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Creating a Development Cluster
There are various options for creating a development cluster:
== Minishift
You can run Camel K integrations on OpenShift using the Minishift cluster creation tool.
Follow the instructions in the[getting started guide] for the installation.
After installing the `minishift` binary, you need to enable the `admin-user` addon:
minishift addons enable admin-user
NOTE: the admin user addon should be enabled before starting the cluster for the first time
Then you can start the cluster with:
minishift start
You can now proceed to link:/README.adoc[install Camel K].
== Minikube
You can run Camel K integrations on plain Kubernetes using the Minikube cluster creation tool.
Follow the instructions in the[official doc] for the installation.
Start a new instance of Minikube using the command:
minikube start
After the startup process is completed, you need to **enable the `registry` addon**:
minikube addons enable registry
You can now proceed to link:/README.adoc[install Camel K].