blob: 667240fe2332e1e5c539a5c117090b624323bf83 [file] [log] [blame]
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package tracing
import (
v1 ""
traitv1 ""
// WARNING: The Tracing trait has been **deprecated** in favor of the xref:traits:telemetry.adoc[Telemetry] trait.
// The Tracing trait can be used to automatically publish tracing information to an OpenTracing compatible collector.
// The trait is able to automatically discover the tracing endpoint available in the namespace (supports **Jaeger**).
// The Tracing trait is disabled by default.
// WARNING: The Tracing trait can't be enabled at the same time as the Telemetry trait.
// +camel-k:trait=tracing.
type Trait struct {
traitv1.Trait `property:",squash" json:",inline"`
// Enables automatic configuration of the trait, including automatic discovery of the tracing endpoint.
Auto *bool `property:"auto" json:"auto,omitempty"`
// The name of the service that publishes tracing data (defaults to the integration name)
ServiceName string `property:"service-name" json:"serviceName,omitempty"`
// The target endpoint of the OpenTracing service (automatically discovered by default)
Endpoint string `property:"endpoint" json:"endpoint,omitempty"`
// The sampler type (default "const")
SamplerType *string `property:"sampler-type" json:"samplerType,omitempty"`
// The sampler specific param (default "1")
SamplerParam *string `property:"sampler-param" json:"samplerParam,omitempty"`
type tracingTrait struct {
Trait `property:",squash"`
const (
propEnabled = "propEnabled"
propEndpoint = "propEndpoint"
propServiceName = "propServiceName"
propSamplerType = "propSamplerType"
propSamplerParam = "propSamplerParam"
var (
tracingProperties = map[v1.RuntimeProvider]map[string]string{
v1.RuntimeProviderQuarkus: {
propEndpoint: "quarkus.jaeger.endpoint",
propServiceName: "quarkus.jaeger.service-name",
propSamplerType: "quarkus.jaeger.sampler-type",
propSamplerParam: "quarkus.jaeger.sampler-param",
defaultSamplerType = "const"
defaultSamplerParam = "1"
// NewTracingTrait --.
func NewTracingTrait() trait.Trait {
return &tracingTrait{
BaseTrait: trait.NewBaseTrait("tracing", trait.TraitOrderBeforeControllerCreation),
func (t *tracingTrait) Configure(e *trait.Environment) (bool, error) {
if e.Integration == nil || !pointer.BoolDeref(t.Enabled, false) {
return false, nil
if pointer.BoolDeref(t.Auto, true) {
if t.Endpoint == "" {
for _, locator := range discovery.TracingLocators {
endpoint, err := locator.FindEndpoint(e.Ctx, t.Client, t.L, e)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if endpoint != "" {
t.L.Infof("Using tracing endpoint: %s", endpoint)
t.Endpoint = endpoint
if t.ServiceName == "" {
t.ServiceName = e.Integration.Name
if t.SamplerType == nil {
t.SamplerType = &defaultSamplerType
if t.SamplerParam == nil {
t.SamplerParam = &defaultSamplerParam
return true, nil
func (t *tracingTrait) Apply(e *trait.Environment) error {
util.StringSliceUniqueAdd(&e.Integration.Status.Capabilities, v1.CapabilityTracing)
if e.CamelCatalog != nil {
provider := e.CamelCatalog.CamelCatalogSpec.Runtime.Provider
properties := tracingProperties[provider]
if appPropEnabled := properties[propEnabled]; appPropEnabled != "" {
e.ApplicationProperties[appPropEnabled] = "true"
if appPropEndpoint := properties[propEndpoint]; appPropEndpoint != "" && t.Endpoint != "" {
e.ApplicationProperties[appPropEndpoint] = t.Endpoint
if appPropServiceName := properties[propServiceName]; appPropServiceName != "" && t.ServiceName != "" {
e.ApplicationProperties[appPropServiceName] = t.ServiceName
if appPropSamplerType := properties[propSamplerType]; appPropSamplerType != "" && t.SamplerType != nil {
e.ApplicationProperties[appPropSamplerType] = *t.SamplerType
if appPropSamplerParam := properties[propSamplerParam]; appPropSamplerParam != "" && t.SamplerParam != nil {
e.ApplicationProperties[appPropSamplerParam] = *t.SamplerParam
return nil