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== GCP Secrets Manager Vault Example
In this sample you'll use the GCP Secrets Manager Vault Properties Source
=== Install JBang
First install JBang according to
When JBang is installed then you should be able to run from a shell:
$ jbang --version
This will output the version of JBang.
To run this example you can either install Camel on JBang via:
$ jbang app install camel@apache/camel
Which allows to run CamelJBang with `camel` as shown below.
=== Setup the GCP Secret Manager
First of all you'll need to install the gcloud cli from
Once the Cli has been installed we can proceed to login and to setup the project with the following commands:
gcloud auth login
gcloud projects create gcp-sec-refresh --name="GCP Secret Manager Refresh"
The project will need a service identity for using secret manager service and we'll be able to have that through the command:
gcloud beta services identity create --service "" --project "gcp-sec-refresh"
The latter command will provide a service account name that we need to export
export SM_SERVICE_ACCOUNT="service-...."
Since we want to have notifications about event related to a specific secret through a Google Pubsub topic we'll need to create a topic for this purpose with the following command:
gcloud pubsub topics create "projects/gcp-sec-refresh/topics/pubsub-gcp-sec-refresh"
The service account will need Secret Manager authorization to publish messages on the topic just created, so we'll need to add an iam policy binding with the following command:
gcloud pubsub topics add-iam-policy-binding pubsub-gcp-sec-refresh --member "serviceAccount:${SM_SERVICE_ACCOUNT}" --role "roles/pubsub.publisher" --project gcp-sec-refresh
We now need to create a subscription to the pubsub-gcp-sec-refresh just created and we're going to call it sub-gcp-sec-refresh with the following command:
gcloud pubsub subscriptions create "projects/gcp-sec-refresh/subscriptions/sub-gcp-sec-refresh" --topic "projects/gcp-sec-refresh/topics/pubsub-gcp-sec-refresh"
Now we need to create a service account for running our application:
gcloud iam service-accounts create gcp-sec-refresh-sa --description="GCP Sec Refresh SA" --project gcp-sec-refresh
Let's give the SA an owner role:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding gcp-sec-refresh --member="" --role="roles/owner"
Now we should create a Service account key file for the just create SA:
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create gcp-sec-refresh.json
Modify the file to point to serviceAccountKey property to the just create gcp-sec-refresh.json file.
Let's enable the Secret Manager API for our project
gcloud services enable --project gcp-sec-refresh
If needed enable also the Billing API.
Now it's time to create our hello secret, with topic notification:
gcloud secrets create hello --topics=projects/gcp-sec-refresh/topics/pubsub-gcp-sec-refresh --project=gcp-sec-refresh
Let's add a value to the secret:
echo -n "Camel rocks! " | gcloud secrets versions add hello --data-file=- --project=gcp-sec-refresh
=== Setting up the GCP Service account key
In the gcp-sec-integration.propertie you'll need to provide all the needed bits and the path to the just created service account key file. So you should have something like this:
camel.vault.gcp.serviceAccountKey = file:////gcp-sec-refresh.json
camel.main.context-reload-enabled = true
=== How to run
Then you can run this example using:
$ camel run timer-gcp-secret-reloading.yaml
Or run it even shorter:
$ camel run *
Or run with JBang using the longer command line (without installing camel as app in JBang):
$ jbang camel@apache/camel run timer-gcp-secret-reloading.yaml
=== Modify the secret
You can list the secrets in use from the GCP secret manager service:
camel get vault
While the integration is running you could modify the secret and the integration will reload automatically
echo -n "Camel rocks reloaded! " | gcloud secrets versions add hello --data-file=- --project=gcp-sec-refresh
Now, get back, to the running Camel application and wait for the reloading.
And the secret should also now be listed as updated from the get vault command:
camel get vault
=== Developer Web Console
You can enable the developer console via `--console` flag as show:
$ camel run timer-gcp-secret-reloading.yaml --console
Then you can browse: http://localhost:8080/q/dev to introspect the running Camel applicaton.
=== Help and contributions
If you hit any problem using Camel or have some feedback, then please[let us know].
We also love contributors, so[get involved] :-)
The Camel riders!