blob: 42847258c20498bbeba9943eb38af0036cee8648 [file] [log] [blame]
Feature: Timer Source Kamelet
Given Disable auto removal of Kamelet resources
Given Disable auto removal of Kubernetes resources
Given Camel-K resource polling configuration
| maxAttempts | 20 |
| delayBetweenAttempts | 1000 |
Scenario: Bind Kamelet to service
Given create Kubernetes service probe-service with target port 8080
And KameletBinding source properties
| message | Hello World |
And bind Kamelet timer-source to uri http://probe-service.${YAKS_NAMESPACE}/events
When create KameletBinding timer-source-binding
Then KameletBinding timer-source-binding should be available
Scenario: Verify binding
Given HTTP server "probe-service"
And HTTP server timeout is 300000 ms
Then expect HTTP request body: Hello World
And receive POST /events
And delete KameletBinding timer-source-binding