blob: 4490e42eddabaec689492199209028be4ec2d2cb [file] [log] [blame]
= Creating a Development Cluster
There are various options for creating a development cluster:
== Minikube
You can run Camel K integrations on plain Kubernetes using the Minikube cluster creation tool.
Follow the instructions in the[official doc] for the installation.
Start a new instance of Minikube using the command:
# blow away everything in the camelk profile for a clean install
minikube delete --profile camelk
# configure camelk profile
minikube profile camelk
minikube config set kubernetes-version ${KUBERNETES_VERSION}
minikube config set memory ${MEMORY}
minikube config set cpus ${CPUS}
minikube config set disk-size ${DISK_SIZE}
# Start minikube
minikube start -p camelk --extra-config=apiserver.enable-admission-plugins="LimitRanger,NamespaceExists,NamespaceLifecycle,ResourceQuota,ServiceAccount,DefaultStorageClass,MutatingAdmissionWebhook"
After the startup process is completed, you need to **enable the `registry` addon**:
minikube addons enable registry
The following section is optional and needed if and only if you are going to use Knative with Camel K. Run the following commands to install the Knative components:
== Install Knative
# Istio
kubectl apply --filename${KNATIVE_SERVING_VERSION}/istio-crds.yaml && \
kubectl apply --filename${KNATIVE_SERVING_VERSION}/istio.yaml
# Wait for the applications to be installed and running
timeout 300 "kubectl get pods -n istio-system 2>&1 | grep -v -E '(Running|Completed|STATUS)'"
# knative build
kubectl apply --filename${KNATIVE_BUILD_VERSION}/build.yaml
# Wait for the applications to be installed and running
timeout 300 "kubectl get pods -n knative-build 2>&1 | grep -v -E '(Running|Completed|STATUS)'"
# knative serving
kubectl apply --filename${KNATIVE_SERVING_VERSION}/serving.yaml
# Wait for the applications to be installed and running
timeout 300 "kubectl get pods -n knative-serving 2>&1 | grep -v -E '(Running|Completed|STATUS)'"
# knative eventing
kubectl apply --filename${KNATIVE_EVENTING_VERSION}/release.yaml && \
kubectl apply --filename${KNATIVE_EVENTING_VERSION}/in-memory-channel.yaml
# Wait for the applications to be installed and running
timeout 300 "kubectl get pods -n knative-eventing 2>&1 | grep -v -E '(Running|Completed|STATUS)'"
# knative sources
kubectl apply --filename${KNATIVE_EVENTING_VERSION}/release.yaml
# Wait for the applications to be installed and running
timeout 300 "kubectl get pods -n knative-sources 2>&1 | grep -v -E '(Running|Completed|STATUS)'"
You can avoid all the above steps to install knative by running the following command:
git clone
cd knative-operators
You can now proceed to link:/README.adoc[install Camel K].
== Minishift
You can run Camel K integrations on OpenShift using the Minishift cluster creation tool.
Follow the instructions in the[getting started guide] for the installation.
After installing the `minishift` binary, you need to enable the `admin-user` addon:
minishift addons enable admin-user
NOTE: the admin user addon should be enabled before starting the cluster for the first time
Then you can start the cluster with:
minishift start
You can now proceed to link:/README.adoc[install Camel K].