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Feature: Kafka Kamelet source
Given variable user is ""
Given variable password is ""
Given variables
| | my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap |
| bootstrap.server.port | 9092 |
| securityProtocol | PLAINTEXT |
| deserializeHeaders | true |
| topic | my-topic |
| source | Kafka Kamelet source |
| message | Camel K rocks! |
Given Kafka topic: ${topic}
Given Kafka topic partition: 0
Given HTTP server timeout is 15000 ms
Given HTTP server "kafka-to-http-service"
Scenario: Create Http server
Given create Kubernetes service kafka-to-http-service with target port 8080
Scenario: Create Kamelet binding
Given Camel K resource polling configuration
| maxAttempts | 200 |
| delayBetweenAttempts | 2000 |
When load KameletBinding kafka-source-test.yaml
Then Camel K integration kafka-source-test should be running
And Camel K integration kafka-source-test should print Subscribing ${topic}-Thread 0 to topic ${topic}
And sleep 10sec
Scenario: Send message to Kafka topic and verify sink output
Given variable key is "citrus:randomNumber(4)"
Given Kafka connection
| url | ${}.${YAKS_NAMESPACE}:${bootstrap.server.port} |
Given Kafka message key: ${key}
When send Kafka message with body and headers: ${message}
| event-source | ${source} |
Then expect HTTP request body: ${message}
Then expect HTTP request headers
| event-source | ${source} |
| kafka.TOPIC | ${topic} |
| kafka.KEY | ${key} |
| kafka.PARTITION | 0 |
And receive POST /result
And send HTTP 200 OK
Scenario: Remove resources
Given delete KameletBinding kafka-source-test
And delete Kubernetes service kafka-to-http-service