blob: bc140326004b83c3ea050aeb7a19cf7871bf34e3 [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package builder
import (
metav1 ""
// GenerateProject --
func GenerateProject(ctx *Context) error {
ctx.Project = maven.Project{
XMLName: xml.Name{Local: "project"},
XMLNs: "",
XMLNsXsi: "",
XsiSchemaLocation: "",
ModelVersion: "4.0.0",
GroupID: "org.apache.camel.k.integration",
ArtifactID: "camel-k-integration",
Version: version.Version,
DependencyManagement: maven.DependencyManagement{
Dependencies: maven.Dependencies{
Dependencies: []maven.Dependency{
//TODO: camel version should be retrieved from an external request or provided as static version
GroupID: "org.apache.camel",
ArtifactID: "camel-bom",
Version: camel.Version,
Type: "pom",
Scope: "import",
Dependencies: maven.Dependencies{
Dependencies: make([]maven.Dependency, 0),
// Repositories
ctx.Project.Repositories = maven.Repositories{
Repositories: make([]maven.Repository, 0, len(ctx.Request.Repositories)),
for i, r := range ctx.Request.Repositories {
repo := maven.NewRepository(r)
if repo.ID == "" {
repo.ID = fmt.Sprintf("repo-%03d", i)
ctx.Project.Repositories.Repositories = append(ctx.Project.Repositories.Repositories, repo)
// set-up dependencies
deps := &ctx.Project.Dependencies
deps.AddGAV("org.apache.camel.k", "camel-k-runtime-jvm", version.Version)
for _, d := range ctx.Request.Dependencies {
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(d, "camel:"):
artifactID := strings.TrimPrefix(d, "camel:")
if !strings.HasPrefix(artifactID, "camel-") {
artifactID = "camel-" + artifactID
deps.AddGAV("org.apache.camel", artifactID, "")
case strings.HasPrefix(d, "mvn:"):
mid := strings.TrimPrefix(d, "mvn:")
gav := strings.Replace(mid, "/", ":", -1)
case strings.HasPrefix(d, "runtime:"):
artifactID := strings.Replace(d, "runtime:", "camel-k-runtime-", 1)
deps.AddGAV("org.apache.camel.k", artifactID, version.Version)
return fmt.Errorf("unknown dependency type: %s", d)
return nil
// ComputeDependencies --
func ComputeDependencies(ctx *Context) error {
p := path.Join(ctx.Path, "maven")
err := maven.CreateStructure(p, ctx.Project)
if err != nil {
return err
goal := fmt.Sprintf("org.apache.camel.k:camel-k-runtime-dependency-lister:%s:generate-dependency-list", version.Version)
err = maven.Run(p, MavenExtraOptions(), goal)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failure while determining classpath")
dependencies := path.Join(p, "target", "dependencies.yaml")
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(dependencies)
if err != nil {
return err
cp := make(map[string][]v1alpha1.Artifact)
err = yaml.Unmarshal(content, &cp)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, e := range cp["dependencies"] {
_, fileName := path.Split(e.Location)
gav, err := maven.ParseGAV(e.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil
ctx.Artifacts = append(ctx.Artifacts, v1alpha1.Artifact{
ID: e.ID,
Location: e.Location,
Target: path.Join("dependencies", gav.GroupID+"."+fileName),
return nil
// ArtifactsSelector --
type ArtifactsSelector func(ctx *Context) error
// StandardPackager --
func StandardPackager(ctx *Context) error {
return packager(ctx, func(ctx *Context) error {
ctx.SelectedArtifacts = ctx.Artifacts
return nil
// IncrementalPackager --
func IncrementalPackager(ctx *Context) error {
if ctx.HasRequiredImage() {
// If the build requires a specific image, don't try to determine the
// base image using artifact so just use the standard packages
return StandardPackager(ctx)
images, err := ListPublishedImages(ctx.Namespace)
if err != nil {
return err
return packager(ctx, func(ctx *Context) error {
ctx.SelectedArtifacts = ctx.Artifacts
bestImage, commonLibs := FindBestImage(images, ctx.Request.Dependencies, ctx.Artifacts)
if bestImage.Image != "" {
selectedArtifacts := make([]v1alpha1.Artifact, 0)
for _, entry := range ctx.Artifacts {
if _, isCommon := commonLibs[entry.ID]; !isCommon {
selectedArtifacts = append(selectedArtifacts, entry)
ctx.Image = bestImage.Image
ctx.SelectedArtifacts = selectedArtifacts
return nil
// ClassPathPackager --
func packager(ctx *Context, selector ArtifactsSelector) error {
err := selector(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
tarFileName := path.Join(ctx.Path, "package", "occi.tar")
tarFileDir := path.Dir(tarFileName)
err = os.MkdirAll(tarFileDir, 0777)
if err != nil {
return err
tarAppender, err := tar.NewAppender(tarFileName)
if err != nil {
return err
defer tarAppender.Close()
for _, entry := range ctx.SelectedArtifacts {
_, tarFileName := path.Split(entry.Target)
tarFilePath := path.Dir(entry.Target)
_, err = tarAppender.AddFileWithName(tarFileName, entry.Location, tarFilePath)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, entry := range ctx.Request.Resources {
if err := tarAppender.AddData(entry.Content, entry.Target); err != nil {
return err
if ctx.ComputeClasspath && len(ctx.Artifacts) > 0 {
cp := ""
for _, entry := range ctx.Artifacts {
cp += entry.Target + "\n"
if err := tarAppender.AddData([]byte(cp), "classpath"); err != nil {
return err
ctx.Archive = tarFileName
return nil
// ListPublishedImages --
func ListPublishedImages(namespace string) ([]PublishedImage, error) {
list := v1alpha1.NewIntegrationContextList()
err := sdk.List(namespace, &list, sdk.WithListOptions(&metav1.ListOptions{}))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
images := make([]PublishedImage, 0)
for _, ctx := range list.Items {
if ctx.Status.Phase != v1alpha1.IntegrationContextPhaseReady || ctx.Labels == nil {
if ctxType, present := ctx.Labels[""]; !present || ctxType != v1alpha1.IntegrationContextTypePlatform {
images = append(images, PublishedImage{
Image: ctx.Status.Image,
Artifacts: ctx.Status.Artifacts,
Dependencies: ctx.Spec.Dependencies,
return images, nil
// FindBestImage --
func FindBestImage(images []PublishedImage, dependencies []string, artifacts []v1alpha1.Artifact) (PublishedImage, map[string]bool) {
var bestImage PublishedImage
if len(images) == 0 {
return bestImage, nil
requiredLibs := make(map[string]bool, len(artifacts))
for _, entry := range artifacts {
requiredLibs[entry.ID] = true
requiredRuntimes := strset.New()
for _, entry := range dependencies {
if strings.HasPrefix(entry, "runtime:") {
bestImageCommonLibs := make(map[string]bool)
bestImageSurplusLibs := 0
for _, image := range images {
runtimes := strset.New()
for _, entry := range image.Dependencies {
if strings.HasPrefix(entry, "runtime:") {
// check if the image has the same runtime requirements to avoid the heuristic
// selector to include unwanted runtime bits such as spring-boot (which may have
// an additional artifact only thus it may match)
if !requiredRuntimes.IsSubset(runtimes) {
common := make(map[string]bool)
for _, artifact := range image.Artifacts {
if _, ok := requiredLibs[artifact.ID]; ok {
common[artifact.ID] = true
numCommonLibs := len(common)
surplus := len(image.Artifacts) - numCommonLibs
if numCommonLibs != len(image.Artifacts) && surplus >= numCommonLibs/3 {
// Heuristic approach: if there are too many unrelated libraries, just use
// the base image
if numCommonLibs > len(bestImageCommonLibs) || (numCommonLibs == len(bestImageCommonLibs) && surplus < bestImageSurplusLibs) {
bestImage = image
bestImageCommonLibs = common
bestImageSurplusLibs = surplus
return bestImage, bestImageCommonLibs
// NotifyIntegrationContext --
func NotifyIntegrationContext(ctx *Context) error {
target := v1alpha1.IntegrationContext{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: v1alpha1.IntegrationContextKind,
APIVersion: v1alpha1.SchemeGroupVersion.String(),
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: ctx.Namespace,
Name: ctx.Request.Meta.Name,
if err := sdk.Get(&target); err != nil {
return err
t := target.DeepCopy()
if t.Annotations == nil {
t.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
// Add a random ID to trigger update
t.Annotations[""] = xid.New().String()
if err := sdk.Update(t); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// NotifyIntegration --
func NotifyIntegration(ctx *Context) error {
target := v1alpha1.Integration{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: v1alpha1.IntegrationKind,
APIVersion: v1alpha1.SchemeGroupVersion.String(),
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: ctx.Namespace,
Name: ctx.Request.Meta.Name,
if err := sdk.Get(&target); err != nil {
return err
t := target.DeepCopy()
if t.Annotations == nil {
t.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
// Add a random ID to trigger update
t.Annotations[""] = xid.New().String()
if err := sdk.Update(t); err != nil {
return err
return nil