blob: e372dc128cbea5454f3f15be95ed47dea6f1b4d8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Camel-Kafka-connector NSQ Sink
## Introduction
This is an example for Camel-Kafka-connector NSQ Sink
## What is needed
- A NSQ topic
## Running Kafka
$KAFKA_HOME/bin/ $KAFKA_HOME/config/
$KAFKA_HOME/bin/ $KAFKA_HOME/config/
$KAFKA_HOME/bin/ --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic mytopic
## Setting up the needed bits and running the example
You'll need to setup the plugin.path property in your kafka
Open the `$KAFKA_HOME/config/`
and set the `plugin.path` property to your choosen location
In this example we'll use `/home/oscerd/connectors/`
> cd /home/oscerd/connectors/
> wget
> untar.gz camel-nsq-kafka-connector-0.11.0-package.tar.gz
We'll need to add also some dependencies for this connector
> cd /home/oscerd/connectors/camel-nsq-kafka-connector/
> wget
> wget
In this example we'll use a docker image for NSQ
> docker pull nsqio/nsq
> docker run --name lookupd -p 4160:4160 -p 4161:4161 nsqio/nsq /nsqlookupd
We'll need to inspect the container for the IP address of nsqlookupd
> docker inspect --format='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' lookupd
Now we need to run the nsqd container and use the above IP
> docker run --name nsqd -p 4150:4150 -p 4151:4151 \
> nsqio/nsq /nsqd \
> --broadcast-address= \
> --lookupd-tcp-address=
And we now need to check for the container IP
> docker inspect --format='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' nsqd
Now it's time to setup the connector
Open the NSQ configuration file
And add the correct address for the server.
Now you can run the example
$KAFKA_HOME/bin/ $KAFKA_HOME/config/ config/
On a different terminal run the kafka-producer and send messages to your Kafka Broker.
bin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic mytopic
Kafka to NSQ message 1
Kafka to NSQ message 2
To consume messages from NSQ you need to login into the nsqd container and use nsq_tail
> docker exec -it nsqd sh
> nsq_tail -topic nsq-main --nsqd-tcp-address localhost:4150
2020/09/07 09:15:40 Adding consumer for topic: nsq-main
2020/09/07 09:15:40 INF 1 [nsq-main/tail419367#ephemeral] (localhost:4150) connecting to nsqd
Kafka to NSQ message 1
Kafka to NSQ message 2