blob: eea195745a64b451d76b800d1b6a13dd6ffdbdb3 [file] [log] [blame]
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package integration
import (
// NewInitializeAction creates a new inititialize action
func NewInitializeAction() Action {
return &initializeAction{}
type initializeAction struct {
// Name returns a common name of the action
func (action *initializeAction) Name() string {
return "initialize"
// CanHandle tells whether this action can handle the integration
func (action *initializeAction) CanHandle(integration *v1alpha1.Integration) bool {
return integration.Status.Phase == ""
// Handle handles the integrations
func (action *initializeAction) Handle(integration *v1alpha1.Integration) error {
// The integration platform needs to be ready before starting to create integrations
if pl, err := platform.GetCurrentPlatform(integration.Namespace); err != nil || pl.Status.Phase != v1alpha1.IntegrationPlatformPhaseReady {
logrus.Info("Waiting for a integration platform to be ready")
return nil
target := integration.DeepCopy()
// set default values
if target.Spec.Replicas == nil {
var defaultReplicas int32 = 1
target.Spec.Replicas = &defaultReplicas
for i := range target.Spec.Sources {
// extract metadata
s := &target.Spec.Sources[i]
meta := metadata.Extract(*s)
s.Language = meta.Language
// execute custom initialization
if _, err := trait.Apply(target, nil); err != nil {
return err
// update the status
dgst, err := digest.ComputeForIntegration(integration)
if err != nil {
return err
target.Status.Phase = v1alpha1.IntegrationPhaseBuildingContext
target.Status.Digest = dgst
logrus.Info("Integration ", target.Name, " transitioning to state ", target.Status.Phase)
return sdk.Update(target)