blob: 79bc96f04ea16af892c34f9348aa7e7e4d139bec [file] [log] [blame]
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Feature: Salesforce Kamelet
Given variable client_id is "${clientId}"
Given variable userName is "${userName}"
Given variable password is "${password}"
Given variable client_secret is "${clientSecret}"
Given variable token_request is "grant_type=password&client_id=${client_id}&client_secret=${client_secret}&username=${userName}&password=${password}"
Given URL:
And HTTP request header Content-Type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
And HTTP request body: ${token_request}
When send POST /services/oauth2/token
Then verify HTTP response expression: $.instance_url="@variable(instance_url)@"
And verify HTTP response expression: $.access_token="@variable(access_token)@"
And receive HTTP 200 OK
Scenario: Interact with SalesForce
Given load KameletBinding timer-to-salesforce-binding.yaml
Then Camel K integration timer-to-salesforce-binding should be running
And Camel K integration timer-to-salesforce-binding should print Routes startup
Given URL: ${instance_url}
Then HTTP request header Authorization="Bearer ${access_token}"
And HTTP request header Content-Type="application/json"
And HTTP request query parameter q="citrus:urlEncode('SELECT Id FROM Contact LIMIT 1')"
When send GET /services/data/v50.0/query/
Then verify HTTP response expression: $.records[0].Id="@variable(id)@"
And receive HTTP 200 OK
And load KameletBinding direct-to-salesforce-update-binding.yaml
Then Camel K integration direct-to-salesforce-update-binding should be running
And Camel K integration direct-to-salesforce-update-binding should print Routes startup
Then sleep 5000 ms
Given URL: ${instance_url}
Then HTTP request header Authorization="Bearer ${access_token}"
And HTTP request header Content-Type="application/json"
Given variable query is "SELECT Phone FROM Contact WHERE Id = '${id}'"
And HTTP request query parameter q="citrus:urlEncode('${query}')"
When send GET /services/data/v50.0/query/
Then verify HTTP response expression: $.records[0].Phone="1234567890"
And receive HTTP 200 OK
When load KameletBinding direct-to-salesforce-delete-binding.yaml
Then Camel K integration direct-to-salesforce-delete-binding should be running
And Camel K integration direct-to-salesforce-delete-binding should print Routes startup
Then sleep 5000 ms
Given URL: ${instance_url}
Given HTTP request header Authorization="Bearer ${access_token}"
And HTTP request header Content-Type="application/json"
And HTTP request query parameter q="citrus:urlEncode('${query}')"
When send GET /services/data/v50.0/query/
Then verify HTTP response expression: $.totalSize="0"
And receive HTTP 200 OK
Scenario: Remove Camel-K resources
Given delete KameletBinding timer-to-salesforce-binding
And delete KameletBinding direct-to-salesforce-update-binding
And delete KameletBinding direct-to-salesforce-delete-binding