blob: d6fe533a8578710032af78ef4faa773b02889023 [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
const (
runCmdName = "run"
buildCmdName = "build"
localCmdName = "local"
runCmdSourcesArgs = "source"
inspectCmdName = "inspect"
var (
nonRunOptions = map[string]bool{
"language": true, // language is a marker modeline option for other tools
disallowedOptions = map[string]bool{
"dev": true,
"wait": true,
"logs": true,
"sync": true,
// file options must be considered relative to the source files they belong to
fileOptions = map[string]bool{
"resource": true,
"config": true,
"open-api": true,
"property-file": true,
// NewKamelWithModelineCommand ---
func NewKamelWithModelineCommand(ctx context.Context, osArgs []string) (*cobra.Command, []string, error) {
originalFlags := osArgs[1:]
rootCmd, flags, err := createKamelWithModelineCommand(ctx, originalFlags)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error: %s\n", err.Error())
return rootCmd, flags, err
if len(originalFlags) != len(flags) {
// Give a feedback about the actual command that is run
fmt.Fprintln(rootCmd.OutOrStdout(), "Modeline options have been loaded from source files")
fmt.Fprint(rootCmd.OutOrStdout(), "Full command: kamel ")
for _, a := range flags {
fmt.Fprintf(rootCmd.OutOrStdout(), "%s ", a)
return rootCmd, flags, nil
func createKamelWithModelineCommand(ctx context.Context, args []string) (*cobra.Command, []string, error) {
rootCmd, err := NewKamelCommand(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
target, flags, err := rootCmd.Find(args)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
isLocalBuild := target.Name() == buildCmdName && target.Parent().Name() == localCmdName
isInspect := target.Name() == inspectCmdName
if target.Name() != runCmdName && !isLocalBuild && !isInspect {
return rootCmd, args, nil
err = target.ParseFlags(flags)
if err == pflag.ErrHelp {
return rootCmd, args, nil
} else if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
fg := target.Flags()
// Only the run command has source flag (for now). Remove condition when
// local run also supports source.
additionalSources := make([]string, 0)
if target.Name() == runCmdName && target.Parent().Name() != localCmdName {
additionalSources, err = fg.GetStringArray(runCmdSourcesArgs)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
files := make([]string, 0, len(fg.Args())+len(additionalSources))
files = append(files, fg.Args()...)
files = append(files, additionalSources...)
opts, err := extractModelineOptions(ctx, files)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "cannot read sources")
// Extract list of property names already specified by the user.
userPropertyNames := []string{}
index := 0
for _, arg := range args {
if arg == "-p" || arg == "--property" {
// Property is assumed to be in the form: <name>=<value>
splitValues := strings.Split(args[index+1], "=")
userPropertyNames = append(userPropertyNames, splitValues[0])
// filter out in place non-run options
nOpts := 0
for _, o := range opts {
// Check if property name is given by user.
propertyAlreadySpecifiedByUser := false
if o.Name == "property" {
propertyComponents := strings.Split(o.Value, "=")
for _, propName := range userPropertyNames {
if propName == propertyComponents[0] {
propertyAlreadySpecifiedByUser = true
// Skip properties already specified by the user otherwise add all options.
if !propertyAlreadySpecifiedByUser && !nonRunOptions[o.Name] {
opts[nOpts] = o
opts = opts[:nOpts]
for _, o := range opts {
prefix := "-"
if len(o.Name) > 1 {
prefix = "--"
// Using the k=v syntax to avoid issues with booleans
if len(o.Value) > 0 {
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s=%s", prefix, o.Name, o.Value))
} else {
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", prefix, o.Name))
// Recreating the command as it's dirty
rootCmd, err = NewKamelCommand(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return rootCmd, args, nil
func extractModelineOptions(ctx context.Context, sources []string) ([]modeline.Option, error) {
opts := make([]modeline.Option, 0)
resolvedSources, err := ResolveSources(ctx, sources, false)
if err != nil {
return opts, errors.Wrap(err, "cannot read sources")
for _, resolvedSource := range resolvedSources {
ops, err := extractModelineOptionsFromSource(resolvedSource)
if err != nil {
return opts, err
ops, err = expandModelineEnvVarOptions(ops)
if err != nil {
return opts, err
opts = append(opts, ops...)
return opts, nil
func extractModelineOptionsFromSource(resolvedSource Source) ([]modeline.Option, error) {
ops, err := modeline.Parse(resolvedSource.Location, resolvedSource.Content)
if err != nil {
return ops, errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot process file %s", resolvedSource.Location)
for i, o := range ops {
if disallowedOptions[o.Name] {
return ops, fmt.Errorf("option %q is disallowed in modeline", o.Name)
if fileOptions[o.Name] && resolvedSource.Local {
baseDir := filepath.Dir(resolvedSource.Origin)
refPath := o.Value
if !filepath.IsAbs(refPath) {
full := path.Join(baseDir, refPath)
o.Value = full
ops[i] = o
return ops, nil
func expandModelineEnvVarOptions(ops []modeline.Option) ([]modeline.Option, error) {
// List of additional command line options with expanded values for variables
// marked as immediate environment variables.
// Immediate values are marked as: ${ENV_VAR}
// Values marked as {{env:ENV_VAR}} should be added too in their un-evaluated state.
// Their evaluation will occur at integration runtime.
listWithExpandedOptions := []modeline.Option{}
for _, opt := range ops {
// Eliminate white spaces:
compactOptValue := strings.ReplaceAll(opt.Value, " ", "")
// Check if value can be immediately evaluated.
if strings.Contains(compactOptValue, "${") {
// Split value into 2 substrings, first contains the start of the string,
// second contains the remainder of the string.
splitOptBeforeEV := strings.SplitN(compactOptValue, "${", 2)
// Remainder of the string is split into the environment variable we want
// to replace with its value, and the tail of the string.
splitOptAfterEV := strings.SplitN(splitOptBeforeEV[1], "}", 2)
// Evaluate variable.
envVarValue, err := util.GetEnvironmentVariable(splitOptAfterEV[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Save evaluated version.
opt.Value = splitOptBeforeEV[0] + envVarValue + splitOptAfterEV[1]
} else if strings.Contains(compactOptValue, "{{env:") {
// Split value into 2 substrings, first contains the start of the string,
// second contains the remainder of the string.
splitOptBeforeEV := strings.SplitN(compactOptValue, "{{env:", 2)
// Remainder of the string is split into the environment variable we want
// to replace with its value, and the tail of the string.
splitOptEVName := strings.SplitN(splitOptBeforeEV[1], "}}", 2)
// Add the variable to a list of lazy environment variables.
util.ListOfLazyEvaluatedEnvVars = append(util.ListOfLazyEvaluatedEnvVars, splitOptEVName[0])
// Add option to list whether it contained environment variables or not.
listWithExpandedOptions = append(listWithExpandedOptions, opt)
return listWithExpandedOptions, nil