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= Welcome to the Apache Camel Karaf Examples
== Introduction
This directory contains the various examples for working with Apache
Camel. The examples can be run using Maven. When using the Maven
command, Maven will attempt to download the required dependencies from a
central repository to your local repository.
View the individual example READMEs for details.
== Examples
// examples: START
Number of Examples: 15 (0 deprecated)
| Example | Category | Description
| link:camel-example-mybatis/README.adoc[MyBatis] (camel-example-mybatis) | Database | An example for showing Camel using MyBatis SQL mapper component
| link:camel-example-fhir-osgi/README.adoc[Fhir Osgi] (camel-example-fhir-osgi) | Health Care | An example running Camel FHIR using OSGi Blueprint
| link:camel-example-transformer-blueprint/README.adoc[Transformer OSGi Blueprint] (camel-example-transformer-blueprint) | Input/Output Type Contract | An example demonstrating declarative transformation along data type declaration using OSGi Blueprint
| link:camel-example-artemis-amqp-blueprint/README.adoc[Artemis Amqp Blueprint] (camel-example-artemis-amqp-blueprint) | Messaging | Demonstrates ActiveMQ Artemis using Camel's AMQP component.
| link:camel-example-cxf-blueprint/README.adoc[CXF Blueprint] (camel-example-cxf-blueprint) | OSGi | An example which use a CXF consumer and the OSGI HTTP Service
| link:camel-example-ehcache-blueprint/README.adoc[EHCache OSGi] (camel-example-ehcache-blueprint) | OSGi | An example using EHCache with OSGi Blueprint
| link:camel-example-kamelet-chucknorris/README.adoc[Kamelet Chuck Norris] (camel-example-kamelet-chucknorris) | OSGi |
| link:camel-example-netty-http/README.adoc[Netty HTTP] (camel-example-netty-http) | OSGi | An example showing how to use a shared Netty HTTP server with multiple Camel applications in OSGi
| link:camel-example-olingo4-blueprint/README.adoc[Olingo4 OSGi] (camel-example-olingo4-blueprint) | OSGi | An example which use the Olingo4 component in OSGi Blueprint
| link:camel-example-openapi-osgi/README.adoc[OpenApi OSGi] (camel-example-openapi-osgi) | OSGi | An example using REST DSL in XML and OpenApi API
| link:camel-example-servlet-rest-blueprint/README.adoc[Servlet REST Blueprint] (camel-example-servlet-rest-blueprint) | OSGi | An example using Servlet Rest with OSGi Blueprint
| link:camel-example-servlet-rest-karaf-jaas/README.adoc[Servlet REST Karaf JAAS] (camel-example-servlet-rest-karaf-jaas) | OSGi | An example using Servlet REST with OSGi Blueprint, and REST endpoint protected by Basic Auth, delegate user/password authentication to Karaf Jaas Service
| link:camel-example-sql-blueprint/README.adoc[SQL Blueprint] (camel-example-sql-blueprint) | OSGi | An example for showing Camel using SQL component with OSGi Blueprint
| link:camel-example-swagger-osgi/README.adoc[Swagger OSGi] (camel-example-swagger-osgi) | OSGi | An example using REST DSL in XML and Swagger API
| link:camel-example-twitter-websocket-blueprint/README.adoc[Twitter Websocket Blueprint] (camel-example-twitter-websocket-blueprint) | Social | An example that pushes new tweets to a web page using web-socket
// examples: END
== Help and contributions
If you hit any problem using Camel or have some feedback,
then please[let us know].
We also love contributors,
so[get involved] :-)
The Camel riders!