Added Google Pubsub Sink Kamelet
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+<svg height="2500" viewBox="-1.63323543 7.03260933 131.26574682 114.43939067" width="2500" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""><linearGradient id="a" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="64" x2="64" y1="7.034" y2="120.789"><stop offset="0" stop-color="#4387fd"/><stop offset="1" stop-color="#4683ea"/></linearGradient><path d="m27.79 115.217-26.25-45.468a11.499 11.499 0 0 1 0-11.499l26.25-45.467a11.5 11.5 0 0 1 9.96-5.75h52.5a11.5 11.5 0 0 1 9.959 5.75l26.25 45.467a11.499 11.499 0 0 1 0 11.5l-26.25 45.467a11.5 11.5 0 0 1 -9.959 5.749h-52.5a11.499 11.499 0 0 1 -9.96-5.75z" fill="url(#a)"/><path d="m121.054 79.58-31.836-31.834-5.858 1.214-14.603-14.602-4.673 8.739-2.534 10.109 4.289 4.29-8.238 1.682-11.296-11.296-7.67 7.373 14.123 14.125-14.97 11.9 40.193 40.192 19.581-.19z" opacity=".07"/><g fill="#fff"><circle cx="85.519" cy="51.576" r="5.324"/><circle cx="42.48" cy="51.576" r="5.324"/><circle cx="64" cy="88.849" r="5.325"/><circle cx="64" cy="64" r="8.602"/><circle cx="42.48" cy="76.424" r="6.758"/><circle cx="85.519" cy="76.424" r="6.758"/><circle cx="64" cy="39.151" r="6.759"/></g></svg>
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+= image:kamelets/google-pubsub-sink.svg[] Google Pubsub Sink
+*Provided by: "Apache Software Foundation"*
+*Support Level for this Kamelet is: "Preview"*
+Send messages to Google Pubsub.
+The serviceAccountKey property needs to be encoded in base64, so when you pass it as parameter, don't forget to encode it.
+== Configuration Options
+The following table summarizes the configuration options available for the `google-pubsub-sink` Kamelet:
+| Property| Name| Description| Type| Default| Example
+| *destinationName {empty}* *| Destination Name| The Destination Name| string| | 
+| *projectId {empty}* *| Project Id| The Google Cloud PubSub Project Id| string| | 
+| *serviceAccountKey {empty}* *| Service Account Key| The Service account key that can be used as credentials for the PubSub publisher/subscriber| binary| | 
+NOTE: Fields marked with ({empty}*) are mandatory.
+== Usage
+This section summarizes how the `google-pubsub-sink` can be used in various contexts.
+=== Knative Sink
+The `google-pubsub-sink` Kamelet can be used as Knative sink by binding it to a Knative object.
+kind: KameletBinding
+  name: google-pubsub-sink-binding
+  source:
+    ref:
+      kind: InMemoryChannel
+      apiVersion:
+      name: mychannel
+  sink:
+    ref:
+      kind: Kamelet
+      apiVersion:
+      name: google-pubsub-sink
+    properties:
+      destinationName: "The Destination Name"
+      projectId: "The Project Id"
+      serviceAccountKey: "The Service Account Key"
+Make sure you have xref:latest@camel-k::installation/installation.adoc[Camel K installed] into the Kubernetes cluster you're connected to.
+Save the `google-pubsub-sink-binding.yaml` file into your hard drive, then configure it according to your needs.
+You can run the sink using the following command:
+kubectl apply -f google-pubsub-sink-binding.yaml
+==== *Binding to Knative using the Kamel CLI:*
+The procedure described above can be simplified into a single execution of the `kamel bind` command:
+kamel bind channel/mychannel google-pubsub-sink -p "sink.destinationName=The Destination Name" -p "sink.projectId=The Project Id" -p "sink.serviceAccountKey=The Service Account Key"
+This will create the KameletBinding under the hood and apply it to the current namespace in the cluster.
+=== Kafka Sink
+The `google-pubsub-sink` Kamelet can be used as Kafka sink by binding it to a Kafka topic.
+kind: KameletBinding
+  name: google-pubsub-sink-binding
+  source:
+    ref:
+      kind: KafkaTopic
+      apiVersion:
+      name: my-topic
+  sink:
+    ref:
+      kind: Kamelet
+      apiVersion:
+      name: google-pubsub-sink
+    properties:
+      destinationName: "The Destination Name"
+      projectId: "The Project Id"
+      serviceAccountKey: "The Service Account Key"
+Ensure that you've installed[Strimzi] and created a topic named `my-topic` in the current namespace.
+Make also sure you have xref:latest@camel-k::installation/installation.adoc[Camel K installed] into the Kubernetes cluster you're connected to.
+Save the `google-pubsub-sink-binding.yaml` file into your hard drive, then configure it according to your needs.
+You can run the sink using the following command:
+kubectl apply -f google-pubsub-sink-binding.yaml
+==== *Binding to Kafka using the Kamel CLI:*
+The procedure described above can be simplified into a single execution of the `kamel bind` command:
+kamel bind google-pubsub-sink -p "sink.destinationName=The Destination Name" -p "sink.projectId=The Project Id" -p "sink.serviceAccountKey=The Service Account Key"
+This will create the KameletBinding under the hood and apply it to the current namespace in the cluster.