blob: 0f8d3f898ce0dc220f771146e02de8154542d6d3 [file] [log] [blame]
== Camel Kafka Connector
image:["Chat on Gitter", link=""]
image:[Master Build, link=""]
=== Introduction
*The project is WIP!*
This is a "Camel Kafka connector adapter" that aims to provide a user friendly way to use all Apache Camel components in Kafka Connect.
For more information about Kafka Connect take a look[here].
=== Build the project
mvn clean package
=== Build the project and run integration tests
To build the project it is sufficient to:
mvn clean install
To run the integration tests it is required to:
* have Docker version 17.05 or higher running
* run:
mvn -DskipIntegrationTests=false clean verify package
It is also possible to point the tests to use an external Kafka broker. To do so, run the tests using:
mvn -Dkafka.bootstrap.servers=host1:port -Dkafka.instance.type=remote -DskipIntegrationTests=false clean verify package
=== Try it out locally
You can use Camel Kafka connectors with local Apache Kafka installation.
For more details see the link:./docs/try-it-out-locally.adoc[local guide].
=== Try it out on OpenShift with Strimzi
You can also use Camel Kafka connectors on OpenShift.
For more details see the link:./docs/try-it-out-on-openshift-with-strimzi.adoc[OpenShift guide].
=== Known limitations
In order to use other Camel components you need to add them as dependencies in the project `pom.xml`.