blob: 301e3e84b2d4be91f3a506d12c6a1ba3ef943c77 [file] [log] [blame]
== AWS S3 CDC Example
In this sample you'll use the AWS S3 CDC Source Kamelet.
Through the usage of Eventbridge and SQS Services you'll be able to consume events from specific bucket.
=== Install JBang
First install JBang according to
When JBang is installed then you should be able to run from a shell:
$ jbang --version
This will output the version of JBang.
To run this example you can either install Camel on JBang via:
$ jbang app install camel@apache/camel
Which allows to run CamelJBang with `camel` as shown below.
=== Setup the AWS S3 bucket, SQS Queue and Eventbrige Rule
You'll need a fully working AWS CLI locally.
Create a bucket on AWS on a particular region
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket cdc-s3-bucket --region eu-west-1 --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=eu-west-1
Enable Eventbridge notification on the bucket
aws s3api put-bucket-notification-configuration --bucket cdc-s3-bucket --region eu-west-1 --notification-configuration '{ "EventBridgeConfiguration": {} }'
Add an Eventbridge rule on the bucket
aws events put-rule --name "s3-events-cdc" --event-pattern "{\"source\":[\"aws.s3\"], \"detail\": {\"bucket\": { \"name\": [\"cdc-s3-bucket\"]}}}" --region=eu-west-1
Create an SQS Queue where we're going to receive the notification
aws sqs create-queue --queue-name test-queue-3 --region eu-west-1
Modify Access Policy for the queue just created. Don't forget to edit the policy-queue.json file (by adding the correct rule_arn and queue_arn), before submitting the command.
aws sqs set-queue-attributes --queue-url <just_created_queue_arn> --attributes file://policy-queue.json
Add a target for Eventbridge Rule which will be the SQS Queue just created
aws events put-targets --rule s3-events-cdc --targets "Id"="sqs-sub","Arn"="<just_created_queue_arn>" --region eu-west-1
=== How to run
Then you can run this example using:
$ camel run aws-s3-cdc-log.yaml
Or run it even shorter:
$ camel run *
Or run with JBang using the longer command line (without installing camel as app in JBang):
$ jbang camel@apache/camel run aws-s3-cdc-log.yaml
=== Developer Web Console
You can enable the developer console via `--console` flag as show:
$ camel run aws-s3-cdc-log.yaml --console
Then you can browse: http://localhost:8080/q/dev to introspect the running Camel applicaton.
=== Create and delete an object
While the integration is running you can run the following commands:
aws s3api put-object --bucket cdc-s3-bucket --key example-file-uploaded.txt --body example-file.txt --region eu-west-1
"ETag": "\"2b6153cbc11ea06a6d0b502a64b77e3c\""
aws s3api delete-object --bucket cdc-s3-bucket --key example-file.txt
022-11-02 15:13:03.747 INFO 120300 --- [ main] he.camel.cli.connector.LocalCliConnector : Camel CLI enabled (local)
2022-11-02 15:13:08.570 INFO 120300 --- [ main] e.camel.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext : Apache Camel 3.20.0-SNAPSHOT (aws-s3-cdc-log) is starting
2022-11-02 15:13:08.726 INFO 120300 --- [ main] org.apache.camel.main.BaseMainSupport : Property-placeholders summary
2022-11-02 15:13:08.727 INFO 120300 --- [ main] org.apache.camel.main.BaseMainSupport : [s-s3-cdc-source.kamelet.yaml] queueNameOrArn=test-queue-3
2022-11-02 15:13:08.727 INFO 120300 --- [ main] org.apache.camel.main.BaseMainSupport : [s-s3-cdc-source.kamelet.yaml] accessKey=xxxxxx
2022-11-02 15:13:08.727 INFO 120300 --- [ main] org.apache.camel.main.BaseMainSupport : [s-s3-cdc-source.kamelet.yaml] region=eu-west-1
2022-11-02 15:13:08.727 INFO 120300 --- [ main] org.apache.camel.main.BaseMainSupport : [s-s3-cdc-source.kamelet.yaml] secretKey=xxxxxx
2022-11-02 15:13:08.727 INFO 120300 --- [ main] org.apache.camel.main.BaseMainSupport : [s-s3-cdc-source.kamelet.yaml] getObject=true
2022-11-02 15:13:08.727 INFO 120300 --- [ main] org.apache.camel.main.BaseMainSupport : [log-sink.kamelet.yaml] showStreams=true
2022-11-02 15:13:08.741 INFO 120300 --- [ main] e.camel.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext : Routes startup (started:3)
2022-11-02 15:13:08.741 INFO 120300 --- [ main] e.camel.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext : Started route1 (kamelet://aws-s3-cdc-source)
2022-11-02 15:13:08.741 INFO 120300 --- [ main] e.camel.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext : Started aws-s3-cdc-source-1 (aws2-sqs://test-queue-3)
2022-11-02 15:13:08.741 INFO 120300 --- [ main] e.camel.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext : Started log-sink-2 (kamelet://source)
2022-11-02 15:13:08.742 INFO 120300 --- [ main] e.camel.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext : Apache Camel 3.20.0-SNAPSHOT (aws-s3-cdc-log) started in 4s272ms (build:106ms init:3s995ms start:171ms JVM-uptime:6s)
2022-11-02 15:13:30.977 INFO 120300 --- [://test-queue-3] info : Exchange[ExchangePattern: InOnly, BodyType:, Body: Text example]
2022-11-02 15:13:41.250 INFO 120300 --- [://test-queue-3] info : Exchange[ExchangePattern: InOnly, BodyType: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode, Body: { "version" : "0", "id" : "d54290df-2ad9-31ff-308b-8331fee7344a", "detail-type" : "Object Deleted", "source" : "aws.s3", "account" : "xxxx", "time" : "2022-11-02T14:13:37Z", "region" : "eu-west-1", "resources" : [ "arn:aws:s3:::cdc-s3-bucket" ], "detail" : { "version" : "0", "bucket" : { "name" : "cdc-s3-bucket" }, "object" : { "key" : "example-file.txt", "sequencer" : "0063627B110D43CE5E" }, "request-id" : "xxxx", "requester" : "xxxx", "source-ip-address" : "xxxx", "reason" : "DeleteObject", "deletion-type" : "Permanently Deleted" }}]
=== Help and contributions
If you hit any problem using Camel or have some feedback, then please[let us know].
We also love contributors, so[get involved] :-)
The Camel riders!