blob: 008b23083f776ec9132437d67a489be2c96b7a7f [file] [log] [blame]
"connector": {
"class": "org.apache.camel.kafkaconnector.kafkasslsink.CamelKafkasslsinkSinkConnector",
"artifactId": "camel-kafka-ssl-sink-kafka-connector",
"groupId": "org.apache.camel.kafkaconnector",
"id": "camel-kafka-ssl-sink-sink",
"type": "sink",
"version": "3.20.1-SNAPSHOT",
"description": "Send data to Kafka topics wit TLS\/SSL support.\n\nThe Kamelet is able to understand the following headers to be set:\n\n- `key` \/ `ce-key`: as message key\n\n- `partition-key` \/ `ce-partitionkey`: as message partition key\n\nBoth the headers are optional."
"properties": {
"camel.kamelet.kafka-ssl-sink.bootstrapServers": {
"name": "camel.kamelet.kafka-ssl-sink.bootstrapServers",
"description": "Comma separated list of Kafka Broker URLs",
"priority": "HIGH",
"required": "true"
"camel.kamelet.kafka-ssl-sink.sslKeystoreLocation": {
"name": "camel.kamelet.kafka-ssl-sink.sslKeystoreLocation",
"description": "The location of the key store file. This is optional for client and can be used for two-way authentication for client.",
"priority": "HIGH",
"required": "true"
"camel.kamelet.kafka-ssl-sink.sslProtocol": {
"name": "camel.kamelet.kafka-ssl-sink.sslProtocol",
"description": "The SSL protocol used to generate the SSLContext. Default setting is TLS, which is fine for most cases. Allowed values in recent JVMs are TLS, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2. SSL, SSLv2 and SSLv3 may be supported in older JVMs, but their usage is discouraged due to known security vulnerabilities.",
"defaultValue": "\"TLSv1.2\"",
"priority": "MEDIUM",
"required": "false"
"camel.kamelet.kafka-ssl-sink.saslMechanism": {
"name": "camel.kamelet.kafka-ssl-sink.saslMechanism",
"description": "The Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) Mechanism used.",
"defaultValue": "\"GSSAPI\"",
"priority": "MEDIUM",
"required": "false"
"camel.kamelet.kafka-ssl-sink.sslEnabledProtocols": {
"name": "camel.kamelet.kafka-ssl-sink.sslEnabledProtocols",
"description": "The list of protocols enabled for SSL connections. TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1 are enabled by default.",
"defaultValue": "\"TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1,TLSv1\"",
"priority": "MEDIUM",
"required": "false"
"camel.kamelet.kafka-ssl-sink.sslKeystorePassword": {
"name": "camel.kamelet.kafka-ssl-sink.sslKeystorePassword",
"description": "The store password for the key store file.This is optional for client and only needed if ssl.keystore.location is configured.",
"priority": "HIGH",
"required": "true"
"camel.kamelet.kafka-ssl-sink.sslTruststoreLocation": {
"name": "camel.kamelet.kafka-ssl-sink.sslTruststoreLocation",
"description": "The location of the trust store file.",
"priority": "HIGH",
"required": "true"
"camel.kamelet.kafka-ssl-sink.sslKeyPassword": {
"name": "camel.kamelet.kafka-ssl-sink.sslKeyPassword",
"description": "The password of the private key in the key store file.",
"priority": "HIGH",
"required": "true"
"camel.kamelet.kafka-ssl-sink.topic": {
"name": "camel.kamelet.kafka-ssl-sink.topic",
"description": "Comma separated list of Kafka topic names",
"priority": "HIGH",
"required": "true"
"camel.kamelet.kafka-ssl-sink.securityProtocol": {
"name": "camel.kamelet.kafka-ssl-sink.securityProtocol",
"description": "Protocol used to communicate with brokers. SASL_PLAINTEXT, PLAINTEXT, SASL_SSL and SSL are supported",
"defaultValue": "\"SSL\"",
"priority": "MEDIUM",
"required": "false"