blob: 396f23d55d6f5eb0fe14c4a5fa73c47c6c0a271b [file] [log] [blame]
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Feature: REST OpenAPI Kamelet sink
Given HTTP server timeout is 60000 ms
Given HTTP server "test-service"
Given variable petId is "1000"
Given load variable pet.json
Scenario: Create Http server
Given create Kubernetes service test-service
Scenario: Create Kamelet binding for addPet
Given Camel K resource polling configuration
| maxAttempts | 200 |
| delayBetweenAttempts | 2000 |
Given variable operation is "addPet"
When load KameletBinding rest-openapi-sink-binding.yaml
Then Camel K integration rest-openapi-sink-binding should be running
Scenario: Provide OpenAPI specification to Camel K integration
When receive GET /petstore/openapi.json
Then HTTP request header Content-Type is "application/json"
Then HTTP response body: citrus:readFile(classpath:openapi.json)
Then send HTTP 200 OK
Scenario: Verify proper addPet request message sent
Given expect HTTP request body: citrus:readFile(classpath:openapi.json)
And HTTP request header Content-Type is "application/json"
When receive POST /petstore/pet
And send HTTP 201 CREATED
Scenario: Remove resources
Given delete KameletBinding rest-openapi-sink-binding
Scenario: Create Kamelet binding for deletePet
Given variable operation is "deletePet"
When load KameletBinding rest-openapi-sink-binding.yaml
Then Camel K integration rest-openapi-sink-binding should be running
Scenario: Provide OpenAPI specification to Camel K integration
When receive GET /petstore/openapi.json
Then HTTP request header Content-Type is "application/json"
Then HTTP response body: citrus:readFile(classpath:openapi.json)
Then send HTTP 200 OK
Scenario: Verify proper deletePet request message sent
When receive DELETE /petstore/pet/${petId}
And send HTTP 204 NO_CONTENT
Scenario: Remove resources
Given delete KameletBinding rest-openapi-sink-binding
And delete Kubernetes service test-service