blob: 7eee33b3b229d70435faea80a85d5465c2a6ef24 [file] [log] [blame]
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package trait
import (
corev1 ""
v1 ""
traitv1 ""
const (
defaultLivenessProbePath = "/q/health/live"
defaultReadinessProbePath = "/q/health/ready"
type healthTrait struct {
traitv1.HealthTrait `property:",squash"`
func newHealthTrait() Trait {
return &healthTrait{
BaseTrait: NewBaseTrait("health", 1700),
HealthTrait: traitv1.HealthTrait{
LivenessScheme: string(corev1.URISchemeHTTP),
ReadinessScheme: string(corev1.URISchemeHTTP),
func (t *healthTrait) Configure(e *Environment) (bool, error) {
if e.Integration == nil ||
!e.IntegrationInPhase(v1.IntegrationPhaseInitialization) && !e.IntegrationInRunningPhases() {
return false, nil
if !pointer.BoolDeref(t.Enabled, false) {
return false, nil
return true, nil
func (t *healthTrait) Apply(e *Environment) error {
if e.IntegrationInPhase(v1.IntegrationPhaseInitialization) {
if capability, ok := e.CamelCatalog.Runtime.Capabilities[v1.CapabilityHealth]; ok {
for _, dependency := range capability.Dependencies {
util.StringSliceUniqueAdd(&e.Integration.Status.Dependencies, dependency.GetDependencyID())
// sort the dependencies to get always the same list if they don't change
return nil
if !pointer.BoolDeref(t.LivenessProbeEnabled, false) && !pointer.BoolDeref(t.ReadinessProbeEnabled, true) {
return nil
container := e.GetIntegrationContainer()
var port *intstr.IntOrString
// Use the default named HTTP container port if it exists.
// For Knative, the Serving webhook is responsible for setting the user-land port,
// and associating the probes with the corresponding port.
if containerPort := e.getIntegrationContainerPort(); containerPort != nil && containerPort.Name == defaultContainerPortName {
p := intstr.FromString(defaultContainerPortName)
port = &p
} else if e.GetTrait(knativeServiceTraitID) == nil {
p := intstr.FromInt(defaultContainerPort)
port = &p
if pointer.BoolDeref(t.LivenessProbeEnabled, false) {
container.LivenessProbe = t.newLivenessProbe(port, defaultLivenessProbePath)
if pointer.BoolDeref(t.ReadinessProbeEnabled, true) {
container.ReadinessProbe = t.newReadinessProbe(port, defaultReadinessProbePath)
return nil
func (t *healthTrait) newLivenessProbe(port *intstr.IntOrString, path string) *corev1.Probe {
p := corev1.Probe{
ProbeHandler: corev1.ProbeHandler{
HTTPGet: &corev1.HTTPGetAction{
Path: path,
Scheme: corev1.URIScheme(t.LivenessScheme),
InitialDelaySeconds: t.LivenessInitialDelay,
TimeoutSeconds: t.LivenessTimeout,
PeriodSeconds: t.LivenessPeriod,
SuccessThreshold: t.LivenessSuccessThreshold,
FailureThreshold: t.LivenessFailureThreshold,
if port != nil {
p.ProbeHandler.HTTPGet.Port = *port
return &p
func (t *healthTrait) newReadinessProbe(port *intstr.IntOrString, path string) *corev1.Probe {
p := corev1.Probe{
ProbeHandler: corev1.ProbeHandler{
HTTPGet: &corev1.HTTPGetAction{
Path: path,
Scheme: corev1.URIScheme(t.ReadinessScheme),
InitialDelaySeconds: t.ReadinessInitialDelay,
TimeoutSeconds: t.ReadinessTimeout,
PeriodSeconds: t.ReadinessPeriod,
SuccessThreshold: t.ReadinessSuccessThreshold,
FailureThreshold: t.ReadinessFailureThreshold,
if port != nil {
p.ProbeHandler.HTTPGet.Port = *port
return &p