Add a Json Schema Validator Kamelet Action
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+= image:kamelets/json-schema-validators-action.svg[] Json Schema Validator Action
+*Provided by: "Apache Software Foundation"*
+*Support Level for this Kamelet is: "Preview"*
+Apply a Json Schema Template to validate the payload against.
+The template property needs to be encoded in base64, so when you pass it as parameter, don't forget to encode it.
+== Configuration Options
+The following table summarizes the configuration options available for the `json-schema-validators-action` Kamelet:
+| Property| Name| Description| Type| Default| Example
+| *template {empty}* *| Template| The inline template| binary| | 
+NOTE: Fields marked with ({empty}*) are mandatory.
+== Usage
+This section summarizes how the `json-schema-validators-action` can be used in various contexts.
+=== Knative Action
+The `json-schema-validators-action` Kamelet can be used as intermediate step in a Knative binding.
+kind: KameletBinding
+  name: json-schema-validators-action-binding
+  source:
+    ref:
+      kind: Kamelet
+      apiVersion:
+      name: timer-source
+    properties:
+      message: "Hello"
+  steps:
+  - ref:
+      kind: Kamelet
+      apiVersion:
+      name: json-schema-validators-action
+    properties:
+      template: "The Template"
+  sink:
+    ref:
+      kind: InMemoryChannel
+      apiVersion:
+      name: mychannel
+Make sure you have xref:latest@camel-k::installation/installation.adoc[Camel K installed] into the Kubernetes cluster you're connected to.
+Save the `json-schema-validators-action-binding.yaml` file into your hard drive, then configure it according to your needs.
+You can run the action using the following command:
+kubectl apply -f json-schema-validators-action-binding.yaml
+==== *Binding to Knative using the Kamel CLI:*
+The procedure described above can be simplified into a single execution of the `kamel bind` command:
+kamel bind timer-source?message=Hello --step json-schema-validators-action -p "step-0.template=The Template" channel/mychannel
+This will create the KameletBinding under the hood and apply it to the current namespace in the cluster.
+=== Kafka Action
+The `json-schema-validators-action` Kamelet can be used as intermediate step in a Kafka binding.
+kind: KameletBinding
+  name: json-schema-validators-action-binding
+  source:
+    ref:
+      kind: Kamelet
+      apiVersion:
+      name: timer-source
+    properties:
+      message: "Hello"
+  steps:
+  - ref:
+      kind: Kamelet
+      apiVersion:
+      name: json-schema-validators-action
+    properties:
+      template: "The Template"
+  sink:
+    ref:
+      kind: KafkaTopic
+      apiVersion:
+      name: my-topic
+Ensure that you've installed[Strimzi] and created a topic named `my-topic` in the current namespace.
+Make also sure you have xref:latest@camel-k::installation/installation.adoc[Camel K installed] into the Kubernetes cluster you're connected to.
+Save the `json-schema-validators-action-binding.yaml` file into your hard drive, then configure it according to your needs.
+You can run the action using the following command:
+kubectl apply -f json-schema-validators-action-binding.yaml
+==== *Binding to Kafka using the Kamel CLI:*
+The procedure described above can be simplified into a single execution of the `kamel bind` command:
+kamel bind timer-source?message=Hello --step json-schema-validators-action -p "step-0.template=The Template"
+This will create the KameletBinding under the hood and apply it to the current namespace in the cluster.