blob: 34bd2f46e2eaa13f510b69ab18f68cce5663c686 [file] [log] [blame]
// kafka-connector options: START
= camel-debezium-mongodb-kafka-connector source configuration
When using camel-debezium-mongodb-kafka-connector as source make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for the connector:
<!-- use the same version as your Camel Kafka connector version -->
The camel-debezium-mongodb source connector supports 48 options, which are listed below.
| Name | Description | Default | Priority
| ** | Unique name for the connector. Attempting to register again with the same name will fail. | null | ConfigDef.Importance.HIGH
| * camel.source.endpoint.additional Properties* | Additional properties for debezium components in case they can't be set directly on the camel configurations (e.g: setting Kafka Connect properties needed by Debezium engine, for example setting KafkaOffsetBackingStore), the properties have to be prefixed with additionalProperties.. E.g:\http://localhost:8811/avro | null | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.bridge ErrorHandler* | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.internal KeyConverter* | The Converter class that should be used to serialize and deserialize key data for offsets. The default is JSON converter. | "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter" | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.internal ValueConverter* | The Converter class that should be used to serialize and deserialize value data for offsets. The default is JSON converter. | "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter" | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.offset CommitPolicy* | The name of the Java class of the commit policy. It defines when offsets commit has to be triggered based on the number of events processed and the time elapsed since the last commit. This class must implement the interface 'OffsetCommitPolicy'. The default is a periodic commit policy based upon time intervals. | "io.debezium.embedded.spi.OffsetCommitPolicy.PeriodicCommitOffsetPolicy" | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.offset CommitTimeoutMs* | Maximum number of milliseconds to wait for records to flush and partition offset data to be committed to offset storage before cancelling the process and restoring the offset data to be committed in a future attempt. The default is 5 seconds. | 5000L | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.offset FlushIntervalMs* | Interval at which to try committing offsets. The default is 1 minute. | 60000L | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.offset Storage* | The name of the Java class that is responsible for persistence of connector offsets. | "" | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.offset StorageFileName* | Path to file where offsets are to be stored. Required when is set to the FileOffsetBackingStore. | null | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.offset StoragePartitions* | The number of partitions used when creating the offset storage topic. Required when is set to the 'KafkaOffsetBackingStore'. | null | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.offset StorageReplicationFactor* | Replication factor used when creating the offset storage topic. Required when is set to the KafkaOffsetBackingStore | null | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.offset StorageTopic* | The name of the Kafka topic where offsets are to be stored. Required when is set to the KafkaOffsetBackingStore. | null | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| * camel.source.endpoint.exception Handler* | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this option is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | null | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| * Pattern* | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. One of: [InOnly] [InOut] [InOptionalOut] | null | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.basic PropertyBinding* | Whether the endpoint should use basic property binding (Camel 2.x) or the newer property binding with additional capabilities | false | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| * camel.source.endpoint.synchronous* | Sets whether synchronous processing should be strictly used, or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if supported). | false | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| * camel.source.endpoint.collection Blacklist* | Description is not available here, please check Debezium website for corresponding key 'collection.blacklist' description. | null | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| * camel.source.endpoint.collection Whitelist* | The collections for which changes are to be captured | null | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.connect BackoffInitialDelayMs* | The initial delay when trying to reconnect to a primary after a connection cannot be made or when no primary is available. Defaults to 1 second (1000 ms). | 1000L | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.connect BackoffMaxDelayMs* | The maximum delay when trying to reconnect to a primary after a connection cannot be made or when no primary is available. Defaults to 120 second (120,000 ms). | 120000L | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.connect MaxAttempts* | Maximum number of failed connection attempts to a replica set primary before an exception occurs and task is aborted. Defaults to 16, which with the defaults for '' and '' results in just over 20 minutes of attempts before failing. | 16 | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.database Blacklist* | The databases for which changes are to be excluded | null | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.database HistoryFileFilename* | The path to the file that will be used to record the database history | null | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.database Whitelist* | The databases for which changes are to be captured | null | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.field Blacklist* | Description is not available here, please check Debezium website for corresponding key 'field.blacklist' description. | null | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.field Renames* | Description is not available here, please check Debezium website for corresponding key 'field.renames' description. | null | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| * camel.source.endpoint.heartbeat IntervalMs* | Length of an interval in milli-seconds in in which the connector periodically sends heartbeat messages to a heartbeat topic. Use 0 to disable heartbeat messages. Disabled by default. | 0 | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| * camel.source.endpoint.heartbeat TopicsPrefix* | The prefix that is used to name heartbeat topics.Defaults to __debezium-heartbeat. | "__debezium-heartbeat" | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.initial SyncMaxThreads* | Maximum number of threads used to perform an intial sync of the collections in a replica set. Defaults to 1. | 1 | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.maxBatch Size* | Maximum size of each batch of source records. Defaults to 2048. | 2048 | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.maxQueue Size* | Maximum size of the queue for change events read from the database log but not yet recorded or forwarded. Defaults to 8192, and should always be larger than the maximum batch size. | 8192 | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.mongodb Hosts* | The hostname and port pairs (in the form 'host' or 'host:port') of the MongoDB server(s) in the replica set. | null | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.mongodb MembersAutoDiscover* | Specifies whether the addresses in 'hosts' are seeds that should be used to discover all members of the cluster or replica set ('true'), or whether the address(es) in 'hosts' should be used as is ('false'). The default is 'true'. | true | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.mongodb Name* | Unique name that identifies the MongoDB replica set or cluster and all recorded offsets, andthat is used as a prefix for all schemas and topics. Each distinct MongoDB installation should have a separate namespace and monitored by at most one Debezium connector. | null | ConfigDef.Importance.HIGH
| *camel.source.endpoint.mongodb Password* | Password to be used when connecting to MongoDB, if necessary. | null | ConfigDef.Importance.HIGH
| *camel.source.endpoint.mongodb SslEnabled* | Should connector use SSL to connect to MongoDB instances | false | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.mongodb SslInvalidHostnameAllowed* | Whether invalid host names are allowed when using SSL. If true the connection will not prevent man-in-the-middle attacks | false | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.mongodb User* | Database user for connecting to MongoDB, if necessary. | null | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.poll IntervalMs* | Frequency in milliseconds to wait for new change events to appear after receiving no events. Defaults to 500ms. | 500L | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.snapshot DelayMs* | The number of milliseconds to delay before a snapshot will begin. | 0L | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.snapshot FetchSize* | The maximum number of records that should be loaded into memory while performing a snapshot | null | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.snapshot Mode* | The criteria for running a snapshot upon startup of the connector. Options include: 'initial' (the default) to specify the connector should always perform an initial sync when required; 'never' to specify the connector should never perform an initial sync | "initial" | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| *camel.source.endpoint.source StructVersion* | A version of the format of the publicly visible source part in the message | "v2" | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| * camel.source.endpoint.tombstones OnDelete* | Whether delete operations should be represented by a delete event and a subsquenttombstone event (true) or only by a delete event (false). Emitting the tombstone event (the default behavior) allows Kafka to completely delete all events pertaining to the given key once the source record got deleted. | false | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| * camel.component.debezium-mongodb.bridge ErrorHandler* | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| * camel.component.debezium-mongodb.configuration* | Allow pre-configured Configurations to be set. | null | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
| * camel.component.debezium-mongodb.basic PropertyBinding* | Whether the component should use basic property binding (Camel 2.x) or the newer property binding with additional capabilities | false | ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM
// kafka-connector options: END