking": { "kind": "property", "displayName": "Pk Chunking", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "config", "description": "Use PK Chunking. Only for use in original Bulk API. Bulk 2.0 API performs PK chunking automatically, if necessary." },
@@ -137,11 +137,11 @@
     "maxRecords": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Max Records", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "integer", "javaType": "java.lang.Integer", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "The maximum number of records to retrieve per set of results for a Bulk 2.0 Query. The request is still subject to the size limits. If you are working with a very large number of query results, you may experience a timeout before receiving all the data from Salesforce. To prevent a timeout, specify the maximum number of records your client is expecting to receive in the maxRecords parameter. This splits the results into smaller sets with this value as the maximum size." },
     "notFoundBehaviour": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Not Found Behaviour", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.NotFoundBehaviour", "enum": [ "EXCEPTION", "NULL" ], "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "defaultValue": "EXCEPTION", "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "Sets the behaviour of 404 not found status received from Salesforce API. Should the body be set to NULL NotFoundBehaviour#NULL or should a exception be signaled on the exchange NotFoundBehaviour#EXCEPTION - the default." },
     "notifyForFields": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Notify For Fields", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.internal.dto.NotifyForFieldsEnum", "enum": [ "ALL", "REFERENCED", "SELECT", "WHERE" ], "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "Notify for fields, options are ALL, REFERENCED, SELECT, WHERE" },
-    "notifyForOperationCreate": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Notify For Operation Create", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "Notify for create operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0)" },
-    "notifyForOperationDelete": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Notify For Operation Delete", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "Notify for delete operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0)" },
-    "notifyForOperations": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Notify For Operations", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.internal.dto.NotifyForOperationsEnum", "enum": [ "ALL", "CREATE", "EXTENDED", "UPDATE" ], "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "Notify for operations, options are ALL, CREATE, EXTENDED, UPDATE (API version 29.0)" },
-    "notifyForOperationUndelete": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Notify For Operation Undelete", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "Notify for un-delete operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0)" },
-    "notifyForOperationUpdate": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Notify For Operation Update", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "Notify for update operation, defaults to false (API version = 29.0)" },
+    "notifyForOperationCreate": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Notify For Operation Create", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "Notify for create operation, defaults to false (API version >= 29.0)" },
+    "notifyForOperationDelete": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Notify For Operation Delete", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "Notify for delete operation, defaults to false (API version >= 29.0)" },
+    "notifyForOperations": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Notify For Operations", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.internal.dto.NotifyForOperationsEnum", "enum": [ "ALL", "CREATE", "EXTENDED", "UPDATE" ], "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "Notify for operations, options are ALL, CREATE, EXTENDED, UPDATE (API version < 29.0)" },
+    "notifyForOperationUndelete": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Notify For Operation Undelete", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "Notify for un-delete operation, defaults to false (API version >= 29.0)" },
+    "notifyForOperationUpdate": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Notify For Operation Update", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "Notify for update operation, defaults to false (API version >= 29.0)" },
     "objectMapper": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Object Mapper", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "object", "javaType": "com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "Custom Jackson ObjectMapper to use when serializing\/deserializing Salesforce objects." },
     "pkChunking": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Pk Chunking", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "boolean", "javaType": "java.lang.Boolean", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "Use PK Chunking. Only for use in original Bulk API. Bulk 2.0 API performs PK chunking automatically, if necessary." },
     "pkChunkingChunkSize": { "kind": "parameter", "displayName": "Pk Chunking Chunk Size", "group": "common", "label": "", "required": false, "type": "integer", "javaType": "java.lang.Integer", "deprecated": false, "autowired": false, "secret": false, "configurationClass": "org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.SalesforceEndpointConfig", "configurationField": "configuration", "description": "Chunk size for use with PK Chunking. If unspecified, salesforce default is 100,000. Maximum size is 250,000." },